Ah, what can we say? It is hard finding a picture that captures the spirit of Leslie Osborn.
Conservatives in Oklahoma Can Breathe a Little Easier Now
At least Until All Hell Breaks out if McCall is Elected Speaker
Rep. Leslie Osborn was one of the candidates for Oklahoma House
Speaker that really concerned us as her character and judgment were
sorely lacking. She was a straight up Chambercrat, selling her soul
along with her legislative vote long ago while posing as a
conservative. But on Thursday she bowed to the inevitable and bowed out
of the Speaker’s race, throwing her support to another Chambercrat,
Charles McCall. Below is her letter announcing the deal made between
her and McCall, and yes, something was bought and sold or it wouldn’t
have happened.
December 10, 2015
RE: Speakers Election
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
I wanted to reach out to you and the caucus
today on the subject of the Speaker Election. The upcoming 2016
legislative session looks to be exceptionally busy with re-election
filings, an overwhelming budget scenario, and the ongoing Speaker race.
It is my belief that the longer the Speaker race continues the more
divisive it will be to caucus unity as well as an unneeded distraction
from the budget focus.
After much thought and deliberation I have
decided to withdraw my name from consideration and have committed to
Representative Charles McCall. I did not make this decision lightly.
I believe Charles will provide the unity and stability that the
House desperately needs. I also believe that Charles has extensive
private sector managerial experience that will be invaluable during the
days ahead. We have always been a step behind the Senate with their Pro
Tempore traditionally being a four year position and Charles will be
able to help us with that disparity. As I have done throughout my
legislative service, I have to cast a vote based upon what I think is
best for the state of Oklahoma. That is why I have chosen to support
Charles McCall and I hope you will do the same.
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to
consider my thoughts and I am especially thankful to those who pledged
to support me. You are all appreciated and it is an honor to serve with
Rep. Leslie Osborn
At this point the Chambercrat tactics are usually to try to coerce
legislators into signing a pledge card, promising their vote at the
future Speaker election. The candidate unscrupulously tries to claim
that they have enough votes already in their pocket to win the Speaker
election but if that were the case why would they need to pressure
legislators? The practice of pledge cards is NOT enshrined in House
rules or in our laws, it was started by Lance Cargill back when he ran
for Speaker and subsequent Speaker candidates have tried to use the
It is important to note that a lot changed when Lance Cargill
resigned his leadership role due to allegations of late payment of taxes
and fundraising improprieties. Cargill was replaced by the notorious
Chris Benge, notorious for giving up the power of the budget process,
allowing the State Senate to take over control of writing the budget
despite the Constitutional requirement that all revenue bills start in
the House of Representatives.
This was a long time goal of the State Chamber of Commerce and the
ultra wealthy businessmen that fund the State Chamber; to steal the
power of the purse strings from the House and place that power in the
Senate which was easier to control using campaign donations. We
suffered under a long line of weak Speakers ever since, Chris Benge,
then Kris Steele, then the short lived TW Shannon term, coming out of
the pit only with the election of Jeff Hickman. Now Hickman himself was
initially inline after Kris Steele but he suffered defeat at the hands
of TW Shannon after a bruising two year battle that left the
Steele/Hickman leadership team in tatters. But Hickman learned from his
time in the wilderness and came back to be a fairly decent Speaker that
had learned that it was conservatives that he owed his position because
without three conservative votes he would have lost the election. As s
whippings are good political tools and Hickman learned and remembered.
At this point there are only four candidates left in the Speaker’s race:
Earl Sears from the Bartlesville area. Old Earl isn’t really
running to win, he is running so that he retains his chairman position
in the A & B committee. That is the coin he will take for joining
Charles McCall’s leadership team but it is alreadly most likely too
late. Osborn was his first choice as Speaker but she was under attack
from the get go and I guarantee that the most likely reason for Osborn’s
dropping out was the potential defection of Earl Sears over to the
Charles McCall camp. Earl is a miserable RINO at heart and has little
support from the freshman class or the conservative block of
Scott Martin, representing Western and Southern Cleveland County.
Another Chambercrat RINO, banker by trade like Charles McCall, limited
support from conservatives or freshmen House members, also in the
Speaker race in an effort to create a leadership position for himself.
In fact Martin is said to have already entered into negotiations several
weeks ago with the McCall camp while threatening to take his supporters
to the Earl Sears camp if he doesn’t personally get a nice leadership
post. That of course is an empty threat as possible as Martin’s few
supporters WILL choose the most conservative Speaker candidate.
John Bennett, Sequoyah County, retired from the Marines, combat
veteran, very conservative and independent minded, and the best possible
choice for leading the House in the coming years. No one owns John
Bennett but he is fiscally conservative, socially conservative, strong
anti illegal alien platform, strong welfare reform platform, and the
unabashed leader in pushing back against the coming Muslim invasion of
our communities. Highly respected by a lot of Republican lawmakers and
Democrat lawmakers, Bennett has few enemies at the Capitol because even
though he might be more conservative he has walked the path with honor
and honesty.
Then we have Charles McCall. Now the State Chamber ALWAYS runs
more than one candidates so that if one falls the other has a shot at
winning the election. We have Scott Martin of course and Charles McCall
is nearly a mirror image of both Martin and Sears. McCall is from the
Atoka area, the boy was just elected in 2013 and it is an insult to the
other state reps to have a third year legislator running the show.
The current Speaker, Jeff Hickman, is ostentatiously backing Earl
Sears but the possibility of Sears prevailing is very low and Sears
knows that he has gambled his A & B Chairmanship and has already
lost the position now that Osborn and Martin are negotiating.

McCall himself is a mess:
· A former Democrat up until he wanted to run for office
as a Republican
· The Chickasaw tribe has their hand so far up his backside that
they can move his lips.
· McCall was defeated last year on his attempt to introduce new
taxes on limestone quarries, sand quarries, and gravel
· Past board member State Chamber of Commerce
· Tried to give away a State Park to the Chickasaw Tribe last year
but stopped by the Senate
Spent thousands and thousands of dollars taking state legislators
on junkets in his private jet in an attempt to influence their
Personal friends with Democrat Dan Boren
Supported by the largest teachers union in the state
That’s right, according to one of our sources Charles McCall was a
Democrat until he decided to run for office but he switched parties as
he knew a Democrat wasn’t likely to win the seat given the current
political climate.
The Chickasaws have major control over the boy, getting him to
attempt to give away the Boggy Depot State Park to the Chickasaw Nation
and he convinced the House to allow the privatization of federally
purchased land but luckily the Senate killed the measure. McCall would
have handed over the deed to 588 acres despite a state constitution
prohibition on giving away public assets.
McCall did his best to pass legislation last year that would have
created an entirely new tax on surface mining such as sand pits, gravel
quarries, and limestone quarries. Luckily it was killed before it
progressed very far.
And yes, McCall was a Board member on the State Chamber of Commerce
between 2002 and 2008! The State Chamber is a truly tarnished brand
and hated in the House yet a few legislators are considering supporting
McCall as Speaker?
During session last year and on into the late summer of this year
Charles McCall spent a fortune on taking legislators on private junkets
on his private plane in an attempt to buy their vote as speaker. McCall
owns or controls an 11 seat turboprop plane, a 2004 Piaggio- P180,
N456CM tail number, a five million dollar plane that costs around
$3,000.00 per hour to operate. The plane is owned by S E Aero LLC out
of Atoka and the contact person is none other than Charles McCall. Some
serious money was spent on trips to Dallas, Kansas City, and on one
occasion they flew to Mexico to a resort town. We have a fairly
comprehensive list of the legislators that went on the trips along with
what occurred on several of the trips. Is this legal? Does this list
need to be published or given to the authorities? A corporation
spending money on legislators in an effort to gain some sort of
political support?. Or was the purpose legislative matters as the House
was still in session on at least one of the trips? We are watching the
Ethics Commission reports on all of those involved to see if they claim
the donations and disclose the gifts by amending the second and third
quarter reports. Even if it was legal, which we highly doubt, it
certainly doesn’t pass the smell test as an elected official.
But by far the biggest reason to be concerned over the possibility
of Charles McCall becoming speaker would be McCall’s personal
relationship with Dan Boren, David Boren’s son. Dan Boren endorsed
McCall on a postcard sent out during the initial election. The Indian
tribes gave money freely to McCall as did oil and gas companies. It is
no secret that Dan Boren is going to run for Governor and having his
former Democrat buddy running the House means ruin for conservative
values in Oklahoma.
Charles McCall would be a disaster for the House of
Representatives. The guy is straight out controlled by the State
Chamber and other special interests. Conservatives would be excluded
from a place at the table and would lose control over the House. Lets
hope that enough legislators wisely choose to hold off on supporting
McCall until we see how things sort out in the coming year. This is
going to be a year of change, professional politicians owned by special
interests are being rejected by the voters, consider the presidential
campaign as proof of that. Voters are sick of elections and politicians
being bought and sold by the ruling class and McCall is just going to be
an apologist for the Muslim community and prevent any dealing with the
coming threats.
And past that, the election of Charles McCall as speaker will
resume an all out battle between House leadership and the Tea Party.
Everyone remembers the 2010 and 2011 fight that was politically bloody
as hell with a lot of collateral damage to legislators that supported
the Kris Steele regime. It seems that those memories have faded in the
mind of some legislators and they need reminded of what the Tea Party
can accomplish with very little money.

Trump Coming to Tulsa?
Or so sources are telling us… that the Oklahoma Trump campaign is
looking for a venue that holds a minimum of 5,000 and that once the
venue is reserved a date will be set. Hillary was in Tulsa last week,
with the campaign claiming a thousand attendees but others saying the
crowd was between 200 and 400 numbskulls.
Trump of course is still leading in the national polls which have
the RNC, the media, and the ruling class wildly upset and apprehensive.
The harder the media hits the guy the stronger his support becomes, a
huge indicator that the public is as fed up with the soulless liberal
media as it is with politicians like Charles McCall.

Taking a Shot at a Longtime Democratic Stronghold
By the Watchman
Today we look at a new candidate for the longtime Democratic Senate
Seat of District 13. This is another seat that will be vacated due to
term limits. It’s a seat the Republican’s hope to take away and increase
their margin of Majority in the upper chamber.
We first heard of this candidate in this article The Okie » Ada Small Business Owner, Former Teacher Announces For Senate 13 Seat.
We see this a lot in candidates whether they are running for the first
time or an incumbent running for re-election, her news release hits all
the Conservative talking points. The question is how much of it are we
to believe? There are a lot of unanswered questions about this candidate
that we’ll have to continue to explore throughout the campaign.
Questions like why did she give up the teaching profession? What kind of
business is she running now? We could find no answers.
The next article of interest we found was this Shawn Howard Seeks SD13 Nod | The McCarville Report.
As you can see, it’s another copy of the same press release in the
article mentioned above. What ever happened to trying to stand out from
the crowd? Both reports indicated that she worked for the Citizens Band
Potawatomi Tribe where she helped develop a Tribal Comprehensive Water
Plan. She touts her dealings with the Environmental Protection Agency
during this time. Now this was also during a time when the State of
Oklahoma felt it had the right to break a Treaty with several tribes and
just take water from their lands. That case is still in litigation.
One thing she should remember though, the EPA has its rules, but
the Tribe is a separate nation and doesn’t need to comply with those
rules. All they need is the approval of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. We
know this because one of our staff researchers has worked for both the
Sac and Fox Nation and the Absentee Shawnee Nation on real estate
problems and oil field remediation. They also assisted with writing
Tribal member’s wills and seeing to the equitable distribution of assets
in compliance of those wills. This researcher is not even Native
American, and they were shocked at the way the Native Americans were
being treated by both the State and the Federal Government.
The next item of interest we found was this Shawn Howard - Ada Chamber of CommerceAda Chamber of Commerce.
Now as an independent merchant, we do not find that belonging to the
local Chamber of Commerce to be questionable. In fact it would be
expected. It does give us a heads up to look for donors from the
Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce though. Those donations will tell us
whether she’ll work for the people of District 13 and the State of
Oklahoma, or become just another Chambercrat.
We did find an unusual record to the Pauls Valley Chamber of
Commerce. At the time though, the Pauls Valley web site was down as the
fees for the site had not been paid. This is another item that we’ll
have to keep an eye on.
Now we found these next articles a little on the strange side FortySix News — Shawn Howard Announces Run for Oklahoma Senate....
There are actually two press releases by this paper. The first is dated
November 2, 2015 and was found in the papers archives. It’s short and
to the point and simply says Shawn Howard Announces Run for Oklahoma
Senate District 13. That’s basically the story.
The second article we found was this Shawn Howard Announces Run for Oklahoma Senate District 13 | FortySix News.
Once again we are looking at the same press release that The Okie and
The McCarville Report put out. Again we ask for a little originality.
This is proof that actual physical research and reporting on a story is
This next article we found proved to be very interesting. You can read the entire document here. https://www.owrb.ok.gov/news/meetings/board/board_pdf/2013/bdminutes_0113.pdf
. We can understand her being there because of her work for the
Potawatomie Tribe. This is a board meeting discussing the confiscation
of water rights from the Native American Tribes in Oklahoma. What is it
that these bureaucrats can’t seem to understand about a Treaty between
the United States and the Tribes? It’s easy to understand. Each Tribe is
a sovereign Nation. You want something of theirs you must negotiate a
fair market deal. You can’t steal it.
We did go to www.votesmart.com to see if there was any information available and there was none. Nor was there any information available on www.followthemoney.org. We can say that filing season can’t get here soon enough so we can get a better look at all these new candidates.