Congressman Tom Cole, the incumbent, so far has failed to respond, but both of his Republican opponents, Dr James Taylor, and Shawn Roberts, have indicated that they will be available to participate. Sponsored by the South Oklahoma City Republican Club, the event will be at the Southwest OKC Library at 2201 SW 134th St in OKC on Tue, June 21st, a week before all the regular primaries.
Doors open at 6:30, and the forum is scheduled to start at 7, and will last until 8 PM, mingling time afterward until 8:30. We're looking very forward to asking candidates questions and letting the audience do so as well.
Tue, June 21st
- Oklahoma City Republican Club
- Southwest OKC Library
- 2201 SW 134th St ( Map )
- OKC, Oklahoma
Attendees will be encouraged to ask questions on 3 X 5 cards, and the South Oklahoma City Republican Club (SOCRC) will ask its own questions only if there is time after all non-duplicate questions are answered by the audience.