Does Wild Eye Ranting and Raving
Win Political Races?
Dan Fisher, former House member and current candidate for Governor put out an epic rant this last week on Youtube. In the video the wild eyed delivery elicits more harm than good to the candidate, and despite the wild claims of 90,000 plus views the video has less than 2500 views as of today on the page I looked at. No other Dan Fisher abortion video shows up on a Youtube search. This appears to be the official Dan Fisher Facebook page, someone correct us if we are wrong.
Oklahomans do not support abortion for the most part but we also do not support ranting and raving anti abortionists getting in our face. Adding the abolitionist tag to his marketing ensures that the average Oklahoma is going to associate Fisher with John Brown, wild eyed, using terrorism to achieve his goals, simply off the reservation as far as average Oklahoma values.
Add the John Birch Society support and backing and you have a recipe for obscurity and political rejection by the masses. Worse, Dan Fisher flat out says he will make abortion illegal without saying how he plans on getting past SCOTUS's decisions that make abortion not only legal but a protected right .
Don't get us wrong, STP is firmly pro life, but pandering to a crowd by claiming you can end abortion when in reality you have zero power to do so is just wrong and indicative of a sociopath. Yet doubling down on stupid we saw Dan Fisher coming on the Pat Campbell Show on KFAQ Tulsa. Early on in the video Pat Campbell called the position "Crazy", "extreme", "controversial", but Fisher labels himself as courageous rather than outhouse rat crazy.
In all Pat Campbell did a fair job and tried to limit the damage that Fisher was doing to his image but he didn't have a lot to work with. The strident voice and delivery didn't help, one walked away a bit concerned about the guy and knowing that the vast majority of Oklahoma voters are going to reject extremism. Political activists are generally in agreement other than the John Birch Society extremists and the hard core anti abortion activists. Problem is that they aren't enough of them to win a statewide election much less overturn a Supreme Court decision.