RINOs on the Run?
Vicious Battle at State Committee Meeting Won by Conservatives
Pam Pollard and Fount Holland lost a major battle this afternoon at the state committee meeting held and the Windsor Hills Baptist Church. Despite Pam Pollard's desperate attempts to halt the proceedings using threats of a quorum call, fake time deadlines, and other procedural moves the grass roots Republican County Chairmen passed a resolution praising the two dozen or so Republican House members that blocked the outright passage of the massive nearly half billion dollar tax increase. Different sources present at the event vary in the exact count but all accounts agree that nearly 65% of the County GOP officials voted in favor of the resolution while around 29 RINO party officials bitterly opposed the resolution.
We did notice one name that was missing, John Bennett of Sequoyah County, who has been leading the fight to stop the tax increases. Bennett was with his wife at the hospital while she was undergoing major surgery to repair neck damage from a horrific rear end collision, she was hit sitting at a stop sign with the other car doing around 60 miles per hour.
Bennett did have a powerful debate speech earlier in the session.
The resolution was watered down a bit from the form it was in when filed before the committee but the RINO legislators will find it a scathing rebuke. The resolution will be kept under wraps until Wednesday, after the special elections, but sources say it praised the Republican holdouts at the Capitol for upholding the Party values and the Party Platform. There is already a video posted of the RINO debacle on Facebook Live. albeit one that is a bit concilatory to Pam Pollard but I suppose these guys have to work with the witch. Here is the link to watch a run down on the committee meeting.
RINO leaders such as Roger Thompson and Micheal Edwards joined State GOP Chairman Pam Pollard in attempting to derail the proposal and it was reported by several sources that Pam Pollard was furious at the defeat, no doubt concerned about how political puppet master Fount Holland is going to react and if he and the others in the donor class will once again begin to starve the Party for funds in an attempt to wrest control back into RINO hands. Pollard was said to be so livid that she attempted to dismiss the meeting despite overwhelming opposition by the County Chairmen. Pollard was said to have screeched and railed for nearly an hour blaming everyone except the RINO legislators for the tax increases and claiming responsibility for some of the support that candidates had been receiving despite having no part in the matter.
There was no doubt that the majority of the moderate and conservative Party officials solely blamed Pam Pollard for a lack of leadership and for not delivering on earlier promises to broaden the financial base of the Party to end the control the donor class has over the GOP.
The Republican Party has long been in the hands of liberal RINO supporters who have never been shy about using outright cheating and deception to maintain control of the party. Former GOP Chairman Gary Jones, Matt Pinnell and David Weston were all in the pockets of the donor class and and their political futures depended upon their abilities to subvert the grass roots portion of the Party. Fount Holland was rumored to be pulling the strings, getting campaign donations and general party donations funneled to his puppets, much of the cash then found itself being funneled back through Fount Holland's own company in the form of consulting fees, printing services, or other campaign expenditures.
Last May at the State Convention the conservative grass roots came within one vote of passing a Party rule that would have censored liberal Republican elected officials, denying them the endorsement of the Republican Party along with any PAC money, use of the Party facilities and voter data base, or other election support. Since 2010 conservatives have watched the liberal Party leadership's base and control slowly unravel, steadily edging toward a tipping point and we might have reached that tipping point due to the disastrous House and Senate leadership during the special session and Mary Fallin's constant threats to veto any cost cutting measures to balance the budget.
Now would be a good time for everyone to contact their own representative and state senator. If you are unsure of their names use this link to find out.
And in the upcoming special elections such as the one up in Tulsa where liberal Republican Dave Rader is running for Senate you need to get out and vote if you live in the district or call friends and family that live in the district. Dave Rader is an outspoken critic of the State Question 640 that altered our state constitution in the 90's because it makes it harder to raise taxes, and remember this fool is running as a Republican!
One thing is for certain, the age old problem of getting legislators to attend party committee meetings might be fixed. The RINOs are going to be certain to send proxies to defend their voting record and their honor after this butt whipping.