Official Campaign Facebook Page Admits Fisher is Traveling ExtensivelyPromoting the Black Robe Regiment Instead of Running for Office
Fisher Campaign Staffers Exposed
Posing as Dan Fisher on the Official Campaign Facebook Page
Fisher Caught Lying About the Role of Cult Leader T. Russell Hunter in the Dan Fisher Campaign
Fisher Campaign Communication and Stategy Head Calls the Exposure a "Train Wreck"and Says the Exposed Messages are De-Legitimizing the Campaign
Last week the Dan Fisher gubernatorial campaign suffered a major "train wreck" according to one of its more controversial staffers in a Facebook Live video post. The video was a plea to a pro life activist to remove a series of private Facebook messages between Jeff Durbin and the Dan Fisher campaign. After Durbin became suspicious he realized that he was messaging with others posing as Dan Fisher including the controversial cult leader of AHA, T. Russell Hunter who is the Head of Communications and Strategy for the Dan Fisher campaign.
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I have sinned against you! |
What motivated Durbin to expose the Facebook messages from the Dan Fisher campaign was that Durbin and his group were being attacked by AHA for not supporting Dan Fisher despite the fact that Durbin had actually reached out to Dan Fisher months earlier and as you will see ran a gauntlet trying to talk to Fisher or schedule him for an interview. Durbin writes about all of this on his Facebook page but Durbin's goals seem to have been to appease the AHA attackers and cooperate with supporting Dan Fisher for the good of abolishing abortion. He posted the messages to prove that he had been trying and proactive in reaching out. Now for the actual screenshots of the messages:
The exchange started out normal enough, someone posing as Dan Fisher or Fisher himself using his Facebook messenger to reply to Jeff Durbin after Durbin initiated contact to support Fisher but you can tell that Durbin is wondering who he has been talking to:

The next message shows some excitement from Durbin about the Fisher video about the Abortion is Murder video only to be met with calls for Durbin to "calm his people down" and refrain from saying that Fisher shouldn't serve as pastor and governor at the same time.

This next message shows that Durbin knows that he has been disrespected and he calmly attempts to disengage while the person posing as Dan Fisher who appears to be T. Russel Hunter continues to insinuate that Durbin's people are attacking Fisher:

In the next message Durbin points out that his ministry is also a sort of abolitionist group and while there is some tension there things seem to be smooth.

The next message leaves us scratching our heads. The person posing as Dan Fisher is using "me" and talking about "his" campaign and "his staff", then makes a complete boner of a mistake by stating that "I" don't know anything about your ministry. Major disrespect, approaching a well known pastor and saying you were stupid enough not to at least look at their website and learn a bit about them before approaching them for assistance.

In the next message the person posing as Dan Fisher, who appears to be T. Russell Hunter, denies affiliation with AHA after Durbin (dark blue comment) says they aren't aligned with AHA. However Hunter (posing as Dan) is clever enough to claim that there is no such thing as being affiliated with AHA. Hunter also says that he (again while posing as Dan Fisher) was converted to abolitionism by a local abolitionist who Fisher has admitted on other inter views was none other than T. Russell Hunter himself. Basically Hunter is tooting his own horn as being the source of Dan Fisher's stance on abortion.

The next message is Hunter posing as Dan Fisher extorting Durbin to share the Abortion is Murder video, oblivious to how he has came across in the message exchange.

The next message proves what we have always said about the Dan Fisher campaign; it is a fake campaign designed for one thing, to grow his base so he can crowd fund his planned movie on the Black Robe Regiment. Hunter, this time referring to Dan and speaking as himself or more accurately someone other than Dan, proclaims that Fisher is busy traveling doing the Black Robe Regiment presentation, but again presses for an appearance on the Durbin show. Fisher has been confronted over his version of history and the claim that the United States was founded as a Christian nation when in fact many of the founding fathers such as Jefferson, Washington, and Paine were and are still considered deists instead of Christian.

Dan Fisher has been all over the country since he announced his race for governor, Illinois, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, all promoting and presenting his Black Robe Regiment presentation. His website for the BRR has been scrubbed clean, no doubt as a result of STP calling Fisher out on the real purpose of his campaign for governor, but the BBR facebook page wasn't scrubbed and a lot of the event notices were still posted. There are more speaking schedules found using a Google search like the ones below:

Now no candidate would spend this much time on a side project after they announced for governor, not a single one of them are doing anything other than running for governor by speaking at events and holding fund raisers IN the state of Oklahoma. This heavy speaking and promotion schedule proves what we have been saying all along; Dan Fisher has no expectations or plan to win the race, he is just growing his base of supporters so he can fund a movie on his Black Robe Regiment after the 2018 election is over.
By the time the 9th page of Facebook messeges came about Durbin is concerned about who he is actually speaking to as it is obvious that several people were posing as Dan Fisher on that Facebook campaign page.

Page 10 is where T. Russell Hunter gives his name for the first time, using Russ once or twice in earlier messages, and admits that he is posing as Dan Fisher on that Facebook page. Hunter is also very defensive and confrontational, talking abou "playing cards" and assuming why Durbin hadn't shared the Fisher videos or Facebook posts. Prickly and confrontational is not good when you have been posing as a candidate and trying to get another person or organization to support your campaign.
T. Russell Hunter also admits the extent of his involvement in the Fisher campaign, running the Facebook page and other social media platforms and managing the videos and websites ran by the campaign. Hunter does not admit to Durbin that Hunter is also the Head of Communications and Strategy for the Fisher Campaign. This is addition to the earlier revelations by both Hunter posing as Dan Fisher and Fisher himself on a radio interview with Pat Campbell on KFAQ radio concerning exactly who converted Fisher from Pro Life to Abolitionism. Then there is Hunter's video that protrays himself as the strategist as well.

Message 11 is more of the same, most of the talking is being done by T. Russell Hunter and it is a mix of please help us and defiance and confrontation over refusing to help because of Hunter's involvement in the campaign and rumors of smear campaigns or excuses for not sharing the Fisher videos.

By page 13, 14, and 15 of the Facebook messages Durbin unloaded on Hunter for posing as Dan Fisher and rightly so. Durbin was concerned that he was dealing with AHA who had refused to support his work and in fact AHA members had attacked Durbin's group on several occasions in the past. Durbin called Hunter rude, abusive, and said that the unfounded accusations were counterproductive to working out a relationship.

By the time post 16 came down Durbin had cleared the air and asked for the swords to be laid down. Hunter replies agreeing, then in another post begins disagreeing with the characterization of events. Anyone with any sense at that point would have stopped arguing and swallowed some pride. Not Hunter.... he continued it in post 17 and 18 hung on to the attitude in 19.

On the next few message T. Russell Hunter had switched back into supportive mode and pushing Dan Fisher instead of arguing.

By message 23 Durbin is responding again and willing to bury the hatchet if Hunter will stop the rumors of Durbin not supporting Fisher. Now one wonders about that because all it would take is for Durbin to post or share some of Fisher's campaign info but on the other hand you have Hunter that has stirred up the pot big time.

By post 24 Hunter has posted or is posting a video to the AHA people to smooth things over and it appears that a deal has been struck.

Posts 25, 26, and 27 are around the 20th of September and the Fisher campaign is reaching out to Durbin trying to get Fisher to promote the Fisher money bomb fund raiser and get Fisher on Durbin's show. Another admin answers for Dan Fisher but at least she points out who she is. Durbin responds asking about timing and the the admin Anne is explaining again that Fisher travels extensively as part of his Black Robe Regiment (BRR).

By page 29 Durbin is asking for another method of communcation and expresses his deep mistrust of T. Russel Hunter and his discomfort in dealing with him. Durbin lays out the reasons, Hunter pretending to be Dan Fisher on the messages, the attacks against himself and his ministry by AHA. That pleas is met with the next post, # 30, that says it is from a different admin, ignores what Durbin spoke about and asks Durbin to support the Fisher money bomb fund raiser!

Message 31 is a smoking train wreck for the Dan Fisher campaign. We learn, directly from the campaign, that T. Russell Hunter is actually the head of communications and strategy for the Dan Fisher campaign and the admin, who is as of yet unknown, questions if Durbin would refuse to help abolish abortion because T. Russell Hunter is involved. The admin also points out that there are no avenues of communication to Dan Fisher that don't go through T. Russell Hunter.
Ouch! Why is this such a train wreck? Because Dan Fisher had gone on the Pat Campbell radio show a few days back and minimized the role of Hunter, insinuating that Hunter was just a volunteer of little consequence. In other words, Dan Fisher lied his butt off on live radio by not admiting that Hunter was the Head of Communications and Stategy instead of just some friend he had known for many years and a volunteer....

Posts 32 and 33 continues with the unnamed admin insisting that Durbin share the money bomb and other info and Durbin isn't having it at all. Here he has flat laid out that he will not work with or through T. Russell Hunter and he has an anonymous admin telling him that he has no choice but to work with Hunter. Durbin is flat out asking "Who is this?" and saying no way in hell he is going to deal with Hunter or promote Fisher until he has a chance to interview the guy and see what he is about.

In return, the unnamed admin tells Durbin to get some rest and asks him again to post the money bomb post on his page. You really can't make up this kind of stuff, no one would believe it was true! Incredible stupidity and political naivete. Durbin remains trying to be polite and again asks "Who is this?"

Post 35, no answer to who is actually responding in Dan Fisher's name, just a link to the Fisher website for more info on his positions. Now this isn't some voter working at Walmart, this is a big deal, a guy with a TV show and radio show, albeit internet based, the guy has a large number of followers. Such disrespect and political ignorance, it has to be Hunter responding and not admitting it is he.

Posts 37 and 38, we skipped page 36 as it wasn't important, you have Durbin once again, for the third time, asking who is this? Kate chimes in, obviously it wasn't Kate previously, and she opens up the old bucket of poo by attacking Durbin for miss-characterizing Hunter.

Post 39 points out that Kate works for a legislator, assuming Durbin knew that from the email address previously given, and you can tell that Durbin is not confident with Kate after the attack for mis-characterizing Hunter in her view.

By post 40 Durbin is all but begging to be put in touch with Dan Fisher and get something worked out so he can support Fisher. Durbin reiterates that he has had bad history with AHA and Hunter in the past and wants nothing to do with Hunter. Durbin asks again who the admins he has been talking to were and is once again rebuffed.

Post 41 has Durbin asking once again who was responding in Dan Fisher's name and the request is ignored but pleas for interviews and support continue.

Now we get to the Facebook Live video by T. Russell Hunter where Hunter throws Dan Fisher under the bus by verifying the Facebook messages and confirming just how bad it was going to hurt the Dan Fisher campaign.
In the first two minutes of the video T. Russell Hunter calls Jeff Durbin "evil" for posting the private Facebook messages while continuing to ask Durbin to support and promote the Fisher campaign. Absolutely bipolar behavior. Later in the video Hunter admits that Fisher needs the support of churches and that AHA has alienated a lot of churches with their constant attacks on the churches for not doing enough to end abortion. Hunter infers that Durbin set up to raise money to fund the fight to end abortion without spending that money to do so and that he refuses to support Fisher (in fact it was Durbin that reached out to the Dan Fisher Facebook campaign page to offer support, Hunter's involvement derailed it).
We also learn that Fisher has spent thousands of dollars promoting or advertising his Facebook videos, so all those likes and views come from around the nation, not from Oklahomans. Hunter talks about how the messages de legitimizes the Fisher campaign around 10 minutes into the video, calling Durbin wicked and abhorrent, admitting that Durbin dislikes or distrusts him so much that he refuses to communicate, which tells us that it was Hunter responding on the last of the messages to Durbin.
The video admits several times that Dan Fisher doesn't actually answer any of the posts on Facebook, that it is all admins answering while posing as Fisher. Hunter admits that AHA is known as a cult and that Hunter is known as a cult leader by Durbin and others, then Hunter begins calling what Durbin has done as "stupid".
Hunter careens between attacking Durbin and begging for support, claiming that Durbin is seeking to deceive people, that they raised $150,000 for abolitionism and that AHA and Fisher have yet to get any of that money.
We learn that Durbin refused to support Senator Silk's SB118 because Durbin found out that AHA was behind the bill and had written the language for the bill. Hunter continues to attack Durbin, calling him stupid, sophmoric, unintelligent, politically ignorant, and bemoaning the fact that Durbin had exposed him as posing as Dan Fisher.
At some point Hunter begins addressing comments that are being posted as he speaks, this is live of course. One commentator mentions that he has yet to see any repentance from Hunter for posing as Dan Fisher online. Hunter's response is that is the reason why the Durbin posted messages were so bad and need taken down. Hunter believes that he has to speak for Dan Fisher on his page and that shouldn't be public knowledge because people like the fact that Dan Fisher is responding in person. Rather than understand that he and Dan Fisher are deceiving the public Hunter bemoans the exposure and calls it stupid and sophomoric to expose him and Fisher for the deception. Hunter feels that this isn't dishonest yet he also says being exposed is very bad for the campaign.
Hunter is really digging the hole deeper as he reels off lists of people that hate AHA and call them a cult and worse. Hunter calls the entire exposure a "train wreck", "this is so damaging", and "I would just like this stuff to go away". Hunter says that as a known or suspected cult leader his linking to Dan Fisher and being exposed as posing as Dan Fisher hurts the campaign. Hunter continues saying "Pray that it is not used against us, that the campaign is not derailed, that this would not bring great destruction.
Of course the ironic part is that without Hunter posting that live Facebook video STP would have not found out about the Jeff Durbin posts. Without Hunter posting his video and being stupid enough to leave it up for an hour we would have much less proof. Written words can be manipulated, seeing Hunter admit it all on live podcast can't be faked or manipulated. We had found the video about ten minutes before it was scheduled to be taken down and once we started watching and filming using a smart phone the video played out till the end but showed the message below around one pm in the morning after we had finished watching the video. Had to pause the video a lot to take notes so that extended the time frame.

Meanwhile we have the Pat Campbell show audio podcast where Dan Fisher clearly and unequivocally states that T. Russell Hunter is merely a long time friend that does some volunteering for him. Now we find out that he is head of communication and strategy for the Dan Fisher campaign. Clearly Dan Fisher flat out lied to Pat Campbell and his radio audience. The podcast goes over Fisher's position on weed, taxes, and abortion.
Fisher waffles on the weed state question, says he is against messing with the state question proposal on cutting back to 60% approval for tax increases in the legislature. Fisher is asked about how much money he has raised he admits only $150,000 of the million dollars or more needed. Fisher brags about the 500,000 views of his video without saying he spent thousands of dollars advertising the video and that was a lot of out of state people.
Fisher tries to compare himself to Trump, saying he can use Facebook to win the campaign,, but Pat Campbell tells him he is not Trump.
When asked how that Fisher will actually end abortion in the state Fisher doesn't do well. Fisher says it is up to the people, Pat Campbell calls that out and presses the question. Fisher mumbles about legislation, but Campbell says that abortion clinics doubled during the Fallin administration. Campbell continues to press on how Fisher will actually close the abortion clinics and Fisher says he will make abortion illegal and prosecute the law.
At around 9:30 into the podcast T. Russel Hunter's name comes up. Fisher says Hunter is a friend and a volunteer. Pat shuts him down and brings up the meme that Hunter posted saying that not voting for Dan Fisher is a sin and says that as a Catholic that brings up all sorts of problems. Fisher said that Hunter was not speaking for the campaign. Fisher neglects to mention that T. Russell Hunter is the Head of Communications and Strategy for the Dan Fisher campaign and Campbell doesn't know enough at that time to know to ask just how deeply Hunter is involved in the campaign.
In the next podcast Campbell brought up Sooner Polls latest poll. He mentioned that the younger pot voters aren't going to church and aren't going to be anti abortion. Fisher's campaign had supporters ready to call in to support Fisher so the podcast is salted heavily with Fisher supporters. Despite this Campbell made it clear that the electorate would not put abortion even close to the top of the list of state problems and that Fisher is going to have a tough climb as a one issue candidate.
At the end of things this was indeed a train wreck for the Fisher campaign. Fisher got caught allowing AHA volunteers to write posts and respond to comments posing as Dan Fisher. Fisher got caught lying to Pat Campbell about the relationship of Hunter with the Fisher campaign. Hunter isn't some odd volunteer, he is the Head of Communication and Srategy and nearly all communication flows through Hunter according to other staffers.'
Fisher showed that his judgment on picking people and leading them is abysmal. We learned that T. Russel Hunter and AHA have alienated so many Christians that support for Fisher will be far less than Fisher anticipates. We also learned that Dan Fisher continues to spend vast amount of time and resources on his Black Robe Regiment program, traveling around the country, instead of focusing on running for Governor.
You can watch the T. Russell Hunter Facebook live video where Hunter is exposed as the secret Head of Communications and Strategy for the Dan Fisher campaign by clicking on this link. Click here if you don't see the second part of the video that has the Pat Campbell interview where Fisher minimizes the roll that Hunter has in his campaign.