Kevin Stitt Melt Down on KFAQ
Stuttering and Stammering While Answering Allegations
Last Wednesday the phone started buzzing early in the morning with calls coming in from Tulsa about teasers being ran by the Pat Campbell Show concerning our allegations against gubernatorial candidate Kevin Stitt. We were able to catch most of the pod cast and boy was it remarkable as Stitt completely made a fool out of himself on live radio.
A note on Campbell's style. Pat is a master at drawing in a politician, getting them to let their guard down, and tripping over themselves as a result. Little things, choices of words, calling the STP article a hit piece, calling the referendum supporters "zealots and malcontents", getting his interviewee to get stupid. Keep in mind that an hour later he had one of the referendum group leaders on his show.
The radio segment references the Sooner Tea Party article from the Sunday night before, with it being labeled as a hit piece which is fair. Bad men like Kevin Stitt need hit like this to show their true colors.
Campbell mentions the STP article and the Shadykevin.com website, and gives Stitt a shot to respond. The charges about Gateway Mortgage, getting kicked out of states, fined, lawsuits, all were called "typical politics" and Stitt mentions the Georgia case, claiming that he fired a couple of people and that it was about one loan... actually it was far more, the consent decree that Stitt signed admitted making false statements and misrepresenting material facts to lenders... Gateway is forever banned from Georgia, affiliated companies and Stitt were banned for five years. Click on this link to read the consent decree.
And no mention of the other half dozen states where Gateway and/or Kevin Stitt had been fined, banned, or ran out of the state. All blamed on "people that never signed a paycheck", then the 11.9% default rate that BusinessInsider.com gave for Gateway, earning it the #2 spot on the list of most shady mortgage companies. Campbell misunderstands our use of Abacus Savings and Loan, calling it one of the better performing companies that had 3 out of 3000 loans go bad. In fact Abacus was prosecuted for bad loans and alleged infractions, yet Shady Kevin Stitt walks away with a 11.9% default rate. Stitt called it ludicrous.
Stitt spins about delinquencies and as score card used by the mortgage industry called the Direct Endorsement Lender Compare Ratio, saying they were at .01%, and FHA at 92%, with 100% being the national average for bad loans, inferring that they were 8% better than the average bank. Is that true? Of course not...read on fair reader.

In fact, the last two years of data shows that Kevin Stitt's Gateway Mortgage retail loan D E Lender Compare Ratio was at 121% but once you added in their franchise mortgages their Compare Rate was at 241%. In other words, in Kevin Stitt's own words, 100% was the national average and Gateway was 241% worse.
Then if you zero in on a one year time frame by clicking on the header at the top of the page, Gateway plummets to 349% once you roll the Gateway franchise mortgages into the total. That is 3.49 times worse than the national average mortgage company in Kevin Stitt's own words. And look at the numbers, nearly 3000 seriously delinquent loans and claims! Can any company afford to have 3000 mortgages come back on them?
Next up Stitt is asked abut STP blaming Stitt for bad loans that contributed to the nationwide meltdown in 2008/2009, Stitt spins and bobs and weaves, claiming they were registered in 42 states. Stitt makes all sort of excuses, slaps on wrists and fines, just burdensome regulation causing businesses grief. Stitt says he terminated the people responsible, while admitting it was his responsibility. Stitt admits that a lot of the fines and problems were pre 2012, exactly when Stitt was selling bad loans to Wells Fargo and Lehman Brothers who later sued Gateway. Next is the bailout money, which Stitt blames on programs designed to keep defaulting borrowers in their homes, all Freddie Mac programs, right....
Now this narrative is going to skip to a couple of other pod casts, shorter versions, that highlight what Campbell must have thought were the more serious meltdowns.
The worst instance was Stitt's maniacal laughter and hesitation when asked about the referendum on the teacher taxes. Stitt starts off claiming not to support new taxes, referencing the Oklahoma Taxpayers Unite pledge. Stitt claimed to be the first person to sign the pledge, and he did, a pilfered copy off the internet that was signed without the permission of the new group. Stitt launches into talking points, supporting the constitution, getting spending under control, spinning things as if he was serious about the no higher tax pledge.
Then around the 1:20 second mark in the smaller podcast, Campbell asks how Stitt intends to vote personally, and the melt down rapid. Stuttering and stammering for about 15 seconds before he decides he isn't going to vote to repeal the massive teacher taxes, calling it "backwards". Campbell zeros in on signing the pledge only to refuse to honor the pledge. Stitt claims the pledge is about shifting into consumption taxes, which is a tiny part of the pledge. When asked about school funding Stitt advocated raising more local taxes for school funding operations and not just buildings and transportation. In the same timeline Stitt tries to avoid discussing how much money he has raised, diverting into education funding and promising to shift funding from the state to local tax sources. In other words Kevin Stitt is gonna see that your property taxes go sky high.
The second huge melt down was Stitt being caught flat out lying about voting for Ted Cruze in the 2016 primary. Stitt had been recorded claiming that he voted for Ted Cruz, switching wording half way through to "supporting" on the Tod Tucker show, which we linked to in last week's story on Stitt. Despite Stitt clearly stating he voted for Ted Cruz on the audio file Stitt refused to admit that he said those words on the Pat Campbell Show. Stitt was twisting words non stop, saying he supported Cruz but voted for Trump, His exact words were "I voted for Trump and I supported Cruz in the primary... and I voted for Trump." When Campbell asked Stitt if it was true that Stitt had never voted in a primary Stitt starts stuttering around :48 seconds into the audio file and admits that he never voted in primaries.
Stitt made a big deal of labeling those attacking him as politicians that never signed a paycheck, a complete lie given that both the Richardson campaign and the Sooner Tea Party is made up of small business owners. None of us have created any burdensome regulation and nearly all of us sign plenty of paychecks and manage not to get kicked out of entire states. The audio file ends with Pat Campbell saying they were going to go back and find the audio of Stitt saying he voted for Cruz, not knowing that it was the Ted Tucker show. Here is the relevant part of that interview.
Skipping back to the full length audio file, Campbell asks about the sexual discrimination lawsuit, laughing and saying if Stitt patterned himself after Trump.... Stitt says "100% not,.....I've never been sued for sexual discrimina.... uhm, sexual harassment." Campbell mentions that it was settled out of court and Stitt heavily signs and spins, spins, spins... Stitt claims that it was being spun into sexual harassment.... No, we clearly said and the lawsuit papers we linked to clearly said that it was sexual discrimination that Kevin Stitt had settled out of court. And his initial stumbling statement said sexual discrimination till he realized he was lying and would get caught. Yes, there was another sexual harassment lawsuit settled by Stitt and Gateway but those are two separate matters and we were clear on what he personally had been charged with. Stitt admits the sexual discrimination case, but lies that STP or anyone is calling it sexual harassment. "They are just liars!" he says in the interview.... No, we were perfectly precise and Stitt is using both cases, admitting both cases, and claiming we mixed them up. "Only a businessman understands this kind of stuff and that is why I'll be the best governor." What a bald faced liar...
Pat set out the allegations against Stitt as he is bad and handling his own business and would be bad at handling the state's business. Stitt's reply is that he will put his balance sheet up against Gary Richardson's any day of the week, sidestepping the question and spinning into who has the most assets.
I of course called in while the show was still running as Kevin Stitt had called me a liar. Stitt was slandering me unequivocally . Pat Campbell's call screen-er knew who I was and took a minute to find out if I was going to be allowed to respond to the slander. I was not allowed to defend myself and subsequent messages to Pat Campbell remain unanswered as of the time this article was written.
The fact is that every word we printed was accurate and documented with links to court documents or audio files of Stitt saying exactly what we said he said. We took a hit, me personally as well, but Cockroach Kevin Stitt was driven out of the crevices and cracks and had to admit that much of what we said was true while he spun and lied and bobbed and weaved on the rest of the allegations. The fact is that Kevin Stitt has thousands of bad loans on his books, is being sued for selling bad loans, has a massive problem on his hands, and is wanting to run the state?
Why? One would think he would focus on saving his business.