Sexual Battery/Harassment Scandal Update
We got a lot of phone calls and messages asking why we didn't do a special edition last week when the news broke that the Speaker of the House had appointed two outside counsels to investigate the sexual battery/sexual harassment scandal. We didn't because newsletters are expensive to send and we were confident that the mainstream media and the grassroots would pick up the story and tell the world. They didn't disappoint.
An online live show called 3D Politics ran by activists ran a good segment on Youtube, excellent job reporting and questioning the scandal. People need to keep in mind how difficult it is to have a victim come forward against such powerful men, there will be a lot of the story that never gets told unless one of the perverts decides to fight the charges.
The Tulsa World was the first to move, albeit in a somewhat slanted story that spent as much time slandering the Tea Party leader as they spent telling about the sexual battery and harassment scandal. We get it though, both McDugle and Kannady are their guys so they did at least run the story.
KFOR in Oklahoma City ran the first TV story and it was a very balanced story I must say. Kudos on them for doing real journalism. I have always liked these people, generally younger, newer journalists but eager to get corruption uncovered and they must have one hell of an news editor that encourages them to dig like they do.
Tulsa's KFAQ Pat Campbell show actually read the Tulsa World story on the air with little commentary other than to knock the source. Being cautious, okay, time will show there was no need. The podcast is on the second page, about two clicks down.
Look for 5.8.19 Pat Campbell's 6a Hr - State House Scandal, Denver School Shooting, GA Abortion Law

KOSU, the state public radio folks, chimed in with a story on the accusations. It was funny listening to RINO political consultant Neva Hill stumbling on her words and sputtering, as if the words left an intense distaste in her mouth. Some of the members of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Caucus are probably her clients the way she took the investigation personally. The story on the scandal starts around 8:50 into the tape and end around 12::20. Hilariously the liberal commentator, Ryan Kiessel, sided with the Republican consultant, claiming that the Tea Party had no evidence, right after Neva said that what we had was given to the special counsels.... the guy did admit that these accusations are against one of the most powerful men in the legislature, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. They also took up the destruction of the conservative candidates and hammered on the credibility of the source. The 800 pound gorilla in the room was that the evidence was enough to convince the Speaker to hire outside counsels. Maybe the Speaker was being cautious and maybe the Speaker realized just how convincing the evidence is.
And the Lost Ogle didn't disappoint. They are a pretty liberal bunch but have good access and a warped sense of humor but they took on Kannady and McDugle in their trademark style.
And the Lost Ogle didn't disappoint. They are a pretty liberal bunch but have good access and a warped sense of humor but they took on Kannady and McDugle in their trademark style.
Channel 9 in Oklahoma City ran a good story too, right down the middle, very fair to both sides.
And of course the scandal is all over Facebook including Change Oklahoma, a liberal Democrat group that is having a lot of fun with the topic.
And the Democrat Party put out a press release on the issue that properly excoriated the two legislators.
Facebook Posters Threatened
Josh West, one of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell caucus members was active on Facebook attacking people that posted the scandal info. West pretty much was handled but it is despicable to send your your lieutenants out to attack people.

Bondsmen Threatened
Bondsmen reported that they were warned by their lobbyist and Rep. Robert Manger not to share or post any negative information about the sexual battery/sexual harassment scandal or they would face retaliation, with exactly who would retaliate left unsaid we were told. Manger of course was one of the Kannady/McDugle/Fetgatter recruited primary candidates that unseated one of the five conservative legislators using the dark money. Manger also voted for the extremely liberal and extremely dangerous anti bail bond SB 252 legislation and treated some of his constituents quite badly when asked about his vote. This attack by Kannady/McDugle and the Don't Ask, Don't Tell caucus is pretty shabby, and of course Kannady authored the House version of SB 252 and carried the senate bill through the House. Kannady's alliance with the local and out of sate ACLU lobbyists ought to give any Republican cause to recoil.
Legislation Threatened
Even worse, some legislators had their bills threatened by Kannady. Kannady shares power with Floor Leader Jon Echols and Kannady had been already holding up legislation carried by the few conservative House members left in office. Later in the week it appears that House leadership remedied that situation and are getting Kannady's blockade removed.
Kannady and McDugle Refuse to Address the Accusations
Kannady for his part sent one quote to the Tulsa World via email:
“There is nothing from this blogger that has ever rated a response from me. This time included,”
Kannady has refused to answer questions from reporters or give comments, referring to the Tulsa World quote instead. As for McDugle, reporters say that they have been unable to chase the guy down to even get close enough for a question.
Now on Kannady's part it is the only response he can make actually. Should he deny the accusations it is a matter of time before he is proven a liar. Should he acknowledge he is guilty he punishes himself and makes prosecution much easier. Should he issue an apology he sinks his boat too with himself chained to the foremast. Attacking the source and denying there is any evidence is all he has to work with. And his silence is digging a hole deeper and deeper as the scandal drags out.
As for the victims, well they have been both heard and decent men and women are working on seeing justice done for them. There exists a strong possibility of criminal prosecution of at least two cases. The victims involved have strong lawsuits against both men and the House of Representatives. The media has done an excellent job of discussing the accusations without outing either victim's name which I found heartening. A handful of times that some idiot on Facebook tried to out the victims they have been shut down by a chorus of posters and the offending names removed.
So for STP, we need to just shut up about these abused victims and let the House Special Counsels complete their investigations and the criminal justice system grind through its work. Should either group choose not do their job we will be forced to kick things up a notch and that might even mean bringing one or more the victims out into the spotlight if they are willing and others have dropped the ball. Untill then smile and understand that the world is a bit cleaner and safer for women than it was a few weeks ago.
And if you were victimized by either one of these men or another person at the legislature please reach out ASAP and we will get you in touch with the special counsel in charge of the investigation. We will report that another victim came forward but we will not disclose your identity as you are doing the right thing by regaining your voice and punishing bad behavior.