The Corrupt Sheriff of Wagoner County
Sheriff Chris Elliot of Wagoner County first came on our radar as an associate of Brownie McDugle, AKA Rep. Kevin McDugle, renowned for sexual perversion and abandoning his wife and adopted kids. Elliot had fired a deputy, the spokesperson for his department actually, after the deputy had filed to run against McDugle in the 2018 House primary race.
 Despite discussing the election with Deputy Mahoney prior to filing for office and okaying the run, Elliot fired Mahoney about six weeks before the primary election. In order to obtain a job to feed his family in a Muskogee area police department Mahoney had to suspend his campaign, leaving no one to campaign on his behalf and with the discussion of the suspended campaign on local talk radio the bulk of the voters believed that a vote for Mahoney was a wasted vote.
Even worse, after the initial vote was within a few votes of a tie the money was raised for a recount, the petition filed, only to see local county officials suspend Mahoney's wife from her low level job at the Election Board in Wagoner County. That caused the recount to be dropped despite fifty or sixty suspicious votes that had already been found and documented.
 So STP waded into the fight and did a voter education magazine dropped by the thousands into the district and McDugle wound up winning the race by a literal handful of votes. The Democrat that had filed against McDugle wasn't willing to expose the dirt on McDugle in the general election so she lost in November and McDugle was re elected.
So Sheriff Chris Elliot was well known as a shady character when whispers of impropriety started oozing out of Wagoner County. First was allegations that a sexual assault had been covered up by Elliot to protect one of his employees, one Major Dustin Dorr was alleged to have sexually assaulted a fellow officer, a woman. We will be covering that scandal in an upcoming issue.
The next scandal was an obscure and profane, but well meaning web site called that published a single email from the Mayor of Okay Oklahoma to Sheriff Elliot demanding that more tickets be written by Wagoner County deputies. We dug into that one and found that Sheriff Elliot was indeed targeting drivers in order to raise money for a town.
 Basically the mayor of Okay, one Brad Mathews, demanded that Sheriff Elliot increase traffic tickets to replace declining tax revenue. The email thread started off with Sheriff Elliot sending a policing report to Mayor Mathews, eliciting a response from Mayor Mathews asking for more traffic ticket income to replace declining tax revenue. After Elliot grovels before Mayor Mathews, Elliot turns on his leadership in an email and demands an immediate increase in ticket revenue, followed by Major Dustin Dorr reaming out the deputies and ordering increased ticketing. Well the rank and file deputies aren't stupid and know that targeting drivers simply to raise revenue probably isn't legal. They refused to do the dirty job. That is followed by an order for each senior squad leader to work 12 hour days in two of the towns writing tickets. Followed by another email from Dorr retracting the 12 hour day schedule after someone leaked the schedule on Facebook.
 And whoever leaked the schedule on Facebook did a good thing so the local citizens could avoid driving around their town to avoid being victims of Mayor Mathews and Sheriff Elliot's ticket revenue scheme.