Inmate Dragged by her Hair and Throat, Head Slammed into Jail Bars By a Cowardly County Sheriff, Allegations Claim.
Security Tape “Disappears” But We Have a Copy.
Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot seems to be a woman beater among other things. Elliot first came to our attention due to his support for fellow Wagoner County dirt bag Rep. Kevin McDugle and we had to think, what kind of “man” would support a known pervert like that? Elliot punished one candidate that was challenging McDugle, firing him in mid campaign for no reason, and slandering him with other departments in the area in an effort to prevent the candidate from finding a job to feed his family.
Worse has been his support for Wagoner County Commissioner James Hanning despite the serious child molestation allegations and his office's harassment of the young man that Hanning is accused of embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars from. So with a man with perverts, embezzlers, and accused child molester friends, how much further can he fall? Quite a bit it seems.....

Meet Elizabeth Rodriguez, currently serving time for three murder charges after three of her accomplishes were killed in a Wagoner County home invasion. Three teens, one fifteen, the other two eighteen years old, kicked in the back door of a home while Rodriquez sat in the get away car but were shot by an armed homeowner carrying an AR-15. The homeowner's son was at home and asleep. He wakes up, grabs a gun, appears to have emptied his magazine and barricaded himself in his room before calling police. The teens were armed with a knife and brass knuckles and all were wearing masks and dressed in black.
Rodriguez turns herself in that afternoon while the police were going through the crime scene. She was in a relationship with one of the three boys and a mother of three kids. Rodriguez knew the homeowner's son who actually shot the three teens and appears to have targeted his father's home.
So Rodriguez is no angel, having several crimes that she had committed already in her young life but she didn't deserve what she received at the hands of Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot while in pre trial detention at the Wagoner County jail.
Rodriguez had been in an altercation with another inmate several hours earlier but the situation was long since calmed down when Wagoner County 911 coordinator Judy Elliot got involved. What was a 911 coordinator doing back in the back of a jail dealing with inmates? Elliot is Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot's wife and is known to be a meddler in jail affairs. Judy Elliot had decided to punish Rodriguez for being involved in the earlier altercation by forcing her to wear a suicide restraint vest, which would have made Rodriquez extremely vulnerable to being attacked again.
In the first video you can see two deputies going through the caged area and into Rodriguez's cell to bring her out to speak with Sheriff Comb Over Elliot and his wife Judy.
The second video shows Rodriguez calmly and defiantly refusing to accept her punishment and put the vest on. Sheriff Elliot can be seen to the left, the fat guy with the huge comb over, with his wife Judy opposite Rodriguez and pointing her finger at the inmate while talking. Rodriguez has her butt planted in a picnic table chair on the other side of the table when a deputy comes in carrying the yellow suicide restraint vest but both that deputy and another only pause before continuing on through the day room and into the “cage”. Rodriguez's cell is back in the cage area, a precaution for high value inmates like former law enforcement officers or high value pre trial detainees like Rodriguez.
About two thirds through the video you see comb over Elliot waddle up to the picnic table and start pointing fingers at Rodriguez, jabbing his finger at her and pointing to the cage area and her cell. Rodriguez folds her arms and refuses to budge. A deputy in black attire steps in behind Rodriguez and bear hugs her and begins dragging her toward the cage, Sheriff Comb Over Elliot jumps in, grabs Rodriguez by the throat and then the hair and starts dragging her toward the cage gate, stopping to grab two handfuls of hair and slamming her head into the bars on the right side of the door way on the way into the cage. Sources claim that Sheriff Comb Over repeated the head slam into the doorway when dragging Rodriguez into her cell.

And of course the actual video on the jail security system has “disappeared” we are told. No doubt Sheriff Elliot is concerned about winding up in prison right next to Rodriguez and rightly so. But a courageous law enforcement officer was able to take a cell phone video of the security footage before the evidence was deleted and get it to the Sooner Tea Party. Now that video disappearing is itself a felony, tampering with evidence. We have seen enough disgusting criminal acts out of that Wagoner County Sheriff Office to understand that there is little that Elliot and his band of minions will not do.
Rodriguez is bad seed, no doubt, but if we allow a coward with a badge to treat inmates like this then the entire department then believes that it is alright to treat law abiding citizens like this too. Could be your punk 15 year old cousin or kid that gets the next beating, could be the First Amendment auditor that is nuts enough to walk into the courthouse area, or it might be your or your spouse that gets pulled over by a frustrated cop having a bad day and something is done that ticks them off.
Wagoner County Sheriff Department had an exodus of good people recently, a lot of good people. Individuals that are good cops and good people and that is a shame to leave the department in the hands of cowards and bullies like Sheriff Comb Over Elliot. Some of them are very concerned, enough to risk their safety getting this video and information out to those that can expose the abuse. The entire department is a ticking time bomb, that can be seen in this First Amendment auditor video where a fat coward with a badge intimidates a citizen that believes they have a right to video in a public place. Now I am not a fan of this sort of thing myself but yeah, they do have the right to video anywhere in public and are breaking no law and it does flush out the bullies and cowards so perhaps it has a place in cleaning up our state.
On the other hand, this same activist has another video that was pretty good, a round through the local justice center and he was facing some folks that would love to throw him down, beat his ass, and charge him with a crime for lawful acts. And he is right, if you can see it, it is public and he has the right to video it all he wants. The police use this when arresting folks, anything in plain view is grounds for a search warrant or just to arrest you on for that matter. The guy has balls for sure and he is educating a few of the worse law enforcement officers and a judge in once case. The media has long videoed through courtroom windows and an open door is an invitation to non privacy.
One thing is for sure, the justice center and those working there are not happy with people videoing or recording things, what do they have to hide?
But back to Sheriff Comb Over Elliot. This is a man that deserves to spend some time in a federal prison for abusing that woman. Part of his punishment ought to be having a couple of large men drag him by the throat and what little hair he has left and slam his head into the doorways on the way around the building. See if he learns any empathy along the way. Sheriff Comb Over knows what is coming though, one source last month reported that a friend was just going through the Wagoner County courthouse and overheard Elliot having a meltdown, yelling something to the effect of:
“That son of a bitch isn't going to quit till he has me in prison...”
They knew exactly who Sheriff Elliot was talking about and reported the outburst to us. And you would be right Sheriff Chris Elliot. Perhaps you can share a cell with your cronies like Commissioner Hanning? Don't drop the soap though.....