What Bernie Sanders and the other Democrats want is a single payer government health system, which would lead to at least three trillion dollars in new spending every single year. In other words, doubling the present federal taxes of all kinds. Some claim we can tax the rich, but I have yet to have a poor person hire me to build a set of cabinets. Even if you took everything the millionaires and billionaires made, all income past $408,000 per year, it wouldn't be enough.
What would work is a 42% sales tax on everything we purchase including medical care and health insurance. Or the government could cut spending by 80% other than health care, the military spending, roads and bridges, everything. Or put up a new SSS type tax split like the FICA tax for 16% tax on employers, 16% tax on employees, or an additional 25% income tax levied on every single earner in the U.S. Or try to borrow three trillion per year from the Chinese and create that much more inflation. Or taxing each and every single person an additional $7500 per year whether they are using health care or not.
The good news is that is all it would take, $7500 from each man, woman, and child, regardless of income. But when you factor in that less than half of all citizens actually pay any tax at all.....bend over and grab your ankles if you earn income.
Like Obama before them the Democrats are spinning and lying, claiming taxing the millionaires will pay for the costs, or that middle income earners costs will go down.
We do know that when Arkansas expanded their Medicaid coverage a few years back the estimated cost to the state tripled as those people where were eligible but currently paid for their own care or insurance said what the hell and signed up en-masse. I mean do you want a nicer car or house or be responsible for your own family's medical expenses?
We rarely do federal issue stories but on this one please reach out to your Congressmen and Senator and ask they stand firm and refuse to vote for increasing Medicaid or agreeing to a single payer system.
Lankford's state director - Mona Taylor mona_taylor@lankford.senate.gov
Inhofe's state director - Brian Hackler brian_hackler@inhofe.senate.gov
Cole’s District Director, Joshua Grogis joshua_grogis@cole.house.gov