What is Next?
Our advice is to be patient and let the medical experts advising Governor Stitt see what happens in the next ten days. It appears that Stitt is planning on re opening everything around May 1st and that jibes with what Trump is asking.
And despite the news stories and nattering nabobs, few people are missing out on that much work. In my industrial park not a single company has closed, there is some amount of interest in work coming in via phone calls and email, customers are getting out and visiting the stores and shops. Most shops are handling things wisely, limiting customers coming in for necessary things and trying to pre screen the ones that call in asking if they are open.
If you want a haircut or your hair do redone, want to sit down in a restaurant or movie theater or want that bum knee fixed you might be bitching a bit but the fields are being planted, most construction is on going, babies are being born and people are getting by.
The lock down wasn't started until just under a month ago and in Oklahoma we seem to have successfully managed to slow the virus spread enough that our hospitals weren't overwhelmed. The scientists and doctors have learned a lot about the virus, the PPE and other medical supplies have been built up and more are in the pipeline, the month was well spent by both Trump and Stitt. In ten days we believe that it is both time to begin opening things back up and safe to do so. We will have to watch the curve of new cases and hospitalizations for signs of things getting out of control and that two week lag time coupled with the invisibility of symptoms for the majority of the infected carriers means that we could have a second spike but hopefully we have pushed any spikes back far enough that we can manage.
We do need to get back to 100%, no one doubts that. The conspiracy nut jobs that claim this has been done to somehow make citizens more compliant or to allow the loss of our rights don't seem to understand that these same entities are losing employees and budgets are plunging and are hurting as much as any of us are. Let's face it, the governments would much rather we worked and paid taxes instead of having to slash the budget for their pet agendas and spend that on quarantining people and writing draconian policies. Did a few cities get some stupid ideas? Yeah, and it looks like more than one is going to be sued for doing it. And that is how it should be. But this wasn't wide spread and ought to be handled at the local level, not having a handful of man babies and no neck protesters complaining about our Governor and Trump mishandling things.