Rep. Gary Mize Being a McDugle
We were looking over the list of bad bills for this session and were reminded of the committee hearing for HB 1112, a bill that would have forced the State Health Department to run all vaccine associated rules past the legislature for approval. Specifically targeted were the rules that covered vaccinated children attending public schools.
So the committee hearing is attended by quite a few activists and one in particular, a young woman named Hannah, is giving testimony about how a vaccine that went wrong affected her life and family. One state representative, Gary Mize of District 31 appears to be bored to tears during it all. Kicked back in his chair, chewing on a cup of ice noisily while the young woman was talking, then getting agitated to the point that he got up and got in the face of the Committee Chairman. If that wasn't enough, according to witnesses Mize just had to curse at the Chairman, calling him “chicken sh*t” for hearing the bill and allowing the young woman's testimony. He was told to sit down and shut up.

The picture tells it all about this man. Arrogant, entitled, little different in attitude than a white supremacist looking down and gloating at what he considers inferior people. At the time the incident got posted on Facebook and a few came to his defense while most excoriated the jerk.

And Mize is a terrible Republican, scoring a score of 11 points out of 100 on the 2019 Trump Index. Meaning he got two votes right and missed one vote. He has a challenger this year but it is a woman abolitionists so in fact Logan County has little choice. In our opinion the abolitionist would get nothing done anyway and would do less harm than Mize. What a sad choice, pick the crazy one or arrogant one.