As we stated in the title, a person’s religious choice is their own. However, when a small religious group, with no known physical church supports multiple members of their congregation running for office, then we feel we must say something. Many of you may recall that in past issues of the Sooner Tea Party, there were articles that covered an individual running for office who lives in a home that has 12 to 14 adults and as many as 10 children in it. They are also looking for a property to purchase to form a commune type facility for their congregation somewhere between Guthrie and Edmond. Well folks, she was not their only candidate.
Meet Christian Ford, running for Senate District 28
While doing our research on the first individual we came across this candidate list of members of this small denomination who are currently running for office. When all is said and done, they have a total of 11 candidates currently running for office. There is just one major problem that we can see in this. Some, but not all, groups that track hate groups list their religious group as both a cult and as a hate group. We must ask if we want people known to be affiliated to a known or suspected hate group to represent us in the legislative houses of our government. Have not we seen enough hate this year?
We found this article about them that is somewhat disturbing in nature. Besides the list above showing who their candidates are, here we have an article that is somewhat promoting or appears to the promoting of the same tactics used by anarchist to bring an end to abortion, which many of us would like to see, and racial inequality which has been proven to be a hoax. What are the voters left to believe about these individuals?
We next went to his campaign web site located at this link to see what information was available. The first thing we noticed was that no where does the party he is running in appear on the web page. If you look at the “Get to know” page you get the impression that he is running for the Republican nomination for the seat.
We then found this article from Ballotpedia. This is being called a “special primary election” simply because we have three candidates running for the office that is an open seat. Other than that, there really was not a lot of information about the candidate on here.
We then found this letter from the candidate to a pastor concerning abortion and abolishing it’s practice here in the state. Although he does make several valid points, He also fails to recognize the progress that has been made and the defeats that have been suffered in the never-ending battle to protect the rights of the unborn.
We next went to www.votesmart.org to see what information they had available on Mr. Ford. We started with his biography page located here. Although they were aware, he was a candidate for a State Senate seat, all they could provide was his name. They had no additional information available.
We did check on all the other information pages available and except for one, there was no information on file.
We did find one indication under the candidate evaluation page that you can see by going to this link. We have also listed it below.
National Rifle Association 0% 2020
What we do not know about that rating is if it was because of his stance on guns, or if he failed to respond to a questionnaire that was sent to him.
We next went to the Guardian web site for the State Ethics Committee and the Campaign finance records on Christian Ford. From what was available, Mr. Ford is running a one-man campaign. He is the candidate, the committee chairman and the treasurer at the same time. There has only been one campaign finance report submitted at the time of this writing. It indicated that there were no donations made to his campaign through March 31, 2020.
In closing we can say that this does not have the appearance of being a serious campaign for office. Nor can we see why he has not submitted any information other than his name to anyone. We can say that, with all good intentions set aside, this is not someone that should represent anyone in Oklahoma in the Senate.