"A Big Old Swinging D...
Delusion and Virtue Signaling Helps
to Ruin Innocent Lives in Wagoner County"
You have to wonder just how clueless a person can be after reading the amazing self aggrandizing propaganda that constitutes how Tami Marler and Wagoner County Sheriff Department investigator Danny Elliot view themselves. Tami of course is the rapidly plumping and rapidly aging ex beauty queen slash TV reporter that is married to Elliot. They run a business disguised as a non profit, called “Swinging D” and on their website are some God awful posts or bios that provide a good glimpse into what drives Danny Elliot and how deep the disturbance truly runs in the boy.
First lets look at Danny boy's bio. Here are some of the hilarious points.
“Danny’s perseverance finally paid off one summer day in 2015, when he drove Tami to look at a gorgeous 12-acre piece of property that would one day be the Swingin’ D. Even after they purchased the ranch, it took a while for Danny to talk Tami into actually moving there and giving up her Tulsa home (two blocks from her parents), but they had a place in Wagoner where he could crash and avoid the long commute. “
Dear God, they call a 12 acre acreage a “ranch”. How damned pretentious. Kind of sets the stage for just how desperate these two are to self promote themselves.
Next bit ties into something in Marler's blog post named “Her Imperfectly Perfect Man” where Marler claims that Danny boy voluntarily dropped out of the mortgage investment business to pursue his lifelong dream of being a policeman. The problem with lying is that people forget what lies they tell so with no surprise we read this on the Swinging D bio:
“Tired of the workaday world and in the midst of the mortgage collapse, he decided to live his second lifelong dream of being a police officer (we’ll talk about the first lifelong dream in a second).”
Okay, reading between the lines I think we can safely guess that old Danny boy failed the mortgage investment business and was looking for a paycheck. What a way to spin things, Danny boy was part of a nationwide debacle that nearly bankrupted the country and these two spin things as nobly leaving a high paying job voluntarily to “serve” the public.
Much is made both on this bio and the blog post about her “man” about the 19 week police training. How hard it was on both of them. Well sugar bits... hate to tell you this but 19 weeks isn't much training, it qualified Danny boy to be a school resource officer. A glorified baby sitter, the kind of job that other cops use as the butt of jokes.
Then there was this howler. In both this bio and her blog post Marler spouts off about Danny boy doing undercover work:
“For months, he hung out in Wagoner County’s finest establishments pretending to drink and drug. (It’s pretty bad when the place is such a dive, they don’t even notice when you pour bottles of beer on the carpets.) Who knew there was a strip club in rural Wagoner County? “
Gawd..... Someone wake this ditz headed woman up and clue her in, no way in hell that hubby was “pretending” to do anything and you can bet that Danny boy wasn't pouring his beer on the floor and getting away with it and if strippers were involved you would have to be a complete idiot to believe that Danny boy wasn't playing the part in full. No doubt this is her way of protecting her fragile ego, nope, Danny boy wasn't out getting lap dances and snorting crap up his nose.
And then a paragraph about all the major cases he has solved, with no mention of being sued in federal court for malicious prosecution/civil rights violations. Nor did it mention that the case was settled out of court. The various fraudulent cases where Danny boy framed innocent men and grandparents were conspicuously absent as well.
Then there is the Christian singing business. That's right, old Danny boy was a mullet wearing fat boy crooner in a Christian rock band. They actually have some videos up on the bio, with old Danny boy dressed in black, complete with the extra long western belt end nearly hanging down to his knees (maybe that is were the Swinging D got its name?). Gawd awful pathetic....
But you are getting the picture here; Marler true to her PR dominated life, spins everything to the point of utter ridiculousness. And that God awful bio page picture, the slim gun toting cowboy gazing into the sunset. I think old Danny boy has a few pounds on the idealized version but Marler can't allow that fact to alter her version of things. And WTF, anyone ever gazed into the sunlight and still have eyes left? Perhaps this is why the clown has screwed up so many people's lives? What struck me was that the most appropriate part was the horse's ass in the picture.
Marler herself is quite amazingly delusional herself. Read this bit from her own website:
“Throughout her progression to reporting medical breakthroughs, general assignments, investigations, and anchoring newscasts, Tami endured spying during one of her most painful personal trials and the resulting incessant gossip; ridicule for being a beauty queen; derision for not having a journalism degree; intentional exclusion from station teams, social gatherings and cliques. Producers complained about being forced to include her in newscasts, and openly mocked her when she asked for help.
One resentful producer attacked Tami in the middle of the newsroom, screaming about her designer wardrobe and shrieking, “Everyone just loves Little Susie Sunshine.”
On another occasion, Tami was alerted by a boss who said a group of women cornered her and threatened to quit, en masse, if the station proceeded with talks to groom Tami for the anchor desk.”
Uhh, most likely she was ostracized because she was an asshole as she claimed she was bullied in high school as well. But the “bullying” seems to have followed her into the business world if she is to be believed:
“But nothing could prepare Tami for the bullying she would face when she made the fateful decision to leave the cocoon she’d built in television news for the business world. From her very first day to her very last, bullies and their cohorts targeted Tami for character annihilation and relentlessly impugned, ostracized and undermined her, and demolished the reputation she worked so hard to earn”
“Now in her 50s, paralyzed with self doubt and wracked with the sting of betrayal, Tami was exhausted from being the constant target of workplace bullies and the feckless managers who protect them. Shock and trauma reduced this once self-assured, accomplished former beauty queen to a trembling heap of insecurity, paranoia and despair. Frozen with fear of re-entering a workforce that requires interaction with more potential bullies, she retreated to the security of her horse ranch and avoided human contact wherever possible. “
Dear God, go read the rest for yourself. It seems that “everyone” is out to get poor Tami Marler. At least she self diagnosed “insecurity, paranoia, and despair”. It seems that crazy does attract crazy indeed. Reading through it you get the sense that her main problem is that she found her self worth in her youth and looks and once they started to fade Marler just disintegrated mentally.
But Marler did us all a great favor by writing about Danny boy, heavily tinged with her victim mentality and extraordinary self promotion. Her blog post named “My Imperfectly Perfect Man” lays out why Sheriff Investigator Danny Elliot is most likely damaged goods and in no way suitable to be doing any police work other than a school resource officer. Here is her opening paragraph:
“Danny Elliott was a mistake. Unwanted and unplanned, he was the accidental product of drunken strangers whose only agenda was to fornicate and forget. He often jokes about being conceived on a pool table; because, to this amazing man I married, laughter is the best medicine for deep wounds from a childhood no child deserves, and gratitude is the remedy for all that ails.”
Ouch... talk about grounds for divorce. Never heard anyone admit to being conceived on a pool table. What immediately comes to mind is one of the dive joints that Marler claimed Danny boy “pretended” to drink and carouse in. Other than getting the idea that “daddy” wasn't in the picture for Danny boy's life you have to wonder if the name is even known, or names as the case might be.
The second paragraph puts the coup de grace:
“Raised by an abusive mother (God rest her soul) whose life circumstances caused her to treat him as little more than a welfare check, in crime-ridden projects in the seediest part of north Tulsa, Danny should never have become the man he is today. The odds were always against him. Imagine your mother sending you to the apartment of her drug dealer with food stamps instead of cash. A kindergartner should never have to choose between a beating from his mother and a beating from the neighborhood drug dealer. Only by God’s grace do you overcome such horrors.”
“God rest her soul”.... talk about passive aggressive. And “crime ridden projects in the seediest part of North Tulsa (capitalize Tami, learn grammar before you complain about other's grammar). Is Tami telling us that Danny boy was raised in the hood by a single mother addicted to drugs? Danny boy running drugs for momma, paying with food stamps instead of cash. One would be forgiven for wondering if cash was ever the medium of exchange if you know what I mean.
The rest of it, well you gotta wonder if any of it is true or just more self promotion pretending to be an underprivileged white girl meeting the boy who was in the words of Steve Martin “born a poor black child....”
Then there is this part, which we already discussed in this article:
“A few years into our marriage, as I settled into a position with a large school district, Danny suddenly announced he wanted to give up a lucrative career as a mortgage banking professional and live his dream of becoming a police officer.
Wait… what?! Do you realize police officers make half what you’re accustomed to making?? “
Okay.... so he was giving up a lucrative career, no mention of the mortgage melt down that put old Danny boy out of work and looking for a job. Again, the hyperbole, his sudden noble desire to serve his community despite cutting his pay in half. Anyone else beginning to understand why her co workers hated her ass everywhere she went?
And even the glorious job of being a school resource officer was pumped by Marler:
“Given that almost 15 percent of suspects arrested in America are school-aged kids and countless more are victims of crime, we shouldn’t be surprised at what school resource officers encounter on a daily basis – especially in an urban setting. Danny was forced to use his defensive tactics training far more times as an SRO than he ever dreamed of as a deputy. In addition to thwarting physical assaults, SROs routinely confiscate guns, knives and other weapons; investigate drug deals, sexual assaults, abuse and other violent crimes. Believe it or not, gang members attend school – often for free meals or to make drug deals – and several students wear ankle monitors as they serve their sentences for violent or sexual crimes.”
Seems that old Danny boy fought dangerous hardened middle school students and was quite proud of taking down sixth graders if they had it coming.
“Danny gained valuable experience as an SRO, which contributed to his being hand selected for his next position. His maturity and hard-knocks life experience made him the perfect candidate for a sheriff wanting to infiltrate the seedy underbelly of rural America. For months, my meticulously clean, well-groomed husband gave up bathing and shaving, and spent his nights pretending to drink and drug in strip joints and dive bars across the county (he’d pour full bottles of beer out on the “carpet” of bars so sleazy, no one even noticed).
I worried about him every night, terrified some thug would blow his cover and get him killed. (I didn’t really relish the thought of him hanging out in strip joints either, until he reminded me they were establishments where he could pour out a full beer on the carpet and no one noticed.) It’s hard enough on the spouse when her loved one is on the streets in a bulletproof vest and uniform; but knowing your husband is alone, armed with only his wits, among criminals who wouldn’t hesitate to kill him if he looked at them wrong… that’s a whole different level of worry. And then when Danny told me he’d have to get booked into jail for a few nights to catch an especially bad guy… let’s just say our bond was tested yet again.”
Oh my, the delusion just drips a steady stream. “pretending” to drink and whore around in a strip bar or club while maintaining his tea totaler status by pouring beer out on the floor. Now I have been in a few dozen bars in my life and can't imagine one where someone pouring a beer on the floor wouldn't get your butt thrown out by the bouncers. Kind of like the old advice about scam artists, you cannot cheat an honest man . Greed gets them every time. You wanna tell us that Danny boy wasn't banging a stripper on the pool table himself from time to time once the nose candy kicked in?
And then. There. Was. This:
“Danny Elliott is exactly the thoughtful, prayerful and purposeful warrior you want protecting your family and community.”
Well that judge from the story last week wasn't on board with this statement, in fact he pretty much called Danny boy a liar.
Marler wound up with this jewel of self aggrandizement:
“But God had other designs. The twisted and broken roads of two flawed souls converged into one perfect path, where our imperfections and failures provide the depth of experience and unconditional love we need to carry out what we fervently believe is God’s will.
Danny Elliott should never have clawed his way out of poverty and despair to become a steadfast and prayerful instrument of justice for the voiceless and weak. He’s not a perfect man; but I thank God every day for blessing me with the perfect love of the best man I know.”
God has their back, God protects them and gives them marching orders. Did he do that on the Martinez case where Danny boy ruined a man's life after two DHS investigations cleared the victim? Was the jury that slapped down that case ran by the devil or something? Are we talking Batman here, a misunderstood good guy or are we talking about a guy that appears to hate both parents and grandparents alike and is more than willing to ignore the facts and evidence when he is filing charges against innocent families?
Danny boy himself has played the victim in so many depositions, interviews, or testimonies, portraying himself as a selfless crusader for justice, especially attuned to victims is how he put it in one witness stand testimony. With the uncanny ability to just know that a crime has been committed and telling his supervisor just that before he even arrived on the Wolley residence.
Our opinion is more likely that Danny boy hates parents and grand parents, is jealous of any child that is lucky enough to have good parents and grandparents. Nothing else explains the sheer insanity of some of the cases that he has pushed.
The man has ruined so many lives in cases that ultimately were dropped or where juries chose not to believe Danny boy. And now we now one of the reasons why he is such a crusader and so ready to believe parents are degenerates and so ready to twist the truth and reality in order to punish imagined foes and freaks.
You can read the state court filing about the malicious prosecution at this link, keeping in mind that the Pacer system says the case was settled out of court last year. In the filings both Danny boy and the delusional and much bullied ex beauty queen slash investigative journalist are accused of inventing facts out of whole cloth.
You might recall one of our stories on Danny boy from months ago where we discussed Danny boy stealing personal items including a cell phone from the former sheriff of Wagoner County after Danny boy helped fabricate some false charges and help prosecute the sheriff out of office. Of course the three felony charges were dismissed after the AG offered a misdemeanor charge for not performing official duties over a case where drug money was confiscated in a traffic stop and the money was deposited into a sheriff's account in a bank. The current Sheriff in Wagoner, Chris Elliot, was magically appointed as acting sheriff after the elected sheriff was falsely charged.