A True Conservative
John Bennett is without any doubt a true conservative. I had the honor of serving with John in the Oklahoma House of Representatives and during his tenure he proved to be a staunch defender of conservative principles that the Republican Party was founded upon. John is not afraid to fight against the establishment and the DC swamp that has invaded Oklahoma politics.
John Bennett proudly served his country as a Marine, honorably served this State as a Representative and is prepared to fight to advance conservative principles that true Republicans believe in. John Bennett is the right choice for OKGOP Chairman.
George Faught
Former House Member District 14
Dear Convention Delegate,
I would like to tell you about my experience with John Bennett. After being injured during service in the US Army I suffered a life changing back injury. This event started me on a journey to getting the army to take responsibility for my medical costs and disability. I literally corresponded with every U.S. Representative and Senator elected in Oklahoma over 5 decades as well as 8 White House Administrations.
All of this work only got me more angry and frustrated, that was until I asked for assistance from John Bennett. Having a history of serving his country in the U.S. Marine Corp with 14 years of active duty John knew what I was going through. As a result of John’s assistance I finally was qualified for disability. This improved my quality of life significantly. Without John’s help I am not sure where we would be. Our country and our party still need men like John Bennett, now more than ever. I’m asking for you to cast your vote for a great man, John Bennett.
David Bell
Tulsa, OK
Fearless Adherence
Last week's article asked for my thoughts on the STP and John Bennett, as a candidate, for Republican Party Chairman, so here goes.
Al and the Sooner Tea Party have done a great job of keeping the party and it's representatives focused on the conservative, constitutional principles that are the heart of the Republican Party. Al and the STP are the watchmen, calling into account those who fall short of upholding the best face of our party and principles.
I don't think you can discuss problems within the party without having a conversation about RINOS. Our republic is in deep trouble. Democratic Socialists are in control and they are doing all they can to change the face of our nation into something that is unrecognizable. As a party, we must present a united front, not just in Oklahoma but all across the country. We must elect senators, representatives and party leaders that have their feet firmly planted in the constitution. RINOS are the weak link in the chain. They are willing to barter away conservative principles in the interest of expediency or personal gain.
I do not know John Bennett personally but I am well aware of his reputation for fearless adherence to conservative, constitutional government. By all accounts he served with distinction in the Marine Corps and faithfully served the constituents of his district for three terms as State Representative. The Oklahoma Republican Party would be well-served by his leadership as Chairman.
David Dunn, Oklahoma City
STP Ferociously Fights
I look forward to Sooner Tea Party articles each week! Openly placing oneself in the political cross-hairs is a treacherous profession, and Mr. Gerhart takes this in stride. STP ferociously fights to expose underhanded deeds with ZERO compromise! Thank you sir!
Kyle Johnson