The hottest political battle right now is the anti vaxers versus those that believe in the vaccines. It pays to remain open minded and look into credible information but not Youtube videos done by some naturopathic or chiropractor. Most of those are just spreading B.S..
Here is what I found convincing: "More than 380 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 13, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,653 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine."
VAERS is the reporting organization set up in the 90's to report vaccine injuries or death. And anyone can submit a report so the number of reports aren't really an indication of actual harm, it could be a bunch of anti vaccine folks staying busy spreading propaganda. And this isn't about seventy vaccines for a kid before they turn 15 years of age, I understand that isn't a good thing at all, this is about the Trump vaccines done to attempt to stop a pandemic and allow us to go about a normal life and maybe travel some day.
Now folks, we are losing a few hundred a week here in Oklahoma to the Delta variant so the idea being spread by the covidiots that two are dying for everyone that is saved by the vaccine is complete and utter bullshit. Here is a link to some more info on the safety of the vaccines. And keep in mind that those 7,653 deaths are reported to that VAERS agency are just reports of injury or death and not verified nor is there any guarantee that they are even credible. From reading the reports they are concerned about a tiny number of thrombosis cases, 42 I believe it was, and they have experts doing studies so they are showing concern.
Look, the bio attack was politicized by the liberals and not doubt the hospitals and doctors are rolling in cash and milking this for all it is worth and would love to keep it going forever. But there are some simple facts that no amount of whining and crying will change, over 95% of the hospitalizations are covidiots, AKA those that have refused the vaccine. The disease is killing mostly over the age of 65 in the vaccinated but at that age a good cold will mean you assume room temperature in short order. The unvaccinated mortality is spread across a wider range of ages. And over half of those deaths were already ill people with one or more co morbidities, if it wasn't covid it would have been a summer cold that tipped them over the edge.
But people need to quit listening to people with an agenda and put things in perspective. Trump brought us the vaccine, not Biden. You don't have to support a vaccine mandate, neither do I, but you will take the vaccine if you have a lick of common sense. Stop whining about your freedom and start thinking about the responsibility that comes with that freedom. not to others, not to the immune compromised or those under 12 that cannot take the vaccine, your responsibility to yourself and the friends, employers, and family that depend on you.
Last week a well known conservative that had been a staunch supporter of the covidiot crowd had recovered from a severe bout of Delta and came away a changed man. When he disappeared for a few days after posting about massive remorse for his previous covidiot ways his Facebook page was stripped of anti vaccine and anti mask posts and he came back on a mission to try to fix some of the misinformation he had been spreading. And walked right into a buzz saw in the form of former covidiot compatriots all screaming for his head for changing sides. Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know and you jump to conclusions and pick a side only to wind up looking like an idiot, a covidiot in this case. But seeing this guy turn around and try to fix some of the damage he had done was a sign that he might be a person that could be trusted with power someday. It takes a big man to admit he was wrong and a bigger man to try to make things right.
If in doubt, head over to reddit dot com and read through the r/hermancaineaward group. The liberals are laughing at you if you remain a covidiot and celebrating the deaths of those that are adamant about these conspiracy theories.
Search for Oklahoma Health Department weekly report and you will find the weekly summary of covid cases including break through cases of both vaccinated and unvaccinated. Things are still looking good, 95% of the cases are in the unvaccinated and the numbers are slowly trending down. We do not need another lock down or to be forced to wear masks again, we do need to take the vaccine if of age and do our part to build to herd immunity. And no, natural immunity from having a previous bout of covid isn't going to protect you past about three months. And no, the vaccine won't 100% protect you but it has been proven to limit the damage done and make your case much less likely to put you in the hospital or in the ground.