Debacle at the Capitol
Special Session out of Control, House and Senate Leadership Looking like Fools
What a mess, but what a fine week for conservatives and liberty minded people. Democrats and Republican caught up in sex scandals, agencies admitting to breaking the law, Supreme Court overturning a big tax increase as unconstitutional, a deeply unpopular Senator's wife getting arrested and the word just now coming out, Speaker McCall cursing on camera after being embarrassed, and a boat load of bad legislation killed or driven back to committee.
You know, while reading these newsletters you might wonder what you could do to help. Simple, file for a House or Senate seat next April but even better, file for an Ethics Commission Account next week stating that you intend to run for one of those seats.
Nothing gets the RINOs and liberal's attention like being primaried. Instead of taking the kids to Disney World these crooks find themselves fighting for their jobs, kissing babies, kissing other things closer to the ground, spending their campaign money on expense and signs for the campaign instead of taking the family on that vacation using the money because you know, they did some fact finding or registered for some convention.
Does this work? Read this one story from a guy who is challenging one of the rats and has already came out with his announcement. A single phone call to his existing rep and the fact that the rep already knew the guy was organizing and had filed an Ethics Commission report made a liberal state rep come to Jesus and vote against a huge tax increase.
And what are the requirements to be a state rep? House members must be 21 years of age (Senators must be 25 years of age) at the time of their election. During their terms of office, legislators must reside and be eligible to vote in their legislative districts. You should move into the district if possible so you aren't labeled a carpetbagger, simply changing your voter registration to your mom's house will do as long as you do intend on living there. Wink, wink....but you should live there of course.
The costs involved are minimal if you are willing to invest your time. Filing for the Ethics Commission isn't needed until you raise or spend $1000.00 on the effort but you can file for under $100.00 and make it official that you intend to challenge the incumbent. That makes YOU the most important guy in that district. If you decide in April to pull the trigger and file for the office you need either a petition signed by 2% of the registered voters in your district or a cashiers check for $500.00, most people just spend the money but a petition with two to four hundred voters for a House District shouldn't be that tough to find. And you know what, those that sign your petition will have a sense of ownership in the campaign and might donate and will certainly vote for you in the primary.
You don't have to spend a dollar past the ethics filing and the candidate filing fee, printing some flyers and knocking on doors can do the trick in the right situation. People are pissed off, they do not have a lot of faith in the legislators, and a knock on a door and a short conversation with a voters is 13 times more likely to get their vote than a post card or mailer. STP can help with low cost signs, banners even printing if you are a serious candidate. Just attending the small meetings to speak out against the incumbent's voting record is enough to terrify a RINO or liberal that is posing as a Republican like Carol Bush or Fetgatter.
We would want you to run to win but you know what? That isn't actually that important in the end. What is important is holding that ONE House or Senate member accountable between the day you announce your run for office and the end of the 2018 legislative session. They won't forget in 2019 either if it is a House seat. Their butt will still be smarting from last time.