Aren't Humans Supposed to Have Necks?
PTSD Bully Rep. Josh West Threatens Elderly Legislator
Last week one of the worst of the RINO legislators, Rep. Josh West, 2017 RINO score of 2.5 points out of 100, threatened an elderly legislator in the hallway as the gentleman was attempting to attend the Senator Tom Coburn press conference. The new group Oklahoma Taxpayers Unite had a press conference on the 4th floor and as the gentleman legislator was walking toward the press room Repl Josh West began screaming at him for attending the press conference. The Josh West, the fairly large and imposing military man began screaming " "YOU'RE STARTING A CIVIL WAR!".
Luckily the screams and sudden lunge toward the elderly man caught the eye of a police officer who stepped between the two house members, causing West to come to his senses and back away from the attack. But it worked, the frothing at the mouth attack caused the legislator to forgo attending the event.
Some say that Josh West is just eat up with PTSD and as the gentleman that was attacked was a doctor in the Army Medical Corps one would believe that he could safely diagnose a dangerous individual.
Later in the week other former military and now legislators joined in with even more bullying. Rep Kevin McDugle, notorious for his dumping of his wife and kids for a floozy that he allegedly met on AshleyMadison.com, the well known website for cheating spouses, attacked two other grassroots leaders including one especially scurrilous attack on the mentally ill wife of one of the leaders.
We aren't going to mention names as the victim has enough on his plate with taking care of his ill wife and trying to make a difference in politics and attempting to make the lives of the mentally ill and their families a bit easier. But the guy is a saint who has been taking care of his ill wife for decades. At one point both he and his wife realized that something had to be done to protect the family when her medications failed so they spend tens of thousands of dollars on a plan to get divorced, fill out a prenuptial agreement, and then immediately got remarried.
Knowing all of this, Rep. Kevin McDugle dug into the dirt and accused the couple of defrauding medicare by divorcing to get the medical bills paid while living in sin as a couple. The woman is not on Medicaid, Blue Cross and Blue Shield covers all of her medical and mental care needs. The couple remain married and you would not find a more devoted husband. This is flat out slander and without any justification or basis.
Telling bald faced lies like this is a mark of desperation. West and McDugle and the rest of the House leadership know that they screwed over the voters with their late night .6 billion dollar tax increases and by caving in to the threat of a teacher strike. There was a problem with the bill as written, acknowledged by the author of the bill during the House debate, it taxed church camps along with motels and hotels with that new $5.00 per night per room hotel tax. The senate wanted to fix that portion and send it back to the House for re approval but Speaker McCall refused, saying that if a single word was changed the House would refuse to hear the bill. Why? Because they had stabbed the voters in the back once already and didn't want a second vote to be sued against them and they were not sure that they would have the support of 76 House members a second time around.
Then Coburn stepped up and multiple sources said that the mood in the entire Capitol turned to panic when they found out that Senator Coburn was coming out against the new taxes. The measures passed that Monday night already had a 75 million dollar hole, with the hotel tax killed the hole just got larger, and if the new Oklahoma Taxpayers United file a referendum on the tax increase and the voters reject the tax increase they are left with a gaping $675 million dollar budget hole next year unless they rescind the teacher pay hike.
Only nineteen legislators stood firm against the extortion of the teachers. And seventy six legislators used the crisis to raise taxes, knowing full well that another billion to billion and a half in new taxes and new fees are going to be passed later on in the session. Here is a list of the opposing votes:
Bennett (J), Dunlap, Hardin, Strohm, Calvey, Enns, McEachin, Teague, Cleveland, Faught, Murphey, West (K), Coody, Ford (Roger), Ritze, West (R), Downing, Gann, Roberts (S)
Excused or walking the vote were;
Derby and Moore
The traitors were:
Babinec Griffith Meredith Russ
Baker Hall Montgomery Sanders
Bennett(F) Henke Mulready Sears
Blancett Hilbert Munson Stone
Boles Hoskin Newton Tadlock
Bush Humphrey Nichols Taylor
Caldwell Inman Nollan Thomsen
Cannaday Jordan O'Donnell Vaughan
Casey Kannady Ortega Virgin
Cockroft Kerbs Osborn(L) Walke
Condit Kouplen Osburn(M) Wallace
Dollens Lawson Ownbey Watson
Dunnington Lepak Park West(J)
Echols Loring Perryman West(T)
Fetgatter Lowe Pfeiffer Williams
Ford (Ross) Martinez Proctor Worthen
Fourkiller McBride Renegar Wright
Frix McDaniel Roberts(D) Young
Gaddis McDugle Rogers McCall
Goodwin McEntire Rosecrants