OCPA Involved with the 2018 Attacks on Conservative Legislators?
A few weeks back a screen shot was circulating showing the notorious RINO campaign consultant Fount Holland being paid by OCPA for lobbying work. Someone did a bit more digging and turned up a link between OCPA and the batch of bastards that raised nearly three quarters of a million dollars to turn out a half dozen of the most conservative legislators in the state. In many cases by attacking their very conservative voting record and labeling them as liberals....
OTU, Oklahoma Taxpayers Unite ran an expose last week that helped shed a bit more light on what happened. They managed to tie Leo J. Baxter, an OCPA Board of Trustees Executive Committee member, the State Board of Education, and the owner of a Lawton based consulting firm with the attacks upon the conservatives. Signal Mountain Associates turned out to be co owned by Baxter and one Angela Little.
SMA was selling services for the teachers unions to Republicans and Democrats alike, including Drew Edmondson who was running against Stitt. Little appears to have been selling the "apple" awards, a little logo used to show support from the teachers unions during the election.
The big question asked by OTU is why an OCPA board member would be waging war on conservatives including opposing Kevin Stitt? And who is paying Baxter Little, and SMA? They asked readers to contact OCPA and ask for answers: