Which one is Lying?
Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell or GOP Executive Director Tom DeMont?
Oklahoma GOP Chairman David McLain continues to break his word with groups and individuals that he had promised to settle a couple of bad hires in short order. Individuals are emailing and calling with the word that McLain is going back on his word to remove political consultant Holly Gerard and mystery man Tom Demont.
The money behind the Oklahoma GOP has already acted to isolate McLain by removing all responsibility for Victory 2020, diverting the responsibility and donations to other more responsible groups. Gerard is a backer of the radical far right religious groups including City Elders, a group that isn't shy about proclaiming their desire to rule over others by any means necessary.

Tom DeMont continues to suck in $3000 per month as interim executive director as debt piles up around the Oklahoma GOP. Demont of course was the one that claimed to have been sent by Lt. Governor Matt Pinell with the dirt on another GOP Chairman candidate in the spring GOP Convention elections.
DeMont is busy blaming Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell in this audio tape for bringing the dossier of dirt on the other candidate to light. For his part, Pinnell has denied through back channels that he had anything to do with vectoring the dirty dossier to the Sooner Tea Party, yet Pinnell has yet to speak out publicly and deny that DeMont was sent to STP through back channels.
Oklahoma GOP Executive Director Tom DeMont or Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell?
Why does GOP Chairman David McLain continue to employ a man that mislead others to spread a dirty dossier against another Republican GOP Chairman candidate and manages to accuse the second highest official in the State of being involved? Meanwhile the Oklahoma GOP continues to bleed money as McLain focuses on religious fundamentalism agendas and three week vacations while debt piles up.