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Asst. DA Eric Jordan and D.A. Jack Thorpe |
The Corruption of Wagoner County
Child Molester Uncharged Because Assistant D.A. Represents Him?
We pick back up on the Wagoner County railroad job on Tyler Paulsen. Previous issues have talked about how County Commissioner James Hanning is accused of embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from Paulsen and attempting to railroad the victim once the embezzlement was discovered. We coveredthe attempt to weaponize the Wagoner County Sheriffs Office and the Wagoner County District Attorneys Officein an attempt to break the victim financially. And we left off saying that two of the parties involved were accused of molesting children, which two?
(If these links do not work go up to the top and click on the Archive link to find the stories, these links keep messing up)
The first was our victim, Tyler Paulsen but he was falsely investigated eight times, each time being proven unsubstantiated by DHS or the court system if DHS was behaving badly. And they do so all the time. The fact that Pauslen has custody of his young daughter says it all. And the three thousand pages of angry and threatening text messages that were gathered tells the story too. Paulsen was fortunate that he had the money to clear his name each time, thousands of Oklahomans each year are not as fortunate.
And the other alleged child molester was, and this will be no shock, Wagoner County Commissioner James Hanning.
Meet C. C., Commissioner James Hanning's step daughter. C. had grown up in a home in Broken Arrow, from 1.5 years old till 2010 roughly, a home that was later sold on contract to Tyler Paulsen. Remember that Paulsen first met Commissioner Hanning when he was dating Hanning's step daughter C. After Paulsen purchased the Hanning home on contract living there was a battle between C. and Paulsen, C. didn't like the home, didn't like living there, because when she entered grade school she alleges that Commissioner James Hanning started molesting her.

The person labeled A is C. C., Q is Paulsen's attorney.
How do we know this? Because C. was deposed on July 28th 2019 on the business dissolution case started by Commissioner Hanning and C. had worked in her step father's office and handled some of the property records.
C. was born in 1992 and at some point her mother remarried Commissioner Hanning. When C. was in grade school Commissioner James Hanning is alleged to have begun molesting her. What is grade school, generally it is a loose term but most of the time it means the first six to eight years of education. Elementary school is generally understood to be the first three grades so this would mean that C. must have been around 12 to 14 years of age. Say around 2006 to 2004 as the court transcript that this information comes from isn't specific. We know that C. moved out of her childhood home, had met Paulsen, and was not happy when she found out that Paulsen was purchasing the home where she had been molested.

Next relevant page

At this point Assistant D.A. Eric Jordan is doing his best to stop this line of questioning but once the cat is out of the bag he realizes he has some liability to report a criminal matter with as he says, a long statute of limitations.

At this point Cherokee County ADA Eric Jordan, employed by Jack Thorpe in District 27, has established that a child molestation has occurred, by his own client, and he has to figure out the time line.

Cherokee County ADA Eric Jordan turns the witness back over to Paulsen's attorney. Then Paulsen's attorney is finished and ADA Eric Jordan, Prosecutor for Cherokee and Wagoner County, gets to cross examine C.

Two sisters.....

Now we learn that there were two other girls in the home, one about five years younger than C., the other around 15 years younger, both half sisters of C., Commissioner James Hanning's daughters by blood. As one expert on child molestatin cases told me tonight, it doesn't matter.

C 8
Now we learn that Vickie Hanning, Commissioner James Hanning's wife knew about the molestation within months of the first incident according to her daughter. Let that sink in.

As far as we are aware, Assistant District Attorney Eric Jordan sole response appears to be telling the girl to get some counseling . Reminds me of Bill Clinton telling that tag agent he raped to get some ice on her lip after he hit her and raped her.
The victim listed several people she had told, an aunt, Paulsen himself, others both friend and family. Even as we have to be very careful in this Me too day and age this story is credible in my opinion. We do not know when the molestation had stopped. We can figure that the victim turned 18 years old in either 2010 or 2011 depending on her exact birth date. We know she cut off all contact with her mother and stepfather in 2016 according to the deposition.
And were is Assistant District Attorney Eric Jordan? The law is complicated on this issue, people can sue molesters and even file charges, up till they are 45 yeas old but this criminal statute of limitations might be different because it was recently changed and there might be problems with the statute. Normally it is 12 years after discovery or the victim's 18th birthday. That would be two to three years from now it seems. It is true that discovery appears to have happened “months” after the first molestation but if the victim is believed, the mother didn't report the molestation and it appears that “discovery” means being reported to LEO.
The mother is still married to the alleged molester... Parents have a fiduciary responsibility to children so even if the child told the mother, if the mother didn't act that puts the statute of limitations on hold till the child victim turns 18 years old.
This legal site says the criminal prosecution runs until the victim is 30 years old or it can be even longer:
“Just like the other grouped crimes mentioned above, prosecution of these sex crimes, when committed against victims eighteen (18) years of age or older, shall be commenced within twelve (12) years after the discovery of the crime. When dealing with sex crimes,"discovery" means the date that a physical or sexually related crime involving a victim eighteen (18) years of age or older is reported to a law enforcement agency. “
If this is the case, the first law enforcement agency to learn of this crime would have been Cherokee County Assistant District Attorney Eric Jordan in June of 2019.
- 1. Prosecutions for sexual crimes against children, specifically rape or forcible sodomy, sodomy, lewd or indecent proposals or acts against children, involving minors in pornography pursuant to Section 886, 888, 1111, 1111.1, 1113, 1114, 1021.2, 1021.3, 1040.12a or 1123 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, child abuse pursuant to Section 843.5 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and child trafficking pursuant to Section 866 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes shall be commenced by the forty-fifth birthday of the alleged victim. Prosecutions for such crimes committed against victims eighteen (18) years of age or older shall be commenced within twelve (12) years after the discovery of the crime.
Now there is some controversy about the bill that was passed allowing prosecution for child sex crimes up to when the victim turns 45 years old. The legislation, passed by Kevin McDugle from Wagoner County of all places, doesn't appear to allow retroactive protection for victims, just for victims victimized after 2017. Wouldn't it be ironic if Kevin McDugle took down his own County Commissioner?
This however doesn't stop the 18 years old plus 12 years rule, giving the Wagoner County D.A. Two to three more years to investigate and if needed, prosecute Commissioner James Hanning.
Regardless, there is a little known statute:
Title 22. Criminal Procedure
Chapter 3 - Jurisdiction and Commitment
Sectio 153 - Limitation Not Included When Defendant is Not Within the State
“If when the offense is committed the defendant be out of the state, the prosecution may be commenced within the term herein limited after his coming within the state, and no time during which the defendant is not an inhabitant of or usually resident within the state, is part of the limitation.”
And we know that Commissioner James Hanning wasn't resident in the state for a four or five year period starting around 2005. Hanning had moved his business to Louisiana to work on storm damage jobs, nearly got ran out of the state for not being licensed, but then applied for a license to do the work. He will have left a paper trail that will prove he wasn't usually resident in Oklahoma during that time. If so, the victim might, might, have an additional four to five years.
Is this county a train wreck or what? First Wagoner County ADA Eric Jordan backs over a neighbor while he was driving drunk, gets arrested, "fired", "rehired" in one of the other three counties in District 27, continues to represent a private client several years later, while Wagoner County D.A. Office is trying to railroad the guy over some fake gun charges after dismissing the same gun charges two weeks earlier. And the client is accused of sexually molesting a child, with county ADA Eric Jordan in the room representing the accused molester and nothing is done? Get some counseling? Put some ice on that lip?
No DHS notice? No criminal investigation, arrest, and prosecution?
D.A. Jack Thorpe...at what point is this all going to be addressed? Many people want to believe in you.