The Great Mask Debate, Part II
were there some irrational people sending in emails on that last story a
few weeks ago. The dominant theme seemed to be that the masks don't do a
proper job at filtering and are thus useless. A university did some testing and video taped the results
showing no mask, a single layer cloth mask, a double layer cloth mask
and a hospital type non woven procedure mask. The non woven procedure
mask did quite well actually and watching that video makes me want to
wear one around people even if this Chinese virus goes away.
yeah, one irresponsible nut job not wearing a mask while harboring the
virus doesn't help the responsible people that do. That is the thing
about the mask, it isn't about filtering out inhaled virus, it is about
keeping the virus from spreading from the fools not wearing a mask while
they are carriers. And dang it, we do not know who the carriers are!
What else can we do other than lock everything down to slow down the
spread? No one wants that, so wear the dang mask.
of the more recalcitrant anti maskers have shifted their arguments from
“They don't work.” to “How far are you going to force me to wear a
mask.” And that is a fair question. So far I think our President and our
Governor have tried to lead rather than force, the RINO mayors, not so
much. Yet the majority of people out and about are following the advice
to wear a mask and being civil to those that aren't. I was distracted
last week and walked into a Sams Club near closing time without thinking
to don my mask and never got a single comment or dirty look. I felt
like someone like Chris Kannady should feel though, lower than a snake's
belly, and by the time I realized my stupidity I was already at the
back of the store heading to the register so I kept as far away from
others as possible and got what I was after and left.
is no doubt that this pandemic is being used against conservatives in
the election while rioters get a pass, the left rarely allows a crisis
to go to waste. There is no doubt they are messing with the doctors that
are coming out in droves stating that the hydroxychloroquine works,
especially the ones that stood on the steps of the Supreme Court in that
video. Google, Facebook, and Youtube scrubbed the video
as fast as people put it up. Yes, these doctors also seem to be anti
mask or some of them are, yet common sense and that video above shows
that the masks certainly help. They seem to have some experience and
have convincing arguments so I would recommend listening to what they
say and making up your own mind.
it is the sheer effort put into muzzling these folks that is alarming
and by those that are holding the very keys to mass online information.
That said, just because someone has a degree and a license to practice
medicine doesn't make then rational or ethical. There is one nut job
doctor running around in Tulsa that seems to have some political
ambitions and is looking to generate a following among the anti maskers
but luckily he has a short temper and absolutely hates being questioned
about his wild theories so he isn't much of a threat. I had screen shot
some of his wildest attacks when he was asked to explain some of his
wilder theories but within a few days much of his credibility was shot
so his being a threat was close to nil so I chose not to do a story on
the poor misguided guy.