Are There Any That Aren't Bald Faced Liars?
So there I was headed to the restroom at the convention and here comes Terry Neese, candidate for District 5 Congressional seat walking toward the convention with a little sawed off politician. I had seen a rumor online claiming that Neese prohibited concealed carry on her business property. What made me remember it was seeing some of her supporters refusing to address the issue, had it been false no doubt they would have spoken up, then again perhaps they were simply unsure and too principled to say either way till they found out.
So I just asked Terry Neese if I could ask her a question. She smiled, stopped, and I said I had heard a rumor that concealed carry wasn't allowed on her company property. She hesitated for a second, grimaced, shook her head no, and said “That is a lie!”. I thanked her for her time and said that was good because many I knew supported her.
Bice isn't the right candidate for U.S. Senate, she has a horrible voting record in the Oklahoma Senate. I wanted to believe Neese, I was relieved. For about 24 hours till I was able to do the research.
Bice has addressed this in ads and on her website at this link, there is a link posted numerous times on Bice's website purporting to lead to the Neese Personnel company handbook but the link was dead as seen in the screen shot below.

Hmmm, seems someone has yanked the Neese employee handbook down but a Google search turned up a cached copy that is guaranteed to be the real deal.
There we found this text at the bottom of page 5 and continuing onto page 6, the underlining is our emphasis:
Weapons PolicyTo ensure that NEESE PERSONNEL maintains a workplace safe and free of violence for allemployees, the company prohibits the possession or use of dangerous weapons oncompany property as well as on Client property, regardless of any Client’s individualWeapons Policy.All NEESE PERSONNEL workers are subject to this provision, including temporaryemployees as well as visitors and customers on company property. A license to carry theweapon on company property does not supersede company policy. Any employee inviolation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and includingtermination.“Company property” is defined as all company-owned or leased buildings andsurrounding areas such as sidewalks, walkways, driveways, and parking lots under thecompany’s ownership or control. This policy applies to all company-owned or leasedvehicles and all vehicles that come onto company property.“Dangerous weapons” include firearms, explosives, knives, and other weapons thatmight be considered dangerous or that could cause harm. Employees are responsible formaking sure that any item possessed by the employee is not prohibited by this policy.NEESE PERSONNEL reserves the right at any time and at its discretion to search allvehicles, packages, containers, briefcases, purses, lockers, desks, enclosures, andpersons entering its property, for the purpose of determining whether any weapon isbeing, or has been, brought onto its property or premises in violation of this policy.Employees who fail or refuse to promptly permit a search under this policy will besubject to discipline up to and including termination.”
Had Neese admitted this as a fact one could have put it down as a business's right to allow concealed carry or not. Of course that would have made a mockery out of the Neese ad that shows her carrying a gun in her glove box and being a big 2nd Amendment supporter. No one denies that as a business owner she has the right to say no to concealed or open carry on her own property but of course she would be seen as a hypocrite once the facts got out.
Some digging around shows that this particular handbook was written in 2014, uploaded or re uploaded in 2016 from the info in the URL from the Way Back Machine, so it has been used for the last six years. Click on this link to see the website history. Click on this link to see the actual page where the handbook link once was. Digging around it appears that Terry's daughter Kim might have taken over sometimes between 2005 and 2009, with a ten year long buyout period according to an interview that Kim Neese gave the Oklahoman. Being generous and taking 2015, that document is labeled 2014 in the url. I will pull the hhtt off the link, here is the rest of it:
This isn't something new or a big secret, the Oklahoman ran a story about the controversy, hidden behind a paywall but likely the newspaper published it all over Oklahoma. And Terry Neese is still touted as the founder of this workwithneese.com company....

Now who in the hell are you supposed to vote for knowing that Neese might lie about something that is so easily proven. Little miss Iranian Stephanie Bice? Why can't these son of a bitches just do the right thing instead of lying like this?
If Terry Neese comes up with a plausible explanation of why such a policy from a company that shows her picture and claims her as the founder I would be willing to listen if proof was furnished and revisit the story. The fact that the Neese company was able to yank the handbook page from the website tells me they got caught and wanted to remove the proof, they just weren't tech savy enough to realize it is impossible to cover your tracks online.