Those that have read this blog this summer know the depth of the dysfunction in the Oklahoma GOP. The straw that broke the camel's back was the lock down of the State Committee meeting, an illegal and ill advised act that served no purpose other than to exclude a few people in a vain attempt to silence criticism.
So on Friday the 23rd I sent a certified letter to the GOP headquarters along with four copies of the letter to the four members of the Central Committee of the Oklahoma GOP. The letter was a demand letter, giving ten days from the postmark for the Chairman of the GOP to set a hearing for Rule 3A violations or face the possibility that a lawsuit would follow to enforce the rules of the GOP and enforce my rights.
Rule 3A is very simple and very solid:
“All citizens of Oklahoma are invited to join the Oklahoma Republican Party to perpetuate this Republic. All qualified voters of this state who are registered Republicans are members of the Oklahoma Republican Party, and shall have the right to participate in the official affairs and governance of the Republican Party in accordance with these rules as set forth herein. Such right shall be sacred and inviolate, and the willful disregard or abridgement of such right by an officer or member of any committee of the Party shall be deemed sufficient cause for the removal of such officer or committee member.”
Oklahoma GOP public relations officer Leslie Nessmith admitted in a gloating Facebook post that she had conspired with John Bennett and executive director Bob Dani to remove all access and to “interfere in everything that he did.” Bob Dani had actively supported this effort with the phone call to shut down a $6,000 donation to the GOP, simply because the “wrong” person had arranged the donation. Then there is the matter of an incompetent legal counsel that fabricated a ruling stating that the convention delegate list was somehow a secret and protected list instead of the actual public information that any registered Republican in the state could access and use. Plus the notorious decision to illegally close off meetings. These three cases are clear and there is no other remedy other than they be dismissed. Bennett survives only if Leslie Nessmith admits she lied and only if no other evidence comes forward that implicates Bennett.
At this point, with Leslie Nessmith standing by her claims, the other three members of the GOP Central Committee have a decision to make; do they do nothing and become as guilty as Bennett by suppressing any call for justice or do they have a hearing to listen to the evidence and call for a State Committee meeting to remove Bennett as Chairman?