Brownie McDugle Abandoned Adopted Children?
Representative Kevin Wayne McDugle, AKA Brownie McDugle, has a history of leaving behind broken "families" and broken people in a very rapid succession. In 1999 Brownie McDugle dumped his first wife in September of 1999, divorcing Sherra Sue McDugle. By April of 2000 the couple is divorced in Payne County.
His wife Carla had moved on and was married to another man already. They had been divorced starting in November of 2002 in Canadian County. McDugle appears to have walked away with minimal property, perhaps a riding mower, and the other other items mentioned were the soon to be repossessed home in Canadian County, a refrigerator, and some real property in another county.
In 2004 Brownie McDugle walked away from the family home leaving behind over $212,000 in unpaid debt. McDugle apparently refused to even respond to the foreclosure of his home, leaving the mortgage company scrambling to serve anyone that might have a tie to the property. Brownie McDugle was already married to his latest ex-wife by March of 2003.
By 2007 Brownie McDugle was being sued by Tracy Searcy for breach of contract. This was connected to Tulsa Hearing Technologies, a failed company that Brownie McDugle set up using his new wife's money, which of course promptly failed. Brownie McDugle dealt with the lawsuit by filing for bankruptcy in federal court.
By June 2017 Brownie McDugle had worn out his welcome with wife #3, Tasha McDugle, who filed for divorce after tiring of the infidelity. The divorce filing mentions adultery and incompatibility.
The latest outrage is after the divorce judge told the wife she could submit a claim for attorney fees Brownie McDugle's attorney files a $59,698.65 claim for attorney fees despite the trial judge awarding that right to the wife. After all it was Brownie McDugle that dumped the wife for a woman found on AshleyMadison.com, a woman who herself was still married to a husband in Arkansas.
Yet one of the greatest outrage is Brownie McDugle's treatment of his adopted kids. In 2018 Brownie McDugle was using pictures of the two kids on his political websites and advertising despite not being in contact with either child, in fact signing over his right to visitation at one point. Of course Brownie McDugle was busy, taking the new floozy around the world on trips including a cruise to the Caribbean area.
In fact, Brownie McDugle was so busy that on May 8th when one of his adopted sons was in the hospital with breathing difficulties Brownie McDugle had no time to visit despite being in the Tulsa area.
McDugle had managed to find time to do a supervised visit with his two kids on March 2nd of 2018, a visit to Bass Pro Shop and an introduction to his new floozy despite the orders not to associate the children with romantic partners. No doubt he wanted some face time so he could use the two young boys against their adopted mother by questioning them at length.
All the while Brownie McDugle never asked to be around the two young boys and in fact reportedly stated that he hated to be around them. The wife for her part testified "Don't trust him alone with the boys." Now the initial divorce petition avowed that Brownie McDugle had a wild, out of control temper, then there was the alleged molestation of Brownie McDugle as a teen and the gay porn and alleged homosexual hook ups. Who in their right mind would trust this man?
The judge for his part got it. He admonished Brownie McDugle that the kids always come first after Brownie McDugle demanded flexible visitation days after short notice, instead Brownie McDugle was admonished to build his life around the two boys, not fit in visitation when it was convenient.
The business was valued at a reasonable figure, $120,000, roughly what the business was bringing in per year and had brought in for many years. This was far more than the $20,000 that Brownie McDugle suggested. It conveniently is also about the same amount as Brownie McDugle is claiming for lawyer fees....
Of course the big picture is the lack of shame and integrity of House leadership. Representative Brownie McDugle continues to hold a leadership position and a vice chair on the Government Accountability Committee despite his horrendous financial, legal and personal reputation. The statement that both McCall, Kannaday, and Echols is making is loud and shrill "We cannot discipline our own."