A Sign that the Liberal Agenda is Decaying?
Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson has blasted upon the internet scene and has begun packing auditoriums in the real world for his lectures on identity politics, psychology, and generally how to better your self in life. Millions of college age students are watching his podcasts and videos on Youtube and following other conservative and libertarian podcasts as they run across them. The left was asleep at first as Peterson came out of nowhere and by the time they realized his allure to millions of young people they promptly labeled him "alt right" in an effort to stop him.
Peterson first came to be noticed over a new Canadian law that demanded that the multitude of new pronouns used to describe the idiots that are in denial that there are two sexes in the world. Peterson, a university professor, simply refused to abide by the law and while he is fine with calling someone one of the idiotic new pronouns if asked politely one on one he refuses to abide by a law forcing people to do so. A few hostile interviews by liberal TV anchors cemented his rise to fame, where the liberal anchors were left with open mouths after trying to respond to Peterson's learned yet common sense answers to why identity politics and liberal in general is ridiculous.
Peterson entertains as he teachers, mixing in psychology, history, science, and just plain common sense as he explains the world. His audience is vast and varied, from housewives to truck drivers to cubicle dwellers, all are interested in following what has been tagged as Peterson's parallel curriculum.
The idea is that the current gatekeepers of culture, learning, and art are recognized as so corrupt that a new world view is needed. Peterson believes that the current gatekeepers have a system that is so corrupt that it has entered its decadent late phase and is tottering on the brink of being discredited and overturned. Has weeded out common sense, politics, and culture and has become known for being pure virtue signaling; ineffective, hypocritical, and rotten to the core.
And what is virtue signaling? Acting Machiavellian is one good description, focusing on appearing to be virtuous without actually being virtuous. Living a lie, self corruption, no different that the RINOs that have owned the Republican Party, saying one thing to retain power, doing something entirely different while governing. And what does Peterson advocate to replace virtue signaling? Dangerous competence, actually being what you preach, focusing on competence instead of diluting competence to further diversity and identity politics.
No one can deny that the leadership of our local, state, and national governments have long been corrupt and out of step with the people. The donor class has prospered while the middle class has evaporated and the working class has had stagnant wages since the late seventies. The poor, the non productive workers who refuse to work and the former unfortunates on public assistance have prospered along with the donor class as more and more tax dollars are diverted the welfare state. Yet the donor class along with the virtue signaling liberals consider themselves to be morally superior to the vast pool of forgotten Americans. Trump's "populism" is feared and unmercifully attacked while the real problem is the corruption of the donor class and liberal elites that run the education system and much of the dark state.
How does the lack of dangerous competency harm society? Look no further than your kitchen appliances and fixtures in your home. Old shower heads worked, as do old toilets and old dishwasers while the newer models have been politically neutered by energy standards. We have had public policy determined by global warming lies instead of engineering. Our roads and bridges are crumbling along with our prisons, while criminals are seldom held accountable, all so that more tax money can be diverted to feel good justice systems, public pensions, and corporate welfare. Once our education systems served the good of society and now they spread propaganda, teach virtue signaling, while churning out graduates that are barely literate, incompetent at basic math, and incompetent to the point that the graduates are unable to pass licensing exams, all taught by a basic education system that has dumbed own the standards to fifth to eighth grade standards. Think about that, our teachers are mostly educated at the fifth to eighth grade levels of competency in math, reading, English, and other core courses. Remedial costs to college students are at a point where even former Governor Frank Keating has suggested that the high schools be forced to pay for any remedial costs of their students that graduated. Affirmative action has pumped millions of students into the schools despite their being unprepared and in most cases, incapable of graduating. All to inflate the school budgets, provide more teachers with jobs, and burden the students with more debt.
Incompetence in leadership is all around us from the sex scandals of the Catholic and evangelical church leaders, to the sex and financial scandals of the elected officials, to the deep state that is refusing to follow the orders and policies of the elected president.
Peterson is aiming directly at this incompetence, demanding that people return to personal responsibility and character. Starting with standing up straight and making your bed in the morning, being competent in what you do and doing the right thing at all times. The man is competent and knowledgeable, credible, and worthy of respect. He preaches that to be human and worthy of responsibility is to fight to make your mark upon the world, to bring order from chaos, committing yourself to one person in life as a mate, raising your children and passing on wisdom and knowledge to them. He says one might suffer while doing the right thing but that is good and the pursuit of good is what your life ought to be spent doing. The age old wisdom and teachings are not being passed on and this results in the alienation, loneliness, and hunger for purpose that we see in our people.
Peterson realized at some point that not only was he destined to move beyond the small Canadian college where he could impact a few hundred students per year, he also realized that there was a market for what he was selling. He generated a parallel curriculum using Youtube podcasts, interviews, and now speaking at packed auditoriums to paying audiences. He is feeding people what our educational elites had stripped from learning, leaving the students with no roots, no sense of purpose. Peterson knows that colleges and primary schools are anti Amerian, anti-eduation, and anti conservative to their very cores. Identity politics serve to boost their power by dividing the citizenry into colors, races, and sexes.
Peterson's listeners aren't looking to be told what to think, they are looking to be educated on how to think so they an reject the bad while accepting the good that is left in society. The political aspects of this revolution endanger the Democrats that hates what Peterson is preaching and it endangers those liberal/donor class Republicans that are too foolish to recognize that these re-educated citizens won't be taken for granted. Which is why Trump up-ended the GOP and won the presidency.
If you extrapolate what Peterson is attempting to do you realize that he is teaching far more than how to think and re-acquainting students with the lost wisdom; he is teaching them to choose a lifetime of service to society, family ,and friends after recognizing the value of relationships and being true to yourself. And one thing is certain, the political correct realize it is a declaration of war and what is at stake is millions of slaves to politically correctness and the liberal agenda.