The Confusion of Brownie McDugle
You had to know that it was a front or that something was wrong with the boy. Putting up Youtube videos on how to treat your wife, how he is a family man, big Christian, conservative Republican, gag....And the drill instructor bit. Now you know that Representative Kevin McDugle was living a complete lie based upon the accusations of bisexuality if not out right homosexuality in open court.
When McDugle first popped up and we found out he was on his third wife some of us tried to be gracious and buy his spiel about the “poor soldier, long deployments, cheating wife”. Even when the AshleyMadison.com data dump occurred and there was Representative Kevin McDugle trying to hook up with other married women (or so we assumed at the time), some of us still reserved judgment, thinking perhaps he was on that site checking for proof against a cheating wife. Not so, it turns out that Representative Kevin McDugle is addicted to sex and pornography including gay pornography.
We know this because during the divorce trial Representative Kevin McDugle admitted to be addicted to sex and porn, while under oath, estimating that he was “pure” only 95% of the time. Now you know he was exaggerating his purity but even so that would be 1.2 hours per day. We know this because there was a reference and fairly long discussion of a hand written letter from McDugle admitting the addiction to sex and pornography, which McDugle freely admitted was something he wrote for some sort of exercise at a religious event or retreat where the men were to write a letter to themselves admitting their sins. Could just be bragging, who knows. We also know after sworn testimony that told what happened on one of the last weekends that Representative Kevin McDugle spent at home. He had left his I Pad tablet laying out and his ten year old son asked McDugle for the password so he could do something online. The son left the device on and Mrs. McDugle picked it up, opened up McDugle's email and looked through his browser history. And did she get her eyes opened up.
One email Mrs. McDugle described was a gay looking man standing in a skimpy swim suit, standing in a pool with a caption “Come get some of this”. Representative Kevin McDugle tried to explain it away by claiming one of his friends from “Soldiers Wish”, a non profit veteran charity sending him a picture.
A Facebook message or private post discussed sharing naked pictures of his wife, with Representative Kevin McDugle lamely claiming it was a joke between friends. Not sure I have ever had a friend that I would want to joke about such a thing with.
Then there was the testimony about Representative Kevin McDugle claiming that he “can't stand to be around the boys” and another bit about peeking in on minors that was referenced from an earlier hearing. In fact, Mrs. McDugle had requested the court remove all visitation rights from Representative Kevin McDugle earlier this year, which Representative Kevin McDugle voluntarily signed, and during the court trial Mrs. McDugle expressed a lot of fear about Representative Kevin McDugle being alone with the children.
The most disgusting revelation was testimony that revealed that Representative Kevin McDugle had an addiction to gay porn and his favorite appeared to be a brand of gay porn called Man of Steel AKA Joshua Armstrong, a 29 year old British gay man and webcam model. This is a heavily muscled, oiled up dude doing what gays do I suppose. Here is a link to a less than R rated batch of Youtube videos on the guy. Sworn court testimony that day revealed that Representative Kevin McDugle allegedly was so smitten by Joshua Armstrong that he had written a hand written letter to the gay man and testimony said that it was part of the actual trial record that is sealed. Remember that Representative Kevin McDugle had demanded that the court records be sealed and they went to great lengths to obscure the most salacious parts by pre printing two huge binders full of evidence. Rather than describe the document or have the witness read it they would refer to the document in one of the two binders, one white, one black, so the details were a bit sketchy but the idea came across clear as a bell; some sort of homosexuality was inferred.
Then there were the Craigslist.com emails where Representative Kevin McDugle was meeting and hooking up with people including one that was described in great detail. A hotel room was arranged in Sand Springs.....for a business meeting according to Representative Kevin McDugle's sworn testimony. Right.... short of being at a convention somewhere and having a hospitality room, who in the hell would set up a meeting in a hotel room? And off Craigslist.com before they shut down the prostitute/hook up sections?
Mrs. McDugle also testified that the main reason the marriage ended was her refusal to engage in the practice of an*l sex, that Representative Kevin McDugle had demanded it four times with the last time being their last night together. Now normally, in this age of Fifty Shads of Grey, one could assume that Representative Kevin McDugle was wanting to be the “pitcher” and not the “catcher” in this act but with the allegations of homosexuality, Craigslist.com hookups, and the alleged crush on British homosexual Joshua Armstrong one has to rethink the matter.
Representative Kevin McDugle has admitted to being molested as a young teen by a minister. He was quoted on Non Doc saying “‘You know what, I wasn’t the one in the wrong here. Somebody else was in the wrong.’ It took me that long to process it.” Now was that a typical teenage boy they wouldn't have remained silent and allow this minister to be a sexual predator. And they say that molester of children were themselves likely molested, that they learn some sort of twisted affection or validation comes from the attention. So given that the court records are sealed and all we have to use is the actual court testimony from that day, does anyone wonder why Representative Kevin McDugle might be very confused as to sex? It explains the sexual addiction and addiction to porn and the fear of Mrs. McDugle about having the two young boys alone with Representative Kevin McDugle.
Representative Kevin McDugle also comes across as a cartoon-ish character, the strong and tough drill instructor, big time Christian, and family man while hiding the addiction to sex and porn. It also explains his failed marriages, three so far, and he is working on the #4 divorce. You don't have to be a shrink to wonder if all of this bluster and bluff about being a manly man is a cover up/compensation for having some sort of twisted fantasy of some body builder type oiled up and ready to pound McDugle's...... And the Marines is the perfect place for a guy like this, lots of young men, McDugle would have total authority over them, actions that would be considered homosexual in nature could be explained away as “hazing”.
House Leadership continues to keep Representative Kevin McDugle in a leadership role and as Vice Chairman of the Government Accountability Committee. Given the revelations of the divorce trial and the admitted adultery, both his own and his living with a married woman from Arkansas, it reflects upon House Leadership and Speaker McCall. Birds of a feather flock together.
The story continues next week as Representative Kevin McDugle, AKA Brownie McDugle, continues to be told.