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February 10th 2019 Newsletter

Another Reason Why GOP Chairman Pam Pollard Must Go
On January 6th this year we published a story about the importance of the GOP precinct meetings and attending the conventions to vote on the crucial rules and resolutions that might put teeth into the Party Platform to force the elected officials back to the center and away from the left. Below is one of the stories that we heard where Republicans tried to get involved, attend their precinct meeting, only to be rebuffed by County GOP officials and GOP Chairman Pam Pollard.
A Grant County Republican emailed STP complaining that his county GOP officials weren't responding to his requests for information on the precinct meetings. We put him in touch with the State GOP Chairman, Pam Pollard. To her credit she emailed back within a few days, helped no doubt by the fact that the STP was copied on the original email requesting help. The man was given his county GOP contact info and one would have thought that would solve the problem.
From: Alexandra Brittain <>
To: ""
Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2019 8:19 AM
Subject: State Convention
Mr. xxxxxx,
The Grant County GOP is not an active party. We don’t have meetings and haven’t done anything in the last five years that I’m aware of. There hasn’t been enough interest to move forward.
If you are interested in going to convention, it is Saturday, April 6, 2019. You must go with another party, however. The Garfield County GOP is very active and you may attend their meetings and register with them.
Their address is 114 E Broadway Ave in Enid, Ok. I believe Lori Legere, the Garfield County Clerk, is the Chairman if you need to talk with someone for meetings and registration.
Thank you,
Alexandra Brittain
Grant County Purchasing Agent
Assistant HR Representative
112 E. Guthrie, Ste 102
Medford, Oklahoma 73759
Phone:(580) 395-2274
Fax: (580) 395-2086
Okay, well, if the county GOP is non existent then it is a simple matter of allowing the one interested man in the county to take over and hold the precinct meetings and county convention. The idea of attending another county GOP precinct meetings is so ignorant, they wouldn't be eligible to attend as they are not a registered voter in that other county.
Our Republican reached back out to the person at the GOP who was responsible for putting him in touch with the Grant County GOP
lj mccray <>
Jan 10, 2019, 1:37 PM
to Kyletta
Ms.Ray, I made contact with Ms. Brittain. She advised me that I would have to participate with Garfield County, which I find objectionable. Why is Grant County removed from representation? I will forward her email to you. Joe
Whether the GOP field rep even bothered to read the previous email or not isn't apparent but he was firmly told to go back to the very person in Grant County, the county chairman, who told him that the county GOP was non existent and hadn't done anything in the last five years:
From: "Ray, Kyletta" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2019 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: County Leadership "Precinct and Count meetings"
Alexandra Brittain is the Chairman for Grant County. You may reach out to her at 580-471-1227.
Oklahoma GOP Chairman Pam Pollard had been copied on the email and sent the poor guy right back to the person who just basically told him to stuff it:
Pam Pollard:
- Forwarded Message -----
From: Pam Pollard <>
To: xxxxxxx <>; Kyletta Ray <>
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2019 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: State Convention
I am sorry for the delay. I am out of the office sick this week but Kyletta Ray, our State Committee Liaison will be in touch with you with some information.
Thank you for being willing to help in Grant County!
Pam Pollard, Chairman
Oklahoma Republican Party
Over a month has passed and zero contact from either of the women from the GOP. Our Republican even made as trip down to Oklahoma City on the 7th in a vain attempt to meet with Pollard and get the county organized again. Here is the email that lays out what happened and how frustrated he is:
“I went to the "Dewey Bartlett" center this afternoon to find it locked up and closed. I was in hopes of meeting with Pam Pollard to get the ball rolling in Grant County for precinct meetings and a county convention to elect delegates to the Oklahoma State GOP Convention. I have been stonewalled for nearly a month and am inclined to think, since this is the same treatment I received four or five years ago, that the Oklahoma GOP does not want input from rural Oklahoma, especially someone who may have REAL conservative values. Damn sick and tired of the RINO's and the smoke and b.s. they spew out of their mouths and elsewhere. “
Pollard likely has refused to get Grant County organized because she doesn't want another county GOP that she doesn't control. That would be two more people at the state executive meetings that might not like her brand of Republicanism. So she excludes, allowing a non functional GOP county chairman to occupy a position while not doing anything for the Party or the Republicans in that county.
I would encourage everyone reading this story to reach out to Pollard and Kyletta Ray and chew them to the very bone and see if there is a sliver of shame or responsibility left in their miserable bodies.