Oklahoma Traitors Vote Against Second Amendment Rights
Six despicable bastards chose to spit on every Oklahoman's Constitutional rights last week. Liberal Republicans Carol Bush of HD 70, Trey Caldwell of HD 63, Jadine Nollan of HD 66, Daniel Pae of HD 62, John Talley of HD 33, and Randy Worthen of HD 64 joined 24 liberal Democrats voting against HB 2597. The bill will remove all licensing and training requirements for open or concealed carrying of fire arms but it gives a list of those that are not qualified including those convicted of domestic abuse, assault and battery that caused grave physical injury, illegal drug use or possession, or stalking. The bill adds a prohibition of other hand weapons like loaded canes, brass knuckles, or chains on college or vo tech campuses. The law prohibits illegal aliens from being armed as well.
The bill restores 2nd Amendment rights to non felons that are at least 21 years old and those discharged or employed by the military that are at least 18 years old. It continues a long list of properties that guns cannot be carried onto and continues the responsibility to inform an officer of the presence of a weapon during a traffic stop, detainment, or arrest if asked. The fine is a $100 citation, the gun cannot be confiscated as long as the person is otherwise legal to possess a gun.
Carol Bush had a index score of only three points, Jadine Nollan had a score of 11 points, Randy Worthen had sixteen points out of 100 points. The rest are freshmen without voting records. The legislation is now in the Senate waiting a committee vote. However one of those traitors, Daniel Pae, had signed a survey with both OK2A and the Oklahoma Rifle Association supporting Constitutional Carry only to do just the opposite.
Trey Caldwell had to face an hostile mob on Facebook, many who called him a liar and worse after committing to them that he was a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter. Caldwell was one of the challengers funded by Comrade Chris Kannady to take out conservative Republican Jeff Coody in the last primary election.