Another Example of Incompetence and Irresponsibility
We have a lot of newcomers to politics with the influx of Trump Stop the Steal attendees signing up for our newsletter. I told them that I wasn't the guy that entertained them and motivated them; I was the guy that told them what needs done to fix this mess and protect our President. And that is to hold accountable every single Republican elected official including Party officials, that refused to actively and proactively support our President.
And all that starts with a GOP that has zero back bone. Our immediate need is to show the petition list of hundreds of Republican voters that attend the rally demanding that our Congressmen and Senators get out NOW and defend Trump and stop the crooked voter fraud. That is below at the end of our newsletter.
But our next task is to put some heavy backbone in the Republican Party to prevent this voter fraud from ever happening again AND to force the RINOs to follow Trump's agenda and enact it at the state level if the voter fraud succeeds, God forbid. So we need new Republican leadership at the upcoming April or May GOP convention. And there has been an effort underway with dozens of people meeting and planning on doing something about this mess. To do this we need fresh Republicans to flood into the Party, enough to get the old renewed and back on purpose or to flush them out and install true conservative Republicans to leadership.
So we need to explain what needs done and why it needs done. The best way is to tell stories so the newcomers can get their bearings and find out who is on our side and who is against us. We also need to explain the very basics of politics in Oklahoma. What works, what doesn't work, how to fend off the inevitable controlled opposition that will try to infiltrate the movement and try to destroy it.
So here goes. Warning that this is more than political hacks pissing on each other. This is the key to stopping the madness and getting support for our President. And it isn't usually pretty or kind, sometimes you just have to cringe when Rosie O'Donell gets called a fat pig if she has it coming.
The first true need is to expose the largest impediment to enacting Trump's agenda in Oklahoma, the leadership of the Republican Party.
Back in June of this year we had a razor thin election on expanding Medicaid. There were 90684 absentee votes combined for Republican and Democrat U.S. Senator. But 94614 absentee votes were cast for SQ 802, 3930 absentee votes more than were cast for the Senate race?
Who fills out a ballot at home where they have all the time in the world, and votes for Medicaid expansion but not for the liberal choice for Senate? Only 6553 total votes passed 802. Around one half of one percent is going to cost the State taxpayers billions in new taxes.
Where in the heck was the GOP and why were they not asking questions? Four times the absentee ballots for the state question than against the state question. And roughly 1.7 times more absentee ballots for a Republican Senator than a Democrat Senator. They are saying that twice as many Republicans voted for Medicaid expansion than voted for the Senate race.
Something was amiss.
Worse, last Tuesday we lost a race in Norman, HD 46, a Republican lost by 79 votes, that is 00.2%, two tenths of one percent. There should have been a recount and the absentee ballots checked carefully as the Democrat absentee ballots were over double the Republican absentee ballots.
Why wasn't the GOP leadership there supporting the candidate and forcing a recount given all the chatter that mail in ballots were huge fraud risks.
The facts point to the June primary ballot being a test run by corrupt election officials. If it worked in Oklahoma in June, why not use the corrupted software across the nation? Why did the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the GOP not step up and demand accountability.
David Van at Sooner Politics posted about this very issue; why did GOP officials dither and self promote while not doing their actual job? If nothing else we could have audited the State Election Board's processes and checked to see if voter fraud went on with the mail in ballots.