Speaking of Political Creeps... Meet Mayor Holt, AKA "Cooter"
Oklahoma City Council and Mayor Targeted by New Group
STP has mostly focused on state politics other than a brief foray into Oklahoma City politics back in 2010. Then three candidates from a local conservative Church filed for City Council seats and the fight was on. The Oklahoman blistered us and they blistered them, including a story of how the Church was training young children in the use of automatic weapons. That a page one sub headline, at the very last paragraph of the story buried back on page ten they admitted that a state game ranger gave a gun safety class to kids at their annual summer camp and as part of his show he demonstrated firing an AR-15.
They attacked the Church viciously, they attacked STP viciously, and for the first time in state history a city council race had TV ads running and over a million dollars spent on the campaign. And it worked, none of the three men won office. But it bled the establishment dry in doing so. Had the grassroots kept pushing candidates into the elections it might have had some effect.
So the field has been abandoned to the establishment for the most part ever since 2010. But there is a new group of patriots that are planning on gathering supporters and taking aim at the Oklahoma City Council and the Mayor.
Meet Bryan Armstrong, one of the co founders of Ignite Liberty OKC. Bryan's group has a website up and they cover everything from the Presidential election to local matters. Word is that the group is recruiting for the Mayorial and City Council races and looking for supporters and candidates. We will try to keep everyone up with the group's activities and progress.