Who to Trust?
RINOs and Their Enablers
As we have already discussed AJ Farete, the newcomers to politics need to know who the conservative Republicans have been fighting against for the last decade. These RINOs pretty much know that they have to infiltrate the new groups, curry favor, and try their best to poison the well against the actual conservatives. They know the truth will come out and need to sow mistruth to blunt the truth.
Ever since the Tea Party got involved in 2009 we have faced the same RINO factions and generally the same bad actors. Votes would be stolen at the conventions, bad voter info given out to conservative candidates that were too foolish, too inexperienced, or just too cheap to purchase the voter info from an outside vendor. Or when a conservative won a GOP position they would be hounded out of office by constant attacks based upon shear lies and innuendo.