Has the Right to Vote Been Nullified by
Voter Fraud in the Liberal Run Big Cities?
Perhaps, perhaps not. However we are about to find out as December 8th is a very important date in a federal election. That is the Safe Harbor Date, the time by which all states are supposed have resolved all election related disputes six days before the electors cast their votes. All recounts, all legal challenges, are supposed to be completed and the states are supposed to certify the results.
The governors of the state are supposed to prepare Certificates of Ascertainment by six days before the Monday after the second Wednesday in December, with the names of the electors, the election results, and have it stamped by the state seal. These Certificates of Ascertainment are supposed to be delivered to the U.S. Archivist and the state's electors no later than the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December, which is December 14th in this year. Doing so makes the election outcome binding.
These electors are to meet and vote on this Monday after the Second Wednesday in December of presidential election years at their state capitol or wherever the state legislature might require and vote using paper ballots on the office of President and Vice President. In Oklahoma this is a pre printed form, the electors simply sign the form which is called the Certificate of the Vote. There is six, one for each elector, then the President of the Senate, the Archivist, the state secretary of state, and the District Court Judge each get a copy. Thirty three states and the District of Columbia require the electors to vote for the candidate that won the popular vote in the state.
What happens if an elector decides to vote as they wish? In Georgia, nothing. Arizona the vote is canceled and the elector is replaced. In Wisconsin there is no penalty and the vote is as cast! There appears to be no law in Pennsylvania to stop a elector from voting as they wish. Michigan cancels the vote and replaces the elector as does Nevada. Arizona has no penalty but the vote is canceled.
However, in some states there is nothing stopping a legislature from calling foul and appointing an alternate slate of electors if they believe that the election was fraudulent. The ultimate power is with the state legislature.
In Georgia the Republicans hold the majority.
In Wisconsin they have both houses majority Republican.
In Pennsylvania Republicans hold the majority and 62 House members have already petitioned Congress to throw out their election results based upon fraud.
Michigan is also controlled by Republicans.
Nevada is controlled by a Democrat House of Representatives. Arizona the Republicans hold a slim majority.
The Constitution gives the deciding role to the state legislators so SCOTUS has allowed states to have faithless elector laws allowing a penalty or to revoke the vote and replace the elector but not all states have done this. That doesn't mean that SCOTUS requries faithful electors, it just leaves that up to the state legislators.
On the fourth Wednesday in December, the 23rd of 2020, these certificates must be presented to the President of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Archivist or either of the two parties then request a copy in an expeditious manner from the state's secretary of state.
So if enough state legislatures refuse to certify their election results then Congress can step in and settle matters by deciding the election in the U.S. House of Representatives. On January 6th Congress tallies the votes with Vice President Pence presiding over a joint House/Senate and if any candidate gets over 270 votes a winner is certified by Congress.
This is called a contingent election, where there is no absolute majority of the electoral college votes. The House elects the President, with each state casting one vote for all of the House members from that state. And around 32 congressional House delegations are controlled by Republicans against only 17 Democrat controlled states. Trump would easily win if the House has the final say.
In the Senate, each senator has one vote so if the two Georgia seats go to the Democrats we have a tie. I don't think anyone knows what would happen at that point but it is very likely that a conservative Democrat would switch votes rather than see Harris elected vice president. It isn't likely that Romney would switch to support Harris, he would against Trump though but he cannot vote for Trump.