The December 12th Trump Rally
It was a good rally with around 350 attending. People will wonder at the mix of speakers, Al Gerhart speaking on the same stage with Ecclesia, Bob Lin of OCPAC, Kevin McDugle, and Oklahoma County Clerk David Hooten. Mayor Hobbs has a knack it seems for bringing together diverse groups.
But things change, old adversaries can change too. With the poison that was T Russell Hunter gone the Abolitionists have politically matured and seemed to have learned from past mistakes and we hope that is true.
OCPAC leader Bob Lin made a good speech and he appears to have been a stabilizing influence on OCPAC and the Tea Party and OCPAC are supporting some of the same issues like the fight to save the Charter Schools. They even had Mayor Hobbs speaking at OCPAC a few months back about the State Auditor hatchet job on Epic.
County Clerk Hooten and his colleague Court Clerk Rick Warren have done an outstanding job the past few years and as far as we can remember neither have been the target of any story or whisper of ill issues. Hooten had some good things to say in his speech and seems to be a very sincere and likable person.
Former gubernatorial candidate Gary Richardson was the keynote speaker and he gave a good story about voter fraud and how reluctant the FBI was about getting involved and investigating. And how the FBI even tried to torpedo his own appointment as a U.S. Attorney in charge of prosecuting so many of the County Commissioners back in the eighties. There were 230 Oklahoma county commissioners caught and prosecuted by Gary Richardson and his fellow prosecutors.
The wind was cold and the event ran a bit longer due to the huge number of speakers. And late in the day, about five minutes after the event had ended here comes Antifa and BLM thugs trying to cause trouble. A few dozen flooded in waving what looked like the Ethiopia flag and I suppose in their minds they “disrupted” the event. In fact they did attempt to bully a young couple and a small contingent of the Proud Boys were on hand for everyone's protection along with a few state troopers that showed up when the thugs showed up. But this was ten minutes after everything was being packed and loaded.
And this time Oklahoma GOP Chairman David McLain was smart enough to not show up. You will remember last time he was humiliated when a lady asked if McLain could speak and was refused. McLain had recently attacked both the Tea Party and Epic and defended State Auditor Lying Cindy Byrd on the hatchet job which cost him a huge chunk of those willing to tolerate him for the balance of his term.
McLain has come off the rails recently making wild accusations against conservative activists and leaders, claiming that there is a vast conspiracy against him. As in all great and wild conspiracy theories there is a grain of truth, the vast majority of the GOP activists and Party members have lost so much confidence in McLain that he is isolated and ought to be fearful if he thinks of running for office again. You cannot help but pity the fool and feel embarrassed for him and I think everyone was relieved not to have him present embarrassing himself around decent conservative Republicans.