
What is the difference between a Lawyer and a Prostitute?
(Editor's note: this is an anonymous submission by an attorney)
A prostitute will stop screwing you when you are dead.
Sadly this isn’t just another lawyer joke, it is the reality here in Oklahoma. “The Oklahoma Bar Association is a private group that possesses government power, and it has a track record of taking far-left political stances.” And the kicker is that it is our own laws that gives the Oklahoma Bar Association its power. Why are we doing this to ourselves?
To start with Oklahoma laws require lawyers to be a member of the Oklahoma Bar Association and to pay dues. I thought we were a right to work state? Why are conservative lawyers forced to join the liberal bar association who then turns around and uses the money they were compelled to pay for the Bar Association’s liberal agenda? (Examples provided below) I know I know its hard to drum up sympathy for lawyers, even conservative ones.
But think of it this way for a minute, why do we allow the liberal Oklahoma Bar Association to promote their liberal agenda with money extorted from lawyers? We are giving them the power to tax, we are giving them the power to go after conservative lawyers (Examples provided below) and promote their liberal ideology and we are giving them WAY too much influence over who becomes a judge.
“In Oklahoma, old state laws give the bar association real power. It gets to license lawyers and to manage part of the process of lawyer discipline. It also gets a guaranteed say in who does and does not get to be an Oklahoma appellate judge. This is a lot of power for a private group that takes political positions.” In the words of George Carlin “its a private club and you ain't in it.”
Oklahoma law gives our liberal bar association 6 seats on the judicial nominating committee, that’s 6 out of 15. That is 40% of the members of the judicial nominating committee selected by the liberal bar association, all the liberals need to have a majority is to have 2 of the remaining 9 be a liberal. No wonder we get so many screwy decisions from these judges (the majority of which, are nothing but government lawyers in a robe). We have a conservative legislature and a republican governor and most of the state is conservative. But because we have failed to reign in the liberal Oklahoma Bar Association we are allowing ourselves to be ruled by a bunch of liberal tiny tyrants wearing black robes. Why are we doing this to ourselves?
I can hear people now calling me an extremist and claiming I am exaggerating the situation, well anyone that is thinking that needs to only look back to the beginning of the Trump Administration and the Scott Pruitt fiasco.
Back in December of 2016, after Trump announced Scott Pruitt would be his selection for EPA Director, Garvin Isaacs, liberal lawyer and then President of the Oklahoma Bar Association had a lot of criticism for Scott Pruitt’s nomination. Issacs was quoted in the NewYorker magazine as saying:
Maybe one of Isaac’s clients need to question his competency for a change.
Then after a liberal OU professor Kristen Van de Biezenbos and the Center for Biological diversity filed an ethics complaint against Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma Bar Association started investigating Scott Pruitt on ethics complaints. A bunch of liberal lawyers, tiny tyrants, who have weaseled their way into power at the Oklahoma Bar Association investigated the Director of the EPA because they did not like his politics and his stance on the government overreach of the EPA.
The Oklahoma Bar Association tries to present itself as neutral but they are not. They are political actors, playing a political games and subverting the will of the citizens of the state of Oklahoma and the legislature should do something about it. If these political lawyers want to shape state policy they should run for office and persuade the voters to elect them. I suspect the reason they do not is that they know they could never win.