Photo Credit the tulsa voice
Tulsa Trash Republican Attacks
Conservative Republican Leadership
A Woman Ugly Inside as Well as Outside.
Advocates Assisted Death for her Own Elderly Mother.
When most women get older they will lose much of their good looks as do we all as we age but usually in its place a certain kind of grace settles in, something far more attractive than the superficial beauty of youth. An air of wisdom, tolerance, humility, there is a reason why we call them our better halves. But then there is Carol Bush….
Rep. Ken Walker got his butt kicked and the woman that took his place has already begun attacking the Republican Party Platform and House leadership.
In an interview on she was the epitome of pride, arrogance, and braggadocio, speaking to a long time friend and probably too stupid to realize it was going to be printed or too clueless to care what her House colleagues might think. She has worked for the Tulsa Crime Commission and the Tulsa Health Department and appears to be a failed businesswoman forced to suck on the public teat for her income. One of her "accomplishments" was getting Coke machines out of the Tulsa schools, in the interest of health and wellness.