Monday, July 31, 2017

Mental Health Commissioner Spends A Night In Jail For Assault

Nice mug shot !
Crazy is as Crazy Does

   We have always had our doubt about Commissioner of Mental Health Terry White. Her political ambition isn't well hidden and as a crony of Mary Fallin, well the apple never fall far from the tree. Commissioner White has gutted DHS, focusing on sending 90% of her budget to contractors, slashing the mental health services and child protection services, sending most of the troublesome work out to unaccountable private contractors. She has closed down most of the mental health centers and beds, keeping a tiny fraction of the amount of beds needed for a population the size of Oklahoma.

  What does Commissioner White get in return? She has built an empire of contractor cronies that owe her and Fallin political favors and contributions to campaign coffers. Commissioner White's political ambitions will benefit when she feels the time is right to run for office.

Oklahoma County DA: Prater Embroiled In A Major Scandal

Oklahoma County D.A. David Prater Embroiled in a Major Scandal

   Fox 25 is one of the few media outlets with the courage to go after public officials and they have been all over Oklahoma County D.A. David Prater over the emerging scandal over the Daniel Holtzclaw trial. Fox 25 obtained emails between Prater's office and the OKC crime lab over the secret hearings in the criminal appeal case. They also obtained the surveillance video showing high raking police and lab personnel involved in the two day hearing. That hearing was so confidential that even the Holtzclaw defense team were not allowed to attend. We found that astounding, locking out one set of attorneys in a court case has to be unprecedented.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Senator Griffin Faces Ethics Charges

Senator AJ Griffin Caught
with her Hand in the Cookie Jar
Is it Cheaper to Purchase an Oklahoma Senator or to Hire More Staff?

This woman has always been Republican trash, a RINO from the start, and once again she finds herself in the spotlight after running her mouth about her work for a DHS contractor with a troubled and checkered past. In June of this year Griffin was bragging about her new company's work for Sequoyah Enterprises, Inc, a company that got its start decades ago to take advantage of Sequoyah County Democrat House member J T Stites largess in funneling state dollars to political cronies.
Griffin had planed on using her political office and experience with the nonprofit sector in helping other companies skin dollars from the state budget until the Oklahoman started asking questions, suddenly deciding NOT to do consulting work with companies with state contracts.
Suddenly she knew little of the financial details of her deal with Sequoyah Enterprises and suddenly she was working on a "volunteer" basis...right....that 's the ticket, yeah.. volunteering....

Dan Fischer Comes To Konawa

Konawa Tea Party
(4th) Tuesday July 25, 2017 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Kennedy Library - The Dougan Room
Konawa School, 701 W South Street
Invited Speaker:

Dan Fisher 

Constitutional Candidate for Governor

"What goes on behind closed doors at the Capitol"

  Former state representative Dan Fisher (R-El Reno) has filed a statement of organization with the Oklahoma Ethics Commission indicating his intent to run for Governor. Fisher served two terms in the State House (first elected in 2012), but did not seek reelection in 2016.

McDugle vs McDugle

McDugle vs. McDugle

  Yehhhochhhh!....Good Lord, another ugly divorce that is about to stain the Republican Caucus. Rumors of problems have floated around for weeks and more substantial allegations came out along with copies of court filings between Rep. Kevin McDugle and his wife. After looking into it we decided not to choose a dog in this fight this week and let the situation develop and give time for all of the shoes to drop so to speak.

  The Lost Ogle did run the story this week and we can verify some of the info they posted and could even add a bit to it but mostly they did a fair job of laying things out. One thing that didn't look right was the allegations of being married to two wives at once, we think that is a reference to a 2003/2004 court case and if it was the divorce was granted about 4 to 4.5 months before the second marriage license was granted.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Gun Rights & The Tulsa D.A.

What gun?  That gun tucked in the seat by my leg?

Yeah, the Tulsa D.A. Office
is that Stupid and Out of Touch

Jack Ulrich, before the robbery.
 We covered this story last week in the hope that the Tulsa County District Attorney Office would realize just how insane it would be to prosecute a young man defending property and exercising his right to self defense under the Second Amendment. To our disappointment the lesson didn't take.

A close up of the handgun in the possession of the felon.
 The Mize family had set up a fireworks stand in their yard this year. The Fourth of July was the last day for fireworks sales so the Mize family had marked down a huge box of fireworks, 50% off, reasoning that making a few dollars off the box of fireworks was better than returning the box to the supplier as most of these fireworks stand run on a consignment basis. The $1200.00 box of fireworks was marked down to $600.00. As the inventory was held on consignment the Mize family would have had to pay the supplier for the product if it wasn't returned in salable shape.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Carol Bush And Her Democrat Dreams

 Tulsa GOP State Representative Carol Bush Openly Endorses Democrat Opponent of Congressman Steve Russell

The woman with the microphone in the picture above is none other than Rep. Carol Bush of District 70. She appeared Thursday at a campaign kickoff for Kendra Horn who is a Democrat for United State Congress in District 5 in Oklahoma City currently held by incumbent is Congressman Steve Russell.

Rep. Carol Bush you will recall unseated a fairly conservative state rep and before she was even orientated at the January 2017 legislative meeting she had been ordered to apologize to the Republican Caucus for attacking them and fellow Republican Rep. John Bennett in a Tulsa area newspaper interview. 

July TARA Meeting: Rebuilding The Legislature

  Tulsa Area Republican Assembly is a very conservative group that meets every month for a discussion of the current political events. They always have interesting speakers and the crowd has a chance to ask the tough questions that are needed.

Rebuilding the Legislature -
Please join us

  Tuesday, July 18th for a meeting devoted to the makeup of our state legislature, and the values which will be prevalent in the next session. We will review the candidates to replace the deceased David Brumbaugh for HD76, whom we were introduced to at the June meeting, and hold a special endorsement vote on those candidates.
  We will introduce the candidates for SD37 and give each of them an extended time to talk about why they are seeking to replace Dan Newberry, as he is resigning. That endorsement vote will take place in August, at our scheduled meeting.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Bad Bills Part 19: The Bloated Budget

SB 860 is the $6.8 billion dollar bloated budget bill.
Here is a bill that was chosen for scoring the RINO Index,
& why this bill is bad for the average Oklahoman.

The only leverage the good legislators have is to threaten not to support the budget so they can kill off tax increases, new taxes, and trim the size and expense of government. While a few things might have been stopped we once again added over a billion dollars in new taxes and higher fees to the state budget.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Bad Bills Part 18: A Tax On Nasty

SB 845 This is the smoking "fee" that replaced the $1.50 per pack cigarette tax that didn't pass.
Here is a bill that was chosen for scoring the RINO Index,
& why this bill is bad for the average Oklahoman.

Since they basically lied and called it a fee they didn't need a super majority to pass the "fee" but it has already being challenged in court as it is unconstitutional for two reasons. First it is a tax, not a fee, and second it was passed in the last five days of the legislature and that is not allowed. This is a new $257 million dollar tax placed on Oklahoma smokers.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Bad Bills Part 17: Robbing Our Own Bank

SB 842 Strips $60 million dollars from the Rainy Day Fund to pay for ad valorem reimbursement from all the tax credits that strip hundreds of millions of dollars from local property tax rolls each year.
Here is a bill that was chosen for scoring the RINO Index,
& why this bill is bad for the average Oklahoman.

This is the tax credits coming home to roost. We have to dip into our state emergency savings account just to pay for the tax credits given to special interests in exchange for campaign contributions. And once again it is a one time source of money, when it is gone it is gone until we begin bringing in a tax surplus again.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Bad Bills Part 16: Making crime More Attractive

SB 786 Another soft on crime bill that reduces the penalty for first, second, and third degree burglary. It removes a two year minimum sentence and also requires that someone be present in the building before a burglary is a first degree burglary crime.
Here is a bill that was chosen for scoring the RINO Index,
& why this bill is bad for the average Oklahoman.

The idea is to lessen the number of inmates in prison and that is never a good idea. We have a criminal class the prefers a life of crime over working 40 hours a week 50 weeks a year. What is needed is cheaper prisons and cheaper prosecution of criminals. What is needed is to take a county out in the SW corner of the state and make a few small towns into open air prisons for low security prisoners and put their butts to work. Prisons ought to be a profit center for government and they criminals learn some work ethics.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Gun Battle At Tulsa County Fireworks Stand

Image result for Jack ulrich Tulsa fireworks

Second Amendment Rights are About to be Challenged in Tulsa

The shooting in Tulsa over the armed robbery of a large box of fireworks might well test Oklahoma's Stand your Ground law and the rights of all citizens to use the Second Amendment to protect their lives and property. And another ex con with a long string of felonies shows the idiocracy of being soft on crime. 

After a few days the facts have firmed up along with some inside info gleaned from inside sources and we now know the facts of the case. A 27 year old swastika tattooed man named Jack Ulrich and a 15 year old nephew named Jake Ulrich had backed up to a firework stand in West Tulsa and grabbed a large box of fireworks and threw it into the back of their truck. The box was valued at $1200.00 but had been marked down as it was the last day of sales for the season.

The business owner and two of his sons reacted by trying to jump in the back of the truck to retrieve their goods, with the older son returning fire by shooting one shot through the truck window after being fired upon, blowing glass out onto the ground on the fireworks stand property. The business owner and the younger son were thrown off of the truck bumper, with the business owner being dragged a short distance as the truck sped away. The oldest son remained in the back of the truck, still armed with his pistol. The driver of the truck attempted to throw the eldest son out of the vehicle by swerving back and forth, leading the oldest son to leaning over the side of the truck and firing a single shot into the tire to stop the truck.

Sen. Marlatt's Latest Nightlife Rumors

Byrce Marlatt "Shocked" by Lewd Act Allegations

Republican state senator Bryce Marlatt has said little since the allegations came out last week, only that he was "shocked" at the allegations and has hired a lawyer to "get to the bottom of the allegations". Hmmm, seems like trying to get to a bottom was what landed the boy in trouble.

Marlatt is accused of forcefully grabbing an Uber driver and kissing her neck while she drove him to a hotel. The police report lists one hilarious fact that wasn't redacted, the victim weighed 250 pounds....

Hold the emails, we aren't fat shaming the victim, glad she had the courage to speak out and try to put a predator away, but it will always be hilarious when a high falutin politician like this gets caught with a fat chick. When the woman is hot men will nod their head and commensurate about temptation but that excuse is blown out of the water when a fat chick is the victim.

Tulsa Republican Mens Club July Meeting: McEachin & Slane

Tulsa Republican Mens Club

Come join us this month at:
Oklahoma Joes
Wednesday July 12th, 2017
6175 E 61st St, Tulsa, OK
from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
for another great meeting!

Our guests this month is World War II Pilot Frank Slane and State Rep. Scott McEachin!
When Frank Slane volunteered for the Army Air Corps at 18, he had a picture in mind of what his service would look like.
Lunch is only $13, drink, tax, and tip (pay when you check in at our table in banquet room) Membership is $20, Ladies $10, open to the public. For a $25 membership you also get a shirt or hat!
To RSVP call Billie at 918-638-9977 or
(you can now pay with a credit or debit card)
...ask about being a sponsor!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Bad Bills Part 15: Tanning Is A Sin

SB 765 Comrade Senator Yen's tanning booth bill the restricts anyone less than 18 years old from using a tanning booth.
Here is a bill that was chosen for scoring the RINO Index,
& why this bill is bad for the average Oklahoman.

Another do nothing nanny state legislative action. People are less free, businesses have another useless law to worry about. Worse it continues the idea that people can't handle their own decisions and the state needs to protect them from their own stupidity.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Bad Bills Part 14: Cutting the Cut

SB 170 removes income tax rate reduction formulas that automatically reduce the income tax rate if state tax revenue hits a certain level.
Here is a bill that was chosen for scoring the RINO Index,
& why this bill is bad for the average Oklahoman.

We never were fans of Fallin's tax decreases because it was all Kabuki Theater because they were raising other taxes and fees and the tax credits were plundering the state tax income. Still, the triggers were set only if state revenue is rising so why bother?

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Bad Bills Part 13: Airplane Industry Tax Shelters

SB 120 extends the time that three aerospace tax credits can be claimed. The three tax credit schemes allow employers to get a 50% tax credit off tuition costs they pay to employees for four years, a $12,500.00 tax credit for wages paid to employees at the rate of 10% for state graduates and 5% for out of state graduates, and a five year long $5000.00 tax credit for employees.
Here is a bill that was chosen for scoring the RINO Index,
& why this bill is bad for the average Oklahoman.

All this for jobs that would have come to Oklahoma anyway to be near Tinker. These tax credits were set to expire next year but this measure extends them till 2026. The net effect is that a few more jobs might trickle in but they don't generate that much revenue because of the tax credits. Just more corporate welfare paid for with campaign donations to the wealthiest and most corrupt politicians.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

HD 46 Race gives you a Choice Between Sex Party Charlie and Weak on Abortion Chambers

 HD 46 Race gives you a Choice Between

Sex Party Charlie and Weak on Abortion Chambers

Down around Noble and along the West side of I-35 in Norman lays House District 46, an empty seat that has a primary election on July 11th. and what miserable choices there are for conservative voters.

First is weak on abortion Darin Chambers, a former Navy officer, who styles himself as an educator. He is weak on abortion, preferring the status quo to making it more difficult to kill babies. The guy has chambercrat written all over his website and Facebook pages.

The other leading contender is Sex Party Charlie Samples, outed by the Oklahoman for being in hot water in the 90's while a young state trooper. Party rooms, strip clubs, blow j*bs, alleged prostitutes or strippers going" down" on each other after taking care of the party guests, the whole ball of wax. I had to double check that the guy wasn't running for Senate with that resume.

Sex Party Charlie claimed that as he was off duty he wasn't tarnishing the State Police image and wasn't responsible to live up to their standards. Apparently after threats of lawsuits DPS withdrew their disciplinary action against the troopers and Sex Party Charlie continued on as a trooper. You can read all about the debacle herehere, and here. The most incredible part were the claims that the two women weren't paid for their "job" and that none of the troopers knew who they were. Geeze, never in my life have I rented a hotel room that came with such amenities. Must be some lucky guys and a couple of girls deciding to support law enforcement on a whim.

Then there is the other GOP aligned candidate, Jimmy Shannon who makes no bones about his soft on crime beliefs, raising taxes for education and more state spending, and micro managing health care for all.

Something tells me we are going to be spending some time down in that district regardless of who wins the race.

Bad Bills Part 12: A Tax On Punitive Assessments

SB 38 is a bill that doubles a fee on all crimes except traffic tickets.

Keep in mind that they doubled fees last year in criminal cases. The bill will strip about $3 million per year out of Oklahoman's pockets.
Here is a bill that was chosen for scoring the RINO Index,
& why this bill is bad for the average Oklahoman.
The silly part is that a lot of criminal fees aren't collected from the criminals so there is more than a little dishonesty in the revenue projections, all in the name of protecting the special interest tax credits.

Richardson Keeps His Word

A Man True to His Words

Tulsa area attorney and gubernatorial candidate Gary Richardson proved true to his word last week after he filed a lawsuit at the Oklahoma Supreme Court, on behalf of the citizens of Oklahoma, asking the courts of Oklahoma to invalidate House Bills 1449, 2348 and 2433.
Richardson has had a very successful private law practice after serving as a U.S. Attorney during the Reagan years, charged with cleaning up the County Commissioner corruption scandals in the 80's.

Richardson laid out why each law violated the state constitution. HB 1449 created the Motor Fuel Tax fee that charges owners of electric and CNG vehicles a "fee" despite state tax credits encouraging people to purchase both types of vehicles. And there is that pesky word "Tax" in the bill name, that one is going to leave a mark.

HB 2348 raises taxes on millions of Oklahomans by limiting their standard deduction and uncoupling or freezing that standard deduction from the federal deduction rate.
HB 2433 added a new 1.25% sales tax on top of the already existing 3.25% excise tax on new and used vehicles, in effect a 41% increase in state taxation on purchasing a vehicle. Keep in mind that the excise tax is an "in lieu" of tax that was placed upon vehicles sales instead of the sales tax so this is in effect double taxation.

Does Bribery Pay in Oklahoma?

Politics is indeed Hollywood for Ugly People!

Does Bribery Pay in Oklahoma?

Yes says Corporation Commissioners Todd Hiett, Dana Murphy, and AG Mike Hunter. All three sided with ATT in the latest skirmish with the long running ATT bribery scandal. Back in April a group of citizens asked the Oklahoma Supreme Court to overturn a previous verdict on the ATT scandal on the basis that the lead attorney for ATT at that time not only had knowledge of the bribery of Corporation Commissioners, they allege that he participated in the bribery scheme.

The lawsuit is asking for almost 16 billion dollars including interest in the decades old scandal. Using the Oklahoma Constitution clauses aimed at preventing big business exploitation and bribery the group is asking the Supreme Court to declare for all time that bribed votes don't count.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Bad Bills Part 11: Two Sales Taxes On That Car

HB 2433 Removes the sales tax exemption on vehicle sales but keeps in place the existing excise taxes on those same vehicles. This is a 38% tax increase on purchasing a new or used vehicle. This will strip another $124 million dollars out of taxpayer's pockets in 2018 and every year afterward.
Here is a bill that was chosen for scoring the RINO Index,
& why this bill is bad for the average Oklahoman.

The excise tax is an "in lieu" tax, a tax levied in the place of a sales tax. So this is double taxation. This was also passed the last week of the legislative session, a constitutional no no. It also passed without a super majority and this is a tax increase which requires a super majority.