Friday, April 26, 2019

Kannady & McDugle Accused of Sexual Battery and Sexual Harassment?

April 25th 2019 Special Edition Newsletter

 Representatives Chris Kannady & Kevin McDugle Accused of Sexual Battery & Sexual Harassment?

 If the Woman Felt Trapped During the Ordeal, Will that be a Critical Factor in the Number of Possible Potential Felonies Filed?

  We wrote of this incident back on October 7th 2018 in our newsletter and wondered out loud how House leadership would react to two or more of their own being caught up in a sexual abuse/harassment scandal. At the time we couldn't run the story, the victim was terrified out of her wits and the leadership wasn't in a place that we could be sure of have a real shot at getting the two most responsible men expelled from the Republican Caucus much less expelled from the House of Representatives. Then there were two other House Members present, both with the moral obligation as well as the contractual obligation to stop sexual harassment and to report that that it occurred. When was the time to deal with them?

Monday, April 22, 2019

Soft On Crime Gets A Senate Floor Vote

 Soft on Crime Agenda Hurtling
Through the Legislature
Bills Set to be Heard Next Week
Call your State Rep and State Senator and Say Vote No!
First, nearly all of these bills will be on the 2019 Trump Index, our renamed voting record index that has been published since 2012. This session will be dominated by the soft on crime legislation instead of tax increases.

There are seven main soft on crime bills that are rocketing through the legislature the last few weeks thanks to major lobbying by the ACLU. Some are not so bad if they did only what the bill says they are to do. Others are going to create a creation of San Francisco like conditions in Oklahoma with drug addicts shooting up in the streets, an increase in homelessness, and an increase in crime including violent crime.

Democrat, Mike Workman; Emerges To Challenge For US Senate Seat

Jim Inhofe Has a Competitor
for Senate this Year
  Mike Workman has been in the news after being arrested for stalking when attending a Democrat Party Meeting where he was a candidate and scheduled to speak. The charges are political and Mike has won more than one case against Democrats that used the same  tactic to attack him. Stalking protective orders can be done ex-parte, without notice to the other party, and a hearing is supposed to happen within a couple of weeks. Which happened and was continued by the judge as the “victim” hadn't brought the full police report to the hearing. Said she didn't realize she needed the full report.....

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Update On the Opioid Settlement Scandal

Hunter and Son
 Update on the Opioid Settlement Scandal
A few weeks back our of our guest writers covered the angry mood at the legislator, anger over Attorney General Mike Hunter's short cutting the litigation in return for a rather large private donation from one of the largest opioid makers.
In that story the role of Glen Coffee came out, the former Senate Pro Tem got a healthy cut of the pie. The NonDoc story at this link covers the controversy in great depth including how little work Coffee was alleged to have done for the payout.

Monday, April 15, 2019

What 'Pre-Trial Release' Programs and 'Own Recognizance' Programs are Costing the Taxpayer

  Want to see what one small part of the soft on crime agenda is costing Oklahoma taxpayers?  Scroll down to PDF page 122 (page 106 in the actual document) and look over just one part of the soft on crime Pre Trial Release program (PTR). This is a county operated agency that investigates detainees and puts together a recommendation for a judge to use in considering whether or not the criminal is release on PTR or OR or if they sit in jail until they purchase a commercial bail bond. Not all of the finances are listed. TEEM is part of this bunch and they pull in millions in grants and donations plus the money they skim off of the participants, as much as $10.00 per day.
  But the county portion is around $2,224,000 per year to serve 2,287 release detainees on PTR or OR, costing the state and local taxpayers $972.45 per case. Even if you consider the total number of detainees considered the cost is at $138.00 per detainee. To get the number that high the agency is inflating the number of inmates they are “investigating” so the higher cost per released inmate is more realistic.

Fake News Attack on Epic Charter Schools

  At the end of March we wrote a story about rumors filtering out of the Tulsa Public School system claiming that Epic Charter Schools were once again the target of an investigation. The rumor stated that investigators from the federal Department of Education had been seen questioning administration and the issue was concerning special needs kids education.

  Well, it turns out it was the Tulsa Public School system being investigated, not Epic, and it was the State Department of Education finding that the school had failed its most vulnerable students.
  Lacking any shred of shame the administration and teacher unions spread the gossip that Epic was under investigation to cover up the fact that their own school was under investigation. That is a new low.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The GOP Party Platform Must be Reformed

The GOP Party Platform Must be Reformed
In our last week's newsletter we wrote a story called “Now What?” that discussed the need to consolidate the GOP Party Platform, to make it brief, inline with what voters stand for, so that the majority of Republican elected officials could agree to follow 80% of the Republican Party Platform in exchange for being able to use the Republican brand. The response was fast and positive, leaders in the House and Senate saw the historic chance to end old feuds and bring positive change. Initial feelers are being extended and work will soon begin on crafting a document listing exactly what changes will be needed on the GOP side and what the elected officials are going to have to learn to live with.
It isn't just the Sooner Tea Party that is concerned. The day before the GOP Convention a thoughtful article came out of, focusing on the Party Rules changes but the article had this to say about the Platform.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

AG Mike Hunter's Mysterious Opioid Settlement?

 Hundreds of Millions, Perhaps Billions, for Glen Coffee's Firm
and a Job for Terri White
Why the Opioid Settlement Happened 
(by a guest commentator)
Besides the Ethics Commission turning a blind eye on Hunter's permanent residency in multiple places at the same time conundrum Hunter has stepped into a real scandal this past week.
The settlement he's reached with Purdue Pharma is astounding. Nondoc covered quite a bit but let's talk the politics of it.
First, Hunter quick closed in favor of Purdue and tangible cash:
His dear friend Glenn Coffee and Co. walked out with $60M cash for nary a finger lifted under the quick close settlement. When the AG became derelict in his duty to pursue justice for his actual clients (The State of Oklahoma and it's technical nine million medicaid reimbursements), he felt that he would not be able to deliver the funds quick enough by waiting for a bankruptcy court and the normal course of creditor filings. Short changing the public and the law through unethical means via an immediate path that was easiest for Purdue (not the state!) allowed him to look like a hero for a few minutes and get his cronies sorely needed millions in cash.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Pam Pollard Gives OKGOP A Parting Lawsuit

Coal County GOP Officers Ousted by GOP Chairman Pam Pollard's Corruption File a Lawsuit
Once again outgoing GOP Chairman Pam Pollard is acting up. She ousted a duly elected GOP Party County Chairman and Vice Chair after asking for proof of Republican voter status and receiving the same.
The ousted County GOP Chairman was Thomas Wayne Fritz and he filed suit against the Oklahoma GOP Party on April 4th. Fritz sent out the following email to STP and others on Friday April 5th:
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Thomas Wayne
Date: Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 10:05 AM
Subject: LAWSUIT FILED: Voting Rights, Chair Pam Pollard, OKGOP, citing Election Board(s) and others
To: Pam Pollard
Cc: Kyletta Ray
Yesterday I filed a lawsuit against Chair Pam Pollard in care of the OKGOP. It is attached (PDF). The lawsuit also cites the State Election Board, the County Election Board, and refers to other parties about possible collusion with in an effort to sabotage my Republican voter registration status, among other things.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sooner Tea Party Helps Decide GOP Leadership

Once Again, Sooner Tea Party Helps Decide GOP Leadership
The Sooner Tea Party has long used its newsletter and influence to help decide who is elected leader of the GOP. In 2013 we sent out a newsletter that tarnished the reputation of candidates for Oklahoma County GOP leadership and resulted in the lesser of evils being elected.
Again in 2015 our investigation into GOP acting Chairman Estella Hernandez resulted in her losing the election to elect a replacement GOP Chairman after Brogdon quit the post. Not only did we blast Hernandez with the video of her company employing illegal aliens the audio recording that we made public showed Hernandez screaming and berating then Chairman Randy Brogdon. No one that listened to that tape could say with a straight face that Hernandez was honest or not lying to the entire GOP. Estella Hernandez filled the stage with about 50 people the day of that election and still lost badly to party hack Pam Pollard. The others weren't voting for Pollard, they were voting against Hernandez.

Okay GOP, Now What?

Okay, so conservatives now own the GOP. Now what do we do?

  In previous newsletters we have mentioned how the Constitutional Carry legislation passing was a litmus test to see if the tall building crowd truly did want a truce in Oklahoma politics. The fight between the Tea Party/conservative faction and the Chamber of Commerce/tall building crowd has raged for over ten years and they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to control the legislators and the legislation coming out of the Capitol. Why?
Going back to the founding of the country we saw that the wealthy value stability above all else. Hard to hang on to your money and property if there is chaos. Hard to stay alive and keep your property and money if there is a pack of howling Democrats or radicals screaming for your head. In Hamilton's day the big fear was the French Revolution and the havoc a pure democracy would bring. Thus the electoral college, fifty senators versus 450 or so representatives, and states rights. Today the wealthy still fear pure democracy and radicals running the government. Who are these radicals that strike fear in the heart of the 1%?

OKGOP Legal Counsel Advises Lying To Ourselves

  We covered this last Sunday night.  Pam Pollard, State GOP Chair, refused to send out the rules, platform, and other info by the required ten day deadline so the counties could distribute the info to the delegates so everyone would know what was being voted on.  Pollard sent out an email a few days before the convention claiming she was confused on the deadline date.
  Which was a bald faced lie.  Multiple people and officials called Pollard as early as 25 days in advance of the convention reminding her of the deadline. 
  However, at the Executive Committee, & State Committee  meetings on Friday the lawyer and parliamentarian for the GOP blithely suggested that we ignore the rules and offer a motion to accept the filings as timely filed.
  Why did Pollard wait till the last minutes to put this info out?  Nothing in the proposed rule changes are needed this year and the proper thing according to State GOP Bylaws and Robert's Rules of Order is to push everything forward to the next convention with the caveat that these items be first on the agenda.
But Pollard, and most likely Senator Lankford who is pulling the strings on Pollard the last few years, want to stampede the convention.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Troubling Allegations Against One of the Three GOP Chairman Candidates?

Troubling Allegations Against One of the Three GOP Chairman Candidates?
Daren Ward has had a checkered past. We wrote about it three or four years ago when he was running for GOP Chairman of Oklahoma County and it included a construction company lawsuit lost to a homeowner, with the result being that Ward walked away and started another company without paying tens of thousands in damages given to the retired doctor whose home was alleged to be harmed in a bungled remodel job. Left holding the bag was pretty much a roofer type guy that had been allegedly convinced to lend his name to run the company. Ward had worked hard in the years since and we forgave and forgot, businesses have problems at times, thinking that the worst was out on his past.

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Boren Rumors Aren't New

We Told You So Years Ago,
David Boren Exposed
on Homosexual Sexual Battery Allegations

Years ago STP exposed ex Senator David Boren as an alleged homosexual and we named a few of his boy toys that he had mentored over the years. Now in an excellent Non Doc story, an ex aide to Boren has came out with charges of sexual battery after allegedly being groomed by Boren for years including booze, out of state trips, five long time friends of the victim telling slightly different but barely so versions of the events, with the similar time frames of when they were told of the battery, and a recounting of university staff warning the victim not to drink too much and to talk about his girlfriend a lot.

Another university employee and long time Boren supporter Trip Hall was also accused of inappropriate touching of the victim by running his hand up the inside of his leg to his groin area. Hall is said to be facing other allegations of sexual battery according to the Non Doc story and names are given and the shocking details are given.

Virtual Charter Schools Under Attack

Charter Schools Under Attack
from Teacher Unions
and Sycophant Education
Lobbyists  and Legislators

The teacher unions and their puppet legislators are pushing for accountability of the money spent on admin costs but as a private vendor contracting with state agencies, they are not required to disclose their costs. Neither does the mechanic that fixes their buses or the company that provides their janitorial supplies.

In 2013 Fallin had been muscled into requesting an OSBI investigation but after the report had been turned into the AG office no charges were filed and all involved kept silent, other than supporters of Epic pointing out they had been falsely accused. Yet the rumors ginned up by the teachers unions led to the law enforcement arm of the DOE, the Office of the Inspector General, to meet with Oklahoma City and Tulsa school administrators.

Open records requests have been given to both the Tulsa Public Schools and the Department of Education asking for all the info available on the alleged investigation.  One such request from  has been sitting unanswered for about three weeks, a troubling thing.....

Sooner Tea Party has turned in our own Open Records requests to both the Tulsa and State Department of Education to see the purported emails concerning the federal investigation and visit.  But the Tulsa World, the instigator of spreading these rumors sold as news stories, is claiming that dual enrollment in Epic and private schools or learning centers is being looked at.

The Plot To Overthrow The Party Structure

Lobbyists and RINO Politicians Seek
Total Control over GOP Leadership

Sooner Politics David Van published an excellent article last week covering the possible motivation for GOP Chairman Pam Pollard's heavy handed abuse of her authority. Pollard has tried and succeeded in manipulating several county GOP conventions, even throwing out one set of duly elected county leaders and their delegates to the state convention in favor of her own hand picked chairman, vice chair, and delegates.

Van did attempt to guess the authorship of an anonymous legislator that had written an account of the Coal County GOP convention debacle. While the side bar article mentions a legislator we can confirm that it wasn't that legislator that had written the piece.