Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Witch Hunt Continues Against Epic Charter Schools

 The Witch Hunt Continues Against Epic Charter Schools

The six year long witch hunt against Epic Charter Schools continued this week with another OSBI media release disguised as a search warrant. The search warrant alleged embezzlement and forgery by Epic's co found and CFO David Chaney, unlawful proceeds by Chaney, and willful neglect and omission by four board members of the schools governing board.

The “charges” rest upon a search warrant for the home of Kurk Talbott, a homeschool student provider of athletic opportunities, seizing his bank statements and his computer. Talbott runs OKC Storm Athletics, which allows homeschool and charter school students to participate in organized school sports. The funding comes from Epic's Learning Fund, a $1000 fund set aside each year out of Epic's income from the state to be used for extracurricular activities, educational activities, or needed items such as laptops, internet connection, or software.

Monday, August 26, 2019

RNC Removes Victory 2020 Management From OKGOP

Victory 2020 Campaign Stripped from Oklahoma GOP Control
Sources Claim that Stitt, Pinnell, & Inhofe Unhappy
with Previous Appointee Holly Gerard
Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell Appointed as New Chairman
On Saturday at the GOP Meeting the embattled Chairman McLain made much of the need for firing up the troops and taking back Congressional District 5 from Kendra Horn but he left out one important fact that the assembled State GOP leaders would have wanted to know. And that is as of last Monday Chairman McLain and the Oklahoma GOP had been relieved of responsibility over CD 5 and Victory 2020.

Victory 2020 is the effort to re elect President Trump and secure a House majority in the coming General election. It had been left to the Oklahoma GOP and Chairman McLain to run the programs and raise the funding. Unfortunately David McLain decided to appoint City Elder supporter Holly Gerard to lead the Victory 2020 campaign and that stomped on some toes.

McDugle About To Be Evicted?

Deadbeat Brownie McDugle About to be Evicted
From His Business Offices?
State Representative Kevin McDugle has long been an embarrassment to Oklahoma and to his district. From sexual harassment allegations to turgid and tawdry court filings and testimony outlining alleged sexual perversions and financial shenanigans, to trotting around his alleged AshleyMadison.com recruited girl friend after abandoning his wife and kids, McDugle has been a constant source of stories and amusement.

  So we weren't surprised to receive two texts this week with photographs of a late rent payment notice/eviction notice plastered on McDugle's Broken Arrow office.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Letter to the Editor:

A Letter to the Editor
Name withheld by request
 I found your article of August 18th to be of particular interest, regarding the dominionist doctrines and your assertion that the group calling themselves "City Elders" are such proponents. They call themselves "Gatekeepers of the city", yet biblical examples show that such public offices were never a result of 'self-appointing'. In biblical examples they were assigned by the local governing officials. The gatekeepers of temples & tabernacles were appointed by the high priest. Just because a term rings of biblical reference, doesn't mean it is either currently appropriate or properly implemented.

  This Oklahoma group calling themselves "City Elders" doesn't seem to have any such delegated power and appear to have declared themselves as invested with this authority. If they act on such claim of authority, then they should be regarded as a sophisticated mob rule. The group sells books on their website which hint at dominionist theology, but none of them are authored by Mr. McLain. Yes, he seems to be endorsing the sale of those books on the organization's website, but that may be pointing more to indiscretion than collusion.

  Your article obviously doesn't come across as written by a person devoted to theological concepts, but your instincts appear to have a healthy concern for political impacts from various cultural & religious influences. Dominionists may start by insisting on a set of principles which must be adopted as public policy, but the list will keep growing until they start insisting that their approved leaders be vested with political power to institute the policies.

  One online encyclopedia sums up Dominionism this way;
"Dominion theology (also known as dominionism) is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians based on their personal understandings of biblical law. Extents of rule and ways of achieving governing authority are varied."
 This concept is not new nor was it always identified by the term 'Kingdom Now'. Various religious sects have always sought political ascendancy under various religious mandates. Like Communism, the adherents of Dominionism often dismiss past failures as owing to bad people who just weren't doing it right.

  On the other extreme, some religions preach abstention from civic life & govt. service. Yet that is equally harmful to those who will inevitably be oppressed by the resulting tyranny.
  For over 1000 years, much of Europe suffered under Dominionism in the form of the Holy Roman Empire and it's succeeding reorganizations. Many good & godly people died at the hands of corrupted religious people who declared any deviation from established doctrine as spiritual rebellion against God.
  The experiments are equally horrendous when tried in other cultures & religions. The Crusades waging war in the middle east often declared; "It is God's will". Yet that proved to be a violation of the commandment; 

"You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave anyone unpunished who takes His name in vain."

  As children many of us were taught that vulgar speech was a violation of this commandment. But God will probably hold more preachers accountable for breaking this commandment than any other group. Ezekiel 22:28 says;
"They say, ‘My message is from the Sovereign LORD,’ when the LORD hasn’t spoken a single word to them."

 The former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, said;
"Power corrupts, and ultimate power corrupts absolutely."

 Two common factors remain: All humanity is fallible. Accountability & transparency is essential to liberty.

  I don't have the necessary insight to judge any particular Oklahoman whom I've never met; so I won't join your criticism of such individuals or groups. I will, however; make the general observation that all of humanity is imperfect and capable of corruption when insulated from proper accountability & if they negligent to maintain the virtues of humility & service to others.

Jesus said;
"The greatest among you will be your servant.".

  The epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans has plenty to say about not imposing personal convictions upon others as a doctrine, much less a governing statute.

  Many of my fellow Christians assert that our nation's laws must reflect our Christian heritage. That may seem harmless, yet it is a subtle form of establishing a state religious creed. Societies may want to prop up their culture via the statutory code, but only a limited govt. can achieve success in avoiding an offense to any people of faith. Yet that seems to me to be a loftier goal than control of govt. policy. The safest public policy is that which offends no particular creed, while still protecting us from injurious acts of others.

  As the former Attorney General, John Ashcroft said;

"We must embrace the power of faith, but we must never confuse politics and piety. For me, may I say that it is against my religion to impose my religion.".

  Ashcroft is a Pentecostal Christian. The vast majority of Christians I've encountered are simply trying to be better people, and not focused on whether others are meeting an imposed creed or conduct. They help people who ask for help, but they don't try to add to the 'blue laws' in our statutory code.

The OKGOP Appears Broke

 The Emperor Has No Clothes
Only $472.92 in the Bank Accounts
$12,448.35 in Credit Card 
Thank you Chairman McLain
*Editors Note:  Chairman David McLain was contacted before any of the negative stories started coming out  last week but he refused to respond to the allegations
  Saturday's state GOP State Committee meeting was interesting to say the least. The meeting was at the El Reno Public Safety Complex and although a crowd attended, not enough State Committee members showed up for a quorum so no real business was discussed. Attendees remarked that embattled GOP Chairman David McLain seemingly rushed that part of the meeting without even announcing the number of members attending, and having a crony immediately call for adjournment along with a rushed vote no doubt hoping to avoid a public fight over issues that have been boiling for several months.

  Former State Auditor Gary Jones spoke and explained the horrendous financial report that had been submitted. The report was broken down into two sections, once prior to May that covered the previous Chairman's rule and one that covered the new chairman's rule, and the financial difficult the GOP is facing appears to be accelerating.

  The financial report showed less than $473.00 in the three GOP bank accounts and a massive $12,48.35 credit card bill that is due and looming over the Party. The embattled GOP Chairman David McLain has struggled to raise enough money to meet the bills and payroll and has racked up a $14,000 loss in donations versus expenses.

  Back in June of this year McLain demanded and received a bloated staff consisting of:
Operations Director Tom Demont
Field Representative Kyletta Ray
Account-Compliance Director Diane Strube
Technology Director Greg Baca
  Tom Demont is the most troubling and controversial hire. Demont is the subject of his own story in an upcoming issue over his involvement in spreading dirt during the GOP Chairman race, his insistence that it was Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell that had sent him with the info, and using GOP delegate info against the GOP rules.

  And few knew at the time that Demont was actually running McLain's campaign. Demont is said to be receiving $3,000 per month despite having little experience in politics or Party administration other than his serving as GOP Chairman David McLain's campaign manager in the GOP race. Nearly all of the massive +$12,000.00 credit card debt can be attributed to the hiring of Demont.

  Looking through the finances, it appears that the GOP has only $1000 in building lease, a quite reasonable sum given the location and size. This appears to be linked to a trust that prevents Chairmen like McLain from squandering the endowment that provides the building at a fraction of local real estate costs or putting the building up as collateral for a loan.

  The rest of the over $13,000 monthly costs are unclear and had it not been for a very profitable State Convention the financial losses would be much greater.

  One thing is for certain. McLain has turned out to be a horrible investment for his backers and the long standing support for the GOP from Oklahoma businesses and long time GOP donors is failing as confidence is lost in McLain. Currently the majority of the funding is said to be coming from Senator James Lankford, were it not for his generosity and his accompanying expectation of control the Oklahoma GOP probably would have their utilities shut off and be facing claims from the State Labor Dept over unpaid wages.

  Continue reading for another story that explains why Chairman McLain has largely failed the majority of the state Republicans.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Small Town Corruption Steals Property Rights of Elderly Woman

Small Town Corruption Steals Property Rights of Elderly Woman

Not all corruption in Oklahoma is big league, there is plenty in every county and town across the state. The politically connected run roughshod over the unconnected, sure in their belief that no one cares and no one will ever suffer for the damage done other than the mark.

Such was the case when in late 2015 an elderly woman purchased an expensive residential lot in Edmond at the Villages at Coffee Creek development. The development is run by a non profit home owners association who in turn enabled a three person architectural review board to keep the quality and aesthetics of new homes in character with the other homes. There is a lengthy set of regulations including requirements for mandatory arbitration before lawsuits can be filed. Sounds like just the kind of place to build an expensive home that will retain property value as the years go by. Unless you are an outsider and someone else wants the property...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

OKGOP Chairman's Radical 'Dominion theology' Group

Religious Zealots called 'Abolitionists' picket many other
evangelical  churches who don't follow or fund them. 

 Oklahoma GOP Chairman David McClain Outed
as Member of Radical Dominion Theology Group

Last week Oklahoma GOP Chairman David McClain was exposed as an executive board member of a fairly radical dominion theology organization that appears to be controlled by the John Birch Society. Dominion theology is a group of far right Christian political ideologies that wish to usher in a nation ruled only by Christians using biblical law. AKA, American Taliban.

The group is best described as Pentecostal in nature with the majority of the executive board members being associated with Oral Roberts University. While the term “Christian far right: has been used to demonize Christians the group itself seeks to marginalize other religions and even other Christian organizations and faiths.

This is no small matter. The intolerance and arrogance of this cult or sect allows those outside the sect to be deceived as outsiders are considered inferior. The election of GOP Chairman David McClain occurred mainly through deceiving many including Tea Party leadership and in hindsight more than a little dirty politics. That is another story entirely that we will cover next week.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Northern Oklahoma Republicans: Get To Enid This Saturday!


The 2020 election is just around the corner, and the Oklahoma Republican Party has already begun to put our plan in action to achieve major victories across our state! Part of that plan includes recruiting and preparing more Republican candidates for public office than ever before– and we need your help.

That's why we are inviting you to take part in our Victory 2020 candidate boot camp on Saturday, August 17th in Enid.

The Whistleblower Who Won't Shut Up

EmptyThreats or Just Bullying Whistle Blowers?
We ran a story in early summer that a whistle blower had written exposing financial misdoings of Aztec Charter Schools. How ironic that someone can come forward with actual facts and allegations against a charter school only to have the OSBI and the State Education Dept simply ignore the allegations. Of course Aztec's lawyers and owners are doing everything possible to shut the woman up yet the woman isn't being intimidated.

One of the costs of taking public money or being in the eye of the public is that you become a public person under the law. Meaning it is very, very, very difficult to win a libel case as long as the information is not an outright lie told in a malicious manner. The whistle blower or blogger can be dead wrong and there is still zero protection as long as they don't deliberately lie. When they have facts on their side a libel suit is just a chance to dig through every bit of their life, financial records, tax returns, diaries, computers, records, nearly anything is discover-able once a lawsuit is filed.

Monday, August 12, 2019

More Drunken RINOs

More Drunken RINOs Breaking the Law
Will House Leadership Protect Them Like the Others?
Jeeze, between the public school teachers raping kids and the legislators driving around drunk it is a wonder that there is any trust in government. Last Friday night another drunken legislator was pulled over, tried to use his position to evade justice, but was sent to jail for DUI. And it wasn't the first time this dirt bag has been caught drinking and driving.
One Representative Drunken Dean Davis was speeding down a road driving to the left of the center line when caught, with the cops being vectored in by concerned citizens reporting his drunk driving and speeding. Thankfully the cops pull him over in a residential area before he kills someone and the cops smell the stench of liquor on him. Davis failed a field sobriety test then refused to take the breath test, demanding that the cop talk to his chief while refusing to put his arms behind his back when arrested.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

2019 Oklahoma Trump Index: House of Representatives

August 11th 2019 Newsletter
Chickens Coming Home to Roost
The 2019 Oklahoma Trump Index is Out
On Monday I was having a conversation with a couple of activists about Dean Davis, the drunken state legislator recently arrested again for DUI in Tulsa County. They two were worried about losing “one of the good ones” and were quite shocked when I pointed out that Drunken Dean's annual score on the Trump Index was a mere five points, 18 out of 19 of his votes were wrong. They had supported his campaign, thought he was a nice man and a conservative only to find out he had totally betrayed their trust.
But you just don't know if you don't look at their voting records and do the work to research and tally the index. It is a lot of work, 19 votes, 149 legislators, 26,961 individual votes to record but we have some low cost labor overseas that does an excellent job on this sort of work.
And as usual we find out just how liberal and corrupt Oklahoma Republican legislators can continue to vote. The Democrats have also pulled away from supporting the slim conservative Republican faction as well, mainly because there are now so few that even a coalition has any power. RINO Republicans ruled this session and the scores prove that.