November 3rd 2019 Newsletter
![]() Wagoner Co. Sheriff Elliot & Wife Judy Elliot, Swearing to up hold the Law |
Wagoner County Commissioner James Hanning is quite a douche bag and appears to lie as easily as others blink their eyes. A few weeks go we went over the allegations that he molested his step daughter starting when she was in grade school, which was uncovered in a deposition where the girl was asked why she was estranged from her step father. As far as we are aware, not a thing has been done about the molestation which was said to have begun when the child was in grade school. But Commissioner Hanning is also quite a liar as we will learn in this week's episode.
As you will recall from earlier stories, Tyler Paulsen had met Commissioner Hanning's step daughter (yes, that step daughter) and had begun dating her before going into business with Commissioner Hanning. A series of properties were acquired, some from both parties but the vast majority from Paulsen. Eventually Commissioner Hanning's own son was said to have spilled the beans: “My father is stealing from you.” A confession allegedly made on the back deck of a mobile home during a visit with Paulsen. That led to Paulsen getting the statements from Lowes and finding a boat load of materials charged to their joint company but delivered to the home that Commissioner Hanning was remodeling.
Caught red handed, Commissioner Hanning was said to have admitted to the embezzlement and asked if he could make it right. To come up with a figure Paulsen needed the records for the business and Hanning wasn't wanting to share the records. A few days later Commissioner Hanning started harassing Paulsen, using the Wagoner County Sheriff Department and the Broken Arrow Police Department. This led to false charges being filed against Paulsen as a supposed felon caught with a weapon in Adair Oklahoma. The problem being that Paulsen wasn't a felon, he was living with a deferred prosecution, but had not been judged guilty specifically and had full gun rights as a U.S. Citizen. Commissioner Hanning was either calling the cops or emailing cops trying to harass Paulsen or he had his brother doing so, the brother worked for Sheriff Elliot at the Wagoner County Sheriff Department.
And recall who Commissioner Hanning's attorney is, the former ADA for Wagoner County, Eric Jordan. Also recall that this same Eric Jordan was the former ADA because he was arrested after backing over a neighbor and his mailbox while driving drunk. Wagoner/Cherokee/Sequoyah County D.A. Jack Thorpe had promptly rehired Eric Jordan to head the Cherokee County D.A. Office despite his drunken driving record. So the political connections are deep and wide in this case and that explains why justice is being perverted in Wagoner County.
Now with everyone caught up, on to this week's story of dishonesty and corruption out of Wagoner County.
On the 29th of January 2018 there was a court hearing in Wagoner County in the matter of Capital Ventures, the LLC that Commissioner Hanning is accused of looting. Paulsen is still trying to get financial records from Commissioner Hanning, still trying after several years of quashed subpoenas and rulings from the Wagoner District Court denying him that basic legal right in a lawsuit. While in front of the judge they were discussing the old childhood home of the molested step daughter and Commissioner Hanning, a home that Paulsen was purchasing via an informal agreement with Commissioner Hanning that stretched back years before Commissioner Hanning was said to have been caught embezzling.
Commissioner Hanning had filed an FED, Forcible Entry and Detainer, basically an eviction notice with the Wagoner County Small Claims Court. The hearing on the eviction was held on January 4th 2018 and Cherokee County ADA Eric Jordan was present representing Commissioner Hanning. And ADA Jordan was having some problems because the FED was deficient, not proper notice given, nor was it legal to file until three month's rent were past due.
Worse was how Commissioner Hanning had been pressuring Paulsen to vacate the property despite the purchase agreement and years of payments; Commissioner Hanning had been using the local police and Sheriff Office to harass Paulsen any time he was found on the property. To the extent that Commissioner Hanning and his own brother Arron Hanning were calling in reports claiming that Paulsen was known to carry an illegal gun, had been arrested for doing just that in Adair Oklahoma, and on two occasions either Commissioner Hanning or his brother had called the cops when they saw Paulsen's vehicle or his girlfriend's vehicle at the home.
Along this twisted path we come across Sheriff Elliot's wife, Judith Elliot, with an affidavit stating that Paulsen was living on some rural property in an RV. Remember that Commissioner Hanning's brother Arron Hanning worked for the Wagoner County Sheriff Department.

On the 4th of January 2018 Commissioner Hanning had shut off the power, during freezing weather, causing the water pipes to burst. This was done despite the ongoing receivership of the entangled properties. This came out in the January 29th hearing on the Capital Ventures receivership case. Cherokee County ADA Eric Jordan objected, claiming it was the power company that turned off the power, not Commissioner Hanning which would be factually true although Commissioner Hanning ordered the power to be cut off. Jordon also flat out lies about the FED case in Small Claims Court in that very court house, stating that HE didn't file an FED case while allowing that his client might have done so pro se, not mentioning that Cherokee County ADA Eric Jordon showed up to prosecute the FED for Commissioner Hanning.

And a page or so down Commissioner James Hanning continues to lie to the judge about calling the police on Paulsen in a bid to force him out of the home or get him Swatted.

Now we know what Commissioner James Hanning testified, now let's look at what he actually did.
On December 30th 2017 Arron Hanning had called the local cops to claim a suspicious vehicle was present and that it might be someone that had no right to be on the property. Arron Hanning even mentioned that he had called his brother, Commissioner James Hanning, who said no one should be there. Arron was trying to get Paulsen killed by the local cops, it is that simple.

The previous 911 call was placed by Commissioner James Hanning, we know because of the phone number on the report. Commissioner Hanning was pretty much warning the cops that the person at the home was Paulsen, that he carried a glock and ammo, had been arrested for doing so, suggesting he was a felon or had no right to carry a weapon. Plus the part about booby traps, Commissioner Hanning was painting a picture of a dangerous man that was rabidly anti police and intending on getting the cops to go in with guns blazing....

So when Commissioner Hanning told the judge a few weeks later that he had never called the police on Paulsen, he was lying through his teeth. Not only that, Commissioner Hanning was without a doubt trying to get Paulsen shot by the cops to solve his embezzlement problems. With Sheriff Elliot's own wife helping with that affidavit.....and these calls are crimes in themselves, false reports, wasting LEO time and risking the danger that someone is going to be hurt or killed if the false report turns out the way that Commissioner Hanning seems to want them to go.
That entire hearing transcript is troubling. The main reason for the hearing was for Paulsen to finally get financial discovery from Commissioner James Hanning, a fundamental right of any litigant in a lawsuit. The judge has been preventing Paulsen from getting the same information that he is freely giving to the receiver and yes, Commissioner Hanning's tax returns will have to be produced and that is likely why Commissioner Hanning and Cherokee County ADA Eric Jordan is fighting so hard to prevent the legal subpoenas from being served. One wonders what is going to turn up if someone looks at Commissioner Hanning's tax returns but one wonders if there will be criminal matters like tax evasion. Time will tell, if Paulsen ever gets the right to access the same information he has already turned over to Commissioner Hanning and the receiver.
The transcript is too large to be attached to this email, the entire transcript of the January 269th 2018 hearing. But, reply to this email newsletter and we will send you a copy of the PDF. Read it for yourself then start calling the Wagoner County Courthouse and ask for answers from the D.A. and judges involved. The Wagoner County Sheriff, Chris Elliot, has some explaining too.