Sunday, April 25, 2021

Failure of the GOP? Or Blamed for the Acts of a Radical Group? A Much Despised Aboltionist Group Behind the Defeat of HB 1236

Last week we wrote about an ill planned and ill conceived rally at the capitol, warning that targeting the House was foolish and that targeting the individual senators and Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell was a better plan. Oklahoma GOP Chairman John Bennett had sent out an email encouraging people to contact Pro Tem Greg Treat which was better than contacting the House members AFTER the dang bill had passed the House with heavy support.

What no one thought to check on, including us, was if the crazy cult abolitionists were planning on showing up and and showing their asses like they usually do. Ouch....



The turnout was good, somewhere between 200 and 1,000 people showed up depending on which story you used for the turnout, but however  the many  that showed up were greeted with a gutted HB 1236, now authored by Senator Pro Tem Greg Treat. Nearly all of the original language was removed and in the place of the pro states right language was a plan to increase the government budget by $10 million dollars by creating a larger agency, the State Reserved Powers Protection Unit and a revolving fund to pay for the increased size of the AG's office.

Worse, the gutted bill was passed by the Senate, 33 to 14 with one excused.

YEAS: 33

Bergstrom Howard Pederson Stanley

Bullard Jech Pemberton Stephens

Coleman Kidd Pugh Taylor

Daniels Leewright Quinn Thompson

David McCortney Rader Treat

Dugger Montgomery Rogers Weaver

Garvin Murdock Rosino

Hall Newhouse Simpson

Haste Paxton Standridge

NAYS: 14

Boren (D) Dossett, J.A. (D) Hicks (D) Merrick (R)

Brooks (D) Dossett, J.J. (D) Jett (R) Young (D)

Burns (R) Floyd (D) Kirt (D)

Dahm (R) Hamilton (R) Matthews (D)


Allen (R)

So nine Democrats partnered with five Republicans to support the bill, with the Democrats voting no simply to rebuke the Senate Republican leadership. Twenty Republican Senators had co sponsored the original bill but not a single one voted against the gutted bill that turned the legislation on its head. Only one Senator of that 20 cosponsors didn't vote yes, Allen, who excused himself. None of the Democrat Senators supported the bill as originally written.

By the time the rally attendees showed up at 3 pm the deed was done, that morning at 9:59 am Tuesday morning the gutted bill was passed and sent back to the House to accept with a final floor vote or to start the reconciliation process to match up the House and Senate versions.

So the entire rally was a waste of time as we had foreseen.

The official word was that HB 1236 was a nullification bill and as such wouldn't be heard. Then around mid week we started getting calls and even one visitor that told a different story of why HB1236 was gutted and killed for all intents and purposes with a deadlocked House and Senate.

By Friday we had pinned down the reason, or at least factions within the Senate were telling us the alleged real reason. Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat refused to pass the bill because it gave the abolitionists a win. What? This was Dollar Don Spencer's retarded brain child and other more presentable groups latched on. Right? No?

We had heard that the abolitionists were out in force at the rally, what we didn't know was that they had invited themselves as a co sponsor of the event. They made it look like they were working directly with Dollar Don at OK2A, OCPA, and the other sponsors.

A few days after that they started pushing a meme with the narrative that Biden, Xi Jinping (President of China), and Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat were in cahoots to destroy America.... And they were flogging the crap out of this idea on Facebook and among their supporters.

Worse they were very vocal about their support of our new GOP Chairman, John Bennett.

So by Friday afternoon this was sources and rumor and you never quite trust all sources. Then Friday Ekkeslia (Danial Navejas, AKA the abolitionist cult leader) came out with a video that ADMITTED that the bill was killed by Treat because of “...what happened last week..”

Not only that, if you have the stomach to watch the entire video you learn that yes, they did show up as a group to support the bill publicly, that Treat had been “ticked off” by what had happened last week, and that Navajas believed that Treat would have supported this bill if not for what they had done.

The “what happened last week” might have referred to Navajas's abolitionist group pushing the Biden/Jinping/Treat meme or it might have referenced something even worse. The supporters of this group are all over the place, some well intentioned but peaceful and misguided, others that are just out right bat shit crazy and willing to attack a legislator or their assistant at the drop of a hat. All we know is that Navajas knows what upset Treat and was bragging about it.

In addition to the abolitionist support killing HB 1236, Navajas also bragged that it caused other legislation to be withdrawn or killed including the anti mandatory vaccination bill that was sponsored and pushed by the anti vaccine folks. They also revealed that the senators that voted against the gutted HB 1236 bill that passed have been singled out for punishment and that appears to be the case.

You can watch the hour plus long debacle at this link or watch the embedded version below.

Fast forward to around 13:31 when Navajas finally starts talking about politics. Around 20:21 in the video Greg Treat is excoriated, claiming he is working with Biden and Xi Jinping to take down the U.S.. They get into how useful a nullification bill would be to end all abortion including those that save the life of the mother. Around 28:42 they go into Treat gutting HB 1236, then around 31:20 they brag about going there as a group to support the bill. Shortly after that they say that they have no intention of supporting the follow up bill to HB 1236, HB 1237 which is a near copy of the earlier bill that passed the House after the original bill was gutted in the Senate. Around 34:40 is where Navajas admits that he and his group had done something to “tick off” Treat. And around 36:30 they get into the senators being punished and the anti mandatory vaccine bill pulled.

Not content to causing a good bill to be destroyed, they then double down on advocating Treat and Kim David. Shortly after that they group the Pro Life movement with the LGTBQ, the communists, and the Pro Choice groups,, basically saying they are not shy about confrontation. But it was interesting to see how they demonized the groups by saying there was little difference between the ultra liberal groups and the “establishment” Pro Life people. Indeed they called Tony Lauinger a“not a good guy” while once again praising John Bennett and making it clear that they believe they are of a like mind with Bennett, something I know not to be true.

Next they rail against three Pro Life bills. HB 1102 which would remove the license of any doctor that performed a selective abortion (only for birth control) for one year. Now that is harsh, few doctors would give up a year's income while paying for the expense of an office for a year to do an abortion. Next was HB 2241, which states that if a heartbeat can be heard and abortion cannot occur. Their argument is that the doctor could pretend not to hear the heartbeat. Then HB 1904 which states that only an OBGYN can perform an abortion.

All of these bills are great ideas and further restrict abortion in the state without endangering the decades of other legislation already in place. If one of these three bills is challenged in court, the older laws remain in place.

The Sooner Tea Party is renowned for refusing to work with some groups or more specifically, some group's leaders. Why? Because they cannot be trusted nor depended upon not to do stupid things and cause more harm than good. Plus being associated with radicals is never a good look. And the abolitionists are one group that we figured out years ago as pure poison, destined to destroy anything they touched or got too close too. Worse they have latched on to Bennett, the Lameyer guy that is running against Lankford, and have chose to latch on to anything available to show to their followers that they are not toxic and have a much wider appeal than they actually do.

The anti vaccine ladies, really more about having an informed choice on what is put in their kid's bodies, have struggled so hard and invested so much to become effective. To see one of their key legislative bills killed simply because the abolitionists decided to latch onto the issue is maddening.

And HB 1236 was a great piece of legislation that many groups were cheering for, passing in an overwhelming bi partisan manner in the House with twenty Senate co sponsors until Daniel Navajas leeched onto the issue.

The GOP are now in a position that they HAVE to renounce the abolitionists. Navajas needs to be stripped of his Congressional District Chairman post over this latest outrage of video where he compared Treat to a communist dictator and Biden. If we are to get anything passed this year or next year the abolitionists have to be repudiated and driven out of the GOP. They are brutal for no reasons, are willing to personally attack strong Pro Life leaders and legislators, and the general public does not support their insanity.