Ken Warner, Current Oklahoma County Chairman
Politics is a strange thing, where people's character becomes obvious once they gain a bit of power. Candidates for office tend to fall into three piles; First those called fence turtles, you see one sitting up on a fence and you know he didn't get there on his own, someone put them there for their own reasons. Then there are the sociopaths that truly desire power, the most dangerous kind as they tend to hide their character before the election and once in power they abuse the power to grasp for a higher office, carrying water for others to incur obligation for the next election. Then there are the true public servants, the rarest kind, that just want to clean up a mess or serve their fellow man. These types get beat usually as they refuse to lie or call out the incumbent for corruption. Not a fan of old Charlie Meadows but he said one thing that was right or stole it from someone smarter; elections are tests of the voters character and not of the candidate's character.