HSUS Damned by A.G.'s Office but Training Police Officers?
Human Society of the United States Training Police Officers after Attorney General Scott Pruitt Issued a Consumer Alert Against them?
Back in 2014 HSUS was the target of a consumer alert issued by the Oklahoma Attorney General office with the state claiming the HSUS organization deceives donors with pitiful images of dogs and cats then funnels the donated money into radical animal liberation movements and attacks farmers and ranchers. In the 2014 A.G. consumer alert it was said that HSUS was misleading donors after the Moore tornadoes, telling them the money would go to local Humane Society chapters to car for dislocated animals.
So we were surprised to see local law enforcement and CLEET participating a program put on by HSUS in the Lawton area last week. The training occurred at the Great Plains Technology Center and covered puppy mills, dog fighting, chicken fighting, and animal abuse. The attendees were taught how to collect evidence and how to “interpreting” cruelty laws. The course claimed that there is a link between animal cruelty and other abuse by serial rapists, school shooters, and killers.
Here is a list of agencies that showed up and took the training:
- Lawton Police Department, Comanche County Sheriff's Office, Comanche Nation Police and other Comanche County police departments in Sterling, Elgin, Cache, Geronimo and Chattanooga.
- Activists that are working to expose the HSUS agenda have shown that 85% of the images ran in the HSUS marketing were cats and dogs but say that HSUS doesn’t run a single animal shelter. It gives around one percent of its income to animal shelters and spends millions attacking farming/ranching practices and conducting anti hunting campaigns.
- A group called Chairity Watch gave HSUS a D rating for spending less than 50% of its funds on programs and around 43% of the money it raises on overhead. Between 1998 and 2009 the agency funneled 16.3 million dollars into its executive pension fund and gave one million dollars less than that to local pet shelters in the same period.
- Using pictures of cats and dogs in its marketing allows HSUS to raise millions a year to spend on anti farming/ranching, promoting vegan diets, and anti hunting/fishing legislative efforts. Yet when Michael Vick was released from prison after a conviction for dog fighting the HSUS claimed Vick was rehabilitated after a 50 thousand dollar grant was given from the Philadelphia Eagles.
- HSUS senior management includes a former spokesperson for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), a group designate as terrorists by the FBI. The group recently had their charity rating canceled by one outstanding charity rating group after HSUS settled a Racketeering and Corrupt Practices lawsuit (RICO) suit and paying millions of dollars to settle the lawsuit.
CLEET needs to cancel any other training sessions under the auspices of HSUS until these concerns are addressed.