Legislators Face New Consequences for Special Session Votes
Volunteers Needed to Manage New House and Senate Facebook pages
Politicians have always relied upon the local media controlling the news that is distributed to the public in order to mask their voting record, more than willing to risk voting for special interests and fulfilling quid pro quo acts to pay back campaign donors. As one politician told me after a discussion of his abysmal voting record: "They won't believe it.", referring to his low score on the Sooner Tea Party RINO Index.
However, earlier this year the Sooner Tea Party set in motion a plan to bypass the local media and to harness the power of Facebook and targeted ads on Facebook. One hundred and forty nine individual Facebook pages were set up for all 149 legislative districts and the 2017 RINO index scores were posted on each and every Facebook page along with the picture and contact info for the individual politician. This was a massive undertaking and it still isn't completed so STP needs volunteers to complete the project and to maintain the pages as the go to source for information about each of the 149 House or Senate districts.
Once a page has been completed the page will be advertised on Facebook and the ads will hit only those that live in that particular district or are within a few miles. Zip codes or city centers with the radius set will cast out a wide net to inform voters and campaign donors. As little as $20.00 in ads can completely wreck a carefully postured reputation and bring in primary challengers as people realize that the incumbents are weak and vulnerable to a primary challenge.
Here is one of the completed pages, one of the men that controls Speaker Charles McCall. Representative Chris Kannady is a nice enough guy but his voting record of zero points, meaning he got all twenty votes wrong on the 2017 RINO Index, means that his voters need to know how he is voting.
If you have a couple of hours per month and a Facebook account you can help manage one of the 149 House or Senate Facebook pages. You can do so anonymously or you can use your own profile while posting or managing the page. The info on the bad votes is already available and just needs copied and pasted into Facebook posts on the individual pages, then STP will handle the advertising needed to spread the word. If interested just reply to this email and we will get you admin priveledges for the page. To find your own representative or senate district page use the following format to search on Facebook: Oksd1 or Oksd24, replacing the numbers with your senators district number. The same on the House: Okhd2 or Okhd101 is the format.