Tuesday, March 27, 2018

OKC Tea Party Leader's Arrest Details

More Details on the

Toby Pedford Arrest

Sources claim that former Oklahoma City Tea Party leader Toby Pedford turned himself in the Monday after his wrong way crash that left an area woman struggling to survive. Shortly after midnight on March 9th Pedford crashed his car into the woman's car as Pedford was driving the wrong way on an interstate. The woman sustained broken ribs, spleen damage, and two broken ankles. Pedford escaped with one broken ankle.

The court documents state that Pedford "exhibited several indications of intoxication beyond his driving the wrong way on the interstate." and had "blood shot watery eyes, slurred speech, and was talkative, and uncooperative with the investigation." Pedford claimed that he was going home from a bar on the 2600 block of NW Expressway but the police probable cause affidavit stated that there was no logical route to Pedford's house that would have put him so far out of his way.

Monday, March 26, 2018

When A Life Sentence Doesn't Mean 'Life'

Life in Prison Doesn't Mean Life in Prison

Meet Deszmonde Lamont Shoals. Shoals murdered someone when he was 16 years old in 1991 and plead guilty to first degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison. We know from his OSCN.net record that he tried and failed twice for post conviction relief in the early part of the 2000's and from his prison intake record below we know that he was still in prison in 2015.

Then Shoals turns up in Edmond, arrested for Actual Physical Control, AKA drunk driving or passed out somewhere sitting in a car drivers seat.

Fighting To Change The Guard At Tulsa County Govt.

March 25th 2018 Newsletter

 Good Old Boy Network Active in Tulsa

Tulsa County Assessor Ken Yazel is stepping down this year and is actively attempting to manage who steps into his shoes by attacking the conservative candidate, Tulsa Republican Mens Club leader Darren Gantz. Yazel himself has generated plenty of controversy including shooting an unarmed man that was running away while Yazel was playing police officer. Neighboring law enforcement officials thought that Yazel should have faced a criminal investigation over that but it was hushed up and swept under the run until the Robert Bates shooting a few years back, another reserve deputy playing grown up cop.

Yazel shot the fleeing man during a 2005 arrest of a man being sought on a warrant in Okmulgee County and Yazel's actions were so bad that the county sheriff demanded a review of the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office reserve deputy program.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Teachers Want Even Smaller Classes (& higher pay)

Outrage isn't the only thing that won't fit on this teacher...
Teacher Strike for Smaller Class Sizes and Higher Pay?

The teachers union has set an April 2nd deadline for about a billion dollars per year in new taxes immediately and another half billion per year in a few years, most of which is to be funneled into the already bloated K-12 budget. Their propaganda claims that this is for increased teacher pay and smaller class sizes, forgetting that back in the seventies classrooms of thirty and forty students were common and the test scores were higher and taxes were lower. Then 1017 came along and we were promised that new taxes and higher taxes and smaller class size would allow 16 students per teacher and ensure better testing outcomes.

None of which turned out to be true. The class sizes dropped to 16 or under per teacher and the test scores continued to nose dive. Twice as many teachers were now needed than before of course so an artificial "teacher shortage" was immediately created and of course the budget per kid had to be doubled for the teacher pay and benefits package. And the teachers had half the work load per day.

Konawa Tea Party Meets Tuesday

Americans for Limited Government
Konawa Tea Party
(4th) Tuesday March 27, 2018 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Kennedy Library - The Dougan Room
Konawa School, 701 W South Street
Konawa Tea Party is a non-sectarian, non-partisan, Christ centered civic club

Speakers for this month are :
Dana Murphy - (Candidate Lt. Gov.)
Ralph Crawford - (Political Analyst)

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Fallin's Daughter, A Baby, and the Connection To Terrorists

The Governor's Daughter and
the Terrorist Act Connected Family

Time to Increase Security at the Governor's Mansion?
Mary Fallin Compromised or In Danger?

Boy, the things that happen in real life couldn't be written by a Hollywood script writer because they would be rejected as too improbable. But life and love has a way of flipping expectations and reality when coupled with a dysfunctional family charged with running the state of Oklahoma.

Christina Fallin has had an interesting life so far, two marriages so far, the first to indie rocker Matt Bacon was annulled in Oklahoma courts, the second marriage to Eric Smith, said to be a cup cake maker with a two bed room one bath apartment up over the cup cake store that was their home while it lasted but ended in divorce in 2012. Now we learn that Fallin has gotten herself knocked up by a dude she has been jet setting around the world with and the baby daddy is a Muslim! Not just any Muslim, but the son of a local Muslim that has long dealt with rumors of ties to suspected terror suspects and alleged terrorist acts.
Meet Omar Khalil, thirty six years old, the son of one Samir Khalil, an OKC area psychologist and alleged slum lord with one hell of an interesting past. Samir came to local attention in the 1995 OKC bombing of the Murrah Federal Building due to several connections to the bombing. First, his ex-wife Carol was killed in the bombing. Second, one of the Iraqi men, former Republican Guard members, that was an initial suspect in the bombing as John Doe #2 was working for Samir Khalil at the time of the bombing. If that doesn't get your attention I don't know what will.

Others such as Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who chaired the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the U.S. House Committee on International Relations, which investigated whether the Oklahoma City bombers, claim that Samir Khalil of OKC might be the same Samir Khalil on the first World Trade Center bombing list of un-indicted co conspirators, #88 on a list of 200. Look on page eight at this link for more information. Or dig into this document at page 36.

About a year ago Mary Fallin becomes quite freaked out by her daughter's new friend and makes the rounds of some local terror experts and even has Samir Khalil background checked. We are told that the security guy found nothing, no criminal record, nothing of any noteworthiness. Yikes....I guess that guy didn't have Google available. Samir Khalil is said to have been arrested for eight counts of Federal insurance fraud in the early nineties. Some articles say he pleaded guilty.

Some claim that Samir Khalil is depicted in the fifth chapter of the book "The Third Terrorist", written by former OKC reporter Jayna Davis. The Dr. Abdul in the book's fifth chapter is alleged to be none other than Samir Khalil. Hard not to understand why, both are either depicted or are slum lords, have a degree in psychology, both are alleged to be the man detained in London the day after the bombing. Both were claimed to have had federal convictions for insurance fraud in the past. And the book warns that some names were changed to prevent lawsuits. Now, we are told that the name Samir Khalil is like John Smith, a very common name and much used as an alias. Still, reading through the material available gives one pause. Samir Khalil is alleged to be connected with the PLO and if one tenth of the allegations from the OKC bombing are true.....

Samir Khalil, the grandfather of the future Fallin grandchild, is even mentioned as threatening one of the witnesses in the bombing investigations, The ex wife of Samir Khalil, the mother of his eighteen year old daughter, was killed in the bombing and the claim was that she had taken off on the previous Monday to do Khalil's taxes and had to make up the day on her usual Wednesday day off, the day of the bombing we are told. A brown pick up truck with a distinctive front bug shield was also reported to have been driven to the Samir Khalil property office or job sites, supposedly identical to the truck mentioned in early BOLO alerts after the bombing.

Below is part of the info found at the link to the Congressman Dana Rohrabacher report:

"Davis has presented evidence that John Doe Two, who was with McVeigh in the
Ryder truck on the day of the bombing, was a recent Iraqi immigrant who lived and worked in Oklahoma City. The Iraqi in question, Hussain Al-Hussaini, was one of a group of Iraqis hired to do odd jobs for a Palestinian landlord, Samir Khalil, who owned properties throughout the area. Khalil hired the Iraqi newcomers, supposedly refugees from the first Gulf War, to maintain his rental properties. Khalil himself served time for insurance fraud in the early 1990s.

Hussaini resembles John Doe Two and was identified by witnesses on the scene. Adding to the suspicion, Hussain al Hussani was less than forthcoming about his whereabouts the morning of the bombing. His alibi, brought out in civil court depositions, is contradictory and unconvincing. One more disturbing revelation of this investigation is that Hussain Al-Hussaini was never interviewed by federal law enforcement. More alarming is the discovery of a published list of un-indicted co-conspirators from the first World Trade Center bombing that includes the name Samir Khalil. This subcommittee asked the Department of Justice to determine if the man's name on the un-indicted co-conspirators World Trade Center bombing list is the same man in Oklahoma City. A letter responding to this request
stated that such a task would be too "burdensome." This unwillingness on the part of the Justice Department to look into a possible solid link between the Oklahoma City bombing and the first World Trade Center attack is extremely disappointing, bordering on dereliction of duty.

To this day, federal law enforcement cannot explain what, if anything was done to
examine these possible links or scrutinize Khalil's activity related to terrorism in his hometown. Justice officials should at least show some curiosity about the
subcommittee's request as to whether there is circumstantial evidence linking two major domestic terrorist attacks. As a result, our investigation into this matter is incomplete."

And from another website covering the movie "A Noble Lie":

"Local NBC affiliate KFOR investigated these charges, and many other anomalous aspects of the bombing.  As shown in A Noble Lie, KFOR was purchased by the New York Times Broadcasting Company a year after the bombing and all reporting contrary to the official story was shut down. After her contract was not renewed, journalist Jayna Davis continued her investigation and published her findings in The Third Terrorist.
Jayna Davis focuses on Hussaini, with the brown pickup, as the fabled John Doe #2, the man whom everyone saw get out of the Ryder truck with McVeigh.  Eyewitnesses identified Hussain as the man accompanying McVeigh as they walked away from the truck, and witnesses tracked down by KFOR place the two together, with other Middle Eastern suspects, in the days before the bombing."

What is the truth to all of this? I wish we knew. What we can say for certain is that Omar Khalil appears to be the son of Samir Khalil or related but it gets complicated as Omar himself seems to use a variety of alias as evidenced in the screen shot below but the same screen shot has a reporter claiming that Carol Khalil is his mother in law, meaning Omar had to be married to Samir Khalil's daughter Helen Khalil. Perhaps the reporter misheard and Omar was referring to his mother Carol Khalil.

What we are certain of is that Mary Fallin is terrified that some terrorists are coming to get her and was personally reaching out to a few local security or terrorism experts. Daughter Christina's baby daddy has got Fallin spooked big time. We can tell you that Omar is one terrible driver with a long traffic record and some eviction cases on record where he was no doubt evicting renters from his father's rental properties. And we have no idea how Fallin's daughter wound up with a baby daddy with ties to a family that is mentioned so many times in connection to the Oklahoma City Murrah Building bombing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Cornett's Sympathizing of the Sanctuary City Rebels

 Mick Cornett Slams President Trump Over the Use of the Term Sanctuary Cities

In a politico story last week Oklahoma City Mayor and Gubernatorial candidate Mick Cornett slammed President Trump over the use of the term "sanctuary cities". Cornett called it threatening, imprecise, and used only to stir up fear among voters.

""We're not interested in some label or term that seems to be generated by people outside the mainstream for some political or manipulative effect," said Cornett, a Republican who will soon finish his term as president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. "

Cornett was upset that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions used the term during a White House briefing on cutting federal funding to cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials. Cornett thought that the use of the term was divisive and confusing as well as being undefined:
"To me that's the only end result of that term. It's not a term that we understand or use," Cornett said.

Epic Charter School Says 'What Crisis?'

A Solution to the "Teacher Crisis" and Higher Taxes

Politicians are adamant about getting their Step On Oklahoma tax plan passed and they are hell bent to use the teacher union strike as the vehicle to get there. But is this the only way to improve public education in Oklahoma? No, far from it.

Meet Epic One on One Charter school. The least expensive public school in the state is also the fastest growing school district in the state. Large enough that it managed to get 2000 students on a field trip to the Capitol last week. The teachers at this school are not going on strike because they are some of the best paid teachers in the state and have more control over their students and classrooms.

Epic began back about ten years ago in the Graham School District near Lake Eufaula oferring online classes for students ill served by public schools. The legislature stepped in and helped Epic to become its own school district, now with 14,000 students and growing at the rate of 47% for the last seven years. It is the 11th largest school district in the state.

Monday, March 19, 2018

The Teachers' Union Demands A Bottomless Pit of Money

Teacher Union Demands are a Bottomless Pit
Teachers Lies on Facebook Post, Uses 1998 Pay Check

Every state has a teacher union clamoring for more money. Arizona for instance just passed a 3.5 billion dollar education tax increase, something that should have silenced the teachers for a while yet they are once again demanding more money and claiming that Arizona is dead last in teacher pay. Wait....West Virginia claims that spot, Oklahoma says it is #2 from the bottom, and Missisippi also claims the last spot....

According to this article from Arizona the teachers had to do some convolutions to justify that bottom of the nation pay scale claim. Once the cost of living is factored in Arizona dives down and Oklahoma is used as an example of how much further dollars go in a low cost of living state! They also removed their special education teachers from the calculations, the highest paid teachers of course. No longer apples to apples. They also didn't mention the 100% paid medical and life insurance.

Fetgatter Is The Pariah of Oklahoma

 The Man That Should be the Pariah of Oklahoma
Scott Fetgatter

Some say Oklahoma's political struggles aren't so much left vs right; but little guy vs big. That axiom was never so poignant than in Thursday's massive ideological battle to resist a recall of the constitutional protections that taxpayers rely on.

House republican Leadership sought out a freshman rural member to push forward the recall. Scott Fetgatter filed the bill and even sought to amend it on the floor. The House Speaker Pro Tem desperately wanted this battle, but when floor debate was organized, all the House Republican leadership headed for the doors, leaving Fetgatter alone as the only one arguing for the bill.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Mike Hunter Sabotages A Teacher Pay Raise

March 18th 2017 Newsletter
How an Un-Elected Little Weasel Torpedoes
a Teacher Pay Raise
to Help Fallin Divert $100,000,000.00
per Year from Education

  Acting Attorney General Mike Hunter, and we say "acting" as he has never been elected to the post, was appointed by Mary Fallin after former A.G. Scott Pruitt wandered off to Washington D.C.. to run the EPA. Hunter has been a career politician, running for office twice, once winning a House seat, the other losing to Drew Edmondson in a race for the A.G. Office. Hunter appears to have spent some time in private practice but must have found the real world difficult as he constantly returned to public sector work .

  The A.G. Office has a long standing prohibition on issuing opinions on pending legislation as that would be meddling in the legislative affairs. After all that isn't their mission. The office can answer questions from legislators on other matters and does frequently, publishing a book of the opinions set out each year, a book kept in most legislative offices. And on their own A.G. website you will see this in the FAQ section:

R.O.P.E. Exposes Teachers' Lies

STP Not the Only Organization Bucking the Teacher Union

STP is one of only a few groups putting out a weekly newsletter and the only group that has a massive email list and tracking pixels that report back on who opens their copy, what time, what day, and the number of opens all in graphical form. Tracking who clicks on what links included in the story and counting the number of times a particular newsletter is opened by the list member tells us a lot. We might see 50 opens of a particular newsletter, likely one or two by the recipient, the rest of the opens are from people they forwarded the newsletter to, and even then the pixel system records about one third of the opens due to limitations of the system.

That is important because yes we print the dirt and have fun doing it, but the larger purpose is to educate the legislators that open the newsletter. Voters or activists aren't our target, the legislators are our target when we write a story. But it is invigorating to see other groups picking up the pressure on the teachers unions and growing stronger and more effective as they abandon the traditional relationship model of lobbying. ROPE is one of those groups that has become far more effective in recent years by pushing back instead of going along.

Last week the ladies at ROPE did a good story on fact checking the lies put out by the teachers and their unions. Well worth the time to read and they support pretty much what we have been saying for years; not a taxation problem but a spending problem.

Monday, March 12, 2018

The Men Who Share Some Blame In An Infant's Death

D.A. David Prater
       These are Some of the Men Responsible for the Brutal Death of an Infant

  Thursday morning we all awoke to the story of the murder and corpse desecration of an infant, the child being the reason for an Amber Alert earlier in the week. Victor Minjarez was arrested and booked on the two counts of murder and desecrating a human corpse after he was found on Wednesday afternoon.

  On February 23rd the mother of the 7 month old baby had filed a VPO, which led to the Amber Alert over a February 19th domestic disturbance at the 1500 block of Lake crest Drive. Minjarez had take the baby after attacking the woman, then sending messages stating that the mother would never see the child again. Minjarez gave an improbable story of a baby sleeping next to a heater next to a mattress, blisters on the child's face, and the baby passing away with him not knowing what to do. Minjarez then claimed he had wrapped the body in a blanket, placed inside two trash bags, and dumped the body in a trash can outside his home. Minjarez admitted that he didn't call the police or 911 because he was wanted by the police for a failure to appear in court case. A week later, after Minjarez's arrest the body was found in the same trash can.

OKC Tea Party Leader Becomes Fugitive From Law

 Man on the Run
  Political activist Toby Pedford came on the scene in 2009 during the Tea Party emergence. Pedford was a frequent speaker at the Oklahoma City Tea Party events and the John Birch Society events, and has lately attached himself to the Dan Fisher gubernatorial campaign. Pedford was the rare black Tea Party activist, but he quickly let it be known that he wasn't the religious type, joking at one event that he was the token pagan speaker, and once the picture of Pedford and the two twin sister p*rn stars surfaced, well, we all realized that Pedford was not gonna run for office anytime soon.

  Pedford earned a reputation for playing loose with the truth as well, having an appreciation for the ladies, and didn't play well with others, but it was a shock to many to find out this week that Toby Pedford had become a man on the run from law enforcement after disappearing from the scene of an accident on the Broadway Extension/235 in the construction zone.

The Decline of OCPAC

OCPAC a Shadow of its Past Influence?
  Last month we reported on the difficulty that OCPAC found itself in, unable to sell enough tickets to fund its annual award dinner due to a lack of support after their endorsement of radical abolitionist Dan Fisher for governor. The initial awards banquet was "postponed" allegedly because several of the awardees had scheduling conflicts... on a Friday night...right...
  OCPAC announced this week that the awards will be given on Tuesday April 3rd at 7:30 at an event center at 5201 N. Lincoln Blvd, OKC, no dinner or banquet, just a short presentation followed by a gubernatorial candidate forum, both of which are free and open to the public.

  A once influential organization is hitting bottom and it is sad to see. First the founder and main leader Charlie Meadows runs into a buzz saw of criticism over a newsletter that even he said that would result in calls of bigotism and racism, followed by a quick "retirement" which was couched in the terms of "elevating Meadows" into a chairman emeritus position, no doubt to avoid admitting that the retirement was a bit too late, followed by a fairly nondescript successor who was as boring as watching paint dry but who also didn't offend and alienate as many Oklahomans.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Oklahoma Starting Teacher Pay Exceeds Closest Neighbors

March 11th 2017 Newsletter 
Guess Which State has the
Lowest Starting Teacher Pay?
Texas, Oklahoma, or Arkansas?

If you listen to the thugs holding press conferences threatening to strike Oklahoma has the lowest starting pay in the region. But the old saying is so true; figures don't lie but liars can figure. In fact Oklahoma has the highest starting minimum salary between the three states:
Arkansas starts teachers off at $31,000 per year
Oklahoma starts teachers off at $31,600.00 per year.

That of course is the minimum, many teachers make more. The state however merely sets the minimum salary to prevent local school boards from taking advantage of teachers, the school boards and districts negotiate with the individual teacher to determine their pay and there is no limit on what a teacher can be paid as long as the school can raise the money in taxes.

So if the local school board and superintendent is in charge of pay rates for teachers, why are the teachers attempting to extort money from the legislature?

Simply, because they know that raising local tax rates to pay for their own pay isn't going to be popular or even possible in many low income districts.