The State Questions
One out of five made it, the one called Marsy's law, passing by 78%. We weren't supportive of it, giving criminals equal rights is bad and much of the expanded rights for victims has already been around a while. It was well financed and packaged so the public bought it.
SQ793 was a surprise. The opponents, mostly eye doctors, put a lot of money and misdirection into the ads opposing the issue. Yes, it would have allowed eye exams to run in two veins, one full service exam and one just the basic without the medical part. Still, most people just want a prescription so they can order contacts or eye glasses online and one would think that choice is a good thing.
SQ 798 was the one that allowed two clowns to run as a ticket, Governor and Lt. Governor. No loss there.
SQ 800 was another good call by the voters, another pork barrel plan pushed by the Chamber of Commerce to siphon off GPT money into a slush fund.
SQ 801 was complicated. It allowed local school districts to basically fund more of the load of public education. That would have taken pressure off the state taxes and allowed localities to tax themselves into poverty, something that the voters were probably more afraid of than higher state taxes.