Refusing to Get Involved in Politics Means
You Will Be Ruled by Others That Do
Why is the Republican Party not forcing the elected officials to follow Republican values? You are the reason, at least 96% of the readers of this newsletter anyway. You haven't been participating in ruling the party. The sad fact is that a few hundred new attendees showing up would shift the balance of power for the entire state.
At the last state convention a rule was put forward that would punish or censure any elected official that refused to follow the Party Platform and we failed by 1.5 votes. Worse, it was weighted voting where one convention delegate might be carrying more than 1 vote due to the turnout at a particular election deciding how many convention delegates a county gets and a shortage of actual delegates. One man, a liberal political hack that has been suborning Republican politics for years, cast the deciding vote. I can say that because the guy showed up late and had to ask the convention to pardon his late arrival and allow him to be seated. Smelling like a distillery no less and some well meaning people voted to seat him not knowing that the power balance was that close. And the man was carrying more than one vote that day.
It was that close two years ago. 1.5 votes meant the old corrupt leaders couldn't be forced to drag in the liberal Republican elected officials and threaten them with being banned or having a challenger endorsed against them in the primary. Imagine how powerful that would be, a single letter mailed out to the voters in each county listing the voting records of the incumbents and naming those that refused to follow Republican values. Not every plank in the Platform, but certainly the ten that form the bones of the party. The Sooner Tea Party long ago adopted this short list as what defined what we stand for”
Our rights of life, liberty, and property are natural rights granted to us by God, protected by the Constitution, to be defended by our elected officials.
That we are to function as a Constitutional Republic with undefined state power as described in the Constitution, where Oklahoma Sovereignty is considered constitutionally superior to a Federal government that has limited and defined power and our State Sovereignty must be protected by State elected officials.
In the right to worship as we please without government intrusion or interference.
God is the Author and Creator of life and that all human life, both born and unborn, should be protected.
Traditional marriage consists of one man and one woman.
Economic freedom is the cornerstone of individual liberty and the private sector and free market principles are the best to stimulate economic development rather than government subsidies or programs.
Revenues collected at all levels of government should be used only for well-defined, legitimate government functions, and should be carried out efficiently so that tax rates may be kept as low as possible.
It is the right of every parent to act in their children’s best interest including health decisions and choosing the form of their education, whether at a public school, private school, or homeschool.
We welcome immigrants who want to legally seek freedom and opportunity, who want to work and who will embrace our values, learn the English language and respect our Union’s border and State’s sovereignty.
In Supporting and maintaining a strong national defense and advocate “Peace through
#1 and #2 are duplicative, both state that our elected officials are supposed to stand up for State Rights and our Bill of Rights guaranteed freedoms. That means Open Carry, no Obama Care, and the federal government following the 18 enumerated powers given to it in the Constitution.
#3 means that Hobby Lobby should have been supported by the State of Oklahoma against being forced to provide abortion services to its employees. It means that the EPA could be told to go pound sand and leave things to Oklahoma to sort out.
#4 means no abortion in the State of Oklahoma. Allow women to go elsewhere if we must, just don't do it here.
#5 is simple enough. No gay marriage. No forcing companies to pay benefits to unmarried or untraditional partners. Allow these people to live life as they wish but without special privilages.
#6 being followed would end corporate welfare and rent seeking and by extension, the selling of votes to the Chamber of Commerce crowd. Our own State Constitution lays out that there should be no special laws giving favors to one citizen over another.
#7 would have meant that the legislature would have been forced to cut waste and improve efficiencies rather than pass the massive, unpresidented, tax increases to fund the teacher raises last year. Merely insisting that ONLY U.S. citizens be enrolled in our state funded educational system would eliminate over 50% of the children in the OKC public schools and most of the larger urban areas would see similar savings. Imagine if 35% of the teachers, classrooms, and buses were no longer needed.... and Oklahoma hospitals weren't forced to provide medical care for illegal aliens.
#8 means that there would be no need for activists to fight forced vaccinations on their kids and also provide school vouchers so the parents could shop around for the best school.
#9 means the anti illegal alien legislation championed by Rep. Randy Terrill would have worked. Hundreds of thousands of illegals would have fled the state, opening up rent houses, lowering the cost of homes for sale, freeing up road space, freeing up tens of thousands of school slots, cleaning out the emergency rooms of non paying patients, raising wages especially in the working class and lower class jobs, and a massive increase in tax revenue as the work shifted back to citizens that actually report to the IRS and state tax agency. Welfare, Soonercare, and all the social program safety nets would have massive budget surpluses once the illegals are driven out of the state.
#10 is mainly a federal representation issue, ensuring that a strong military was in place at the national level.
That means that eight core values would be the litmus test on if you were upholding Republican values if you choose to run as a Republican. If the candidates cannot follow 80% of these eight issues then they need to be driven from the Party and the voters given an endorsement for a candidate that will follow the Platform.
And we were 1.5 votes away, as single person showing up would have put us over the top if they came from some counties or two people showing up would have done the trick. But you, and I am speaking to 96% of our readers, refused to show up at the Convention to vote.
This isn't a huge time commitment. You show up for about an hour at your Precinct Meeting in late January or early February and tell them that you want to attend the County GOP convention. You can run for precinct office, little is done really, usually nothing is done other than occupying the slot. But you are able to participate in the ruling of the County GOP if you want and that gives you a big say in things.
The County Convention is held usually in March and will take half a day of your time. That qualifies you as a State Convention delegate and you will carry a percentage of the votes that your county earned from the turnout in the last Governor's race or Presidential election. You might have less than one vote if there is a huge amount of delegates or you might have more than one vote if few ask to be a delegate, but you will have a say.
The State GOP Convention is in May and will take all day. It is usually poorly ran and wastes most of the day on crap that ought to have been sorted out in advance. Part of that is by design, to get the good people to stay away. Get in, make your voice heard, and pressure the state leaders to fix this mess and get the Convention done in half a day.
Two hundred new faces showing up would likely be enough to force the Party leadership to do their job. A thousand, one sixth of the signed up readers of this newsletter, would guarantee the elected officials followed those nine planks that form the bones of the GOP State Party Platform. Every two years you would need to spend one hour, one half day, and one full day on a Saturday to preserve conservative rule of the GOP and hold the politicians accountable.
Look on the State GOP website for information about your county precinct meetings. In Oklahoma County the precinct meetings will be on January 29th. The meetings will be held in each House district and a training meeting will be held on January 8th between 6 and 8 pm if you want to run the House District Precinct meeting in your district. The meeting will be held at OK GOP State Headquarters 4031 N Lincoln Blvd. OKC, OK.
The OKC County GOP Convention will be on March 9th.
At the precinct meetings you are allowed to turn in resolutions for new rules, Party Platform changes, and resolutions for holding elected officials accountable. The County GOP looks them over, consolidates them as many will be similar, and they are voted on at the County Convention and pass on to the State Convention if they have enough support. This is how the Party Platform and rules are made and changed. You can have a say with one hour, one half day, and one full day of time commitment.
The State GOP website is mostly useless. Pam Pollard has been running the GOP for the past few years after we eviscerated Estella Hernandez and cleard a path for someone else and Pollard doesn't want us to show up so she makes it hard for the people to learn about the precicnt meetings and conventions. You can be sure she and the other liberal Republicans will notify their people but not us. But if you will Google your County GOP the information will show up or contact the State Party at (405) 528-3501 and ask for contact info for your County GOP officials.
And let us know if you have ANY problem getting in touch or attending the precinct meetings and we will interviene if needed. At the precinct meetings take pictures of any resolutions you turn in and your application to be a delegate so corrupt local officials cannot refuse to allow you to attend. We can help with that if needed. It is your Party and there are rules and we do not mind putting a boot to some joker's rear end and exposing their corruption if it is needed.