After weeks of avoiding what needs to be done, it is time to put victims one and two out there. That same countdown is ticking down for leadership.
Dear Representative Tess Teague, You were a champion for Sexual Violence Awareness. Come forward and be that lioness again. When as your time as a lawmaker, you represented 37000 people at the time the incident you spoke of took place. You swore an oath to the Constitution. You are held to a higher standard than a private citizen. Show all the other young women out there that they can stand up and be equals when building coworker relationships. Its absolutely disgusting that a porn video was put in front of you, and it's beyond the pale that someone thinks it would be a great time to inappropriately touch. Its not a consensual touch, you didn't ask for it. In this era of #MeToo, this year of 2019, not 1959, it is never OK to grope, feel up, assault, rape, hell, do anything sexual improper regardless of power dynamics. When a person of power takes advantage and does so with no care for your input, it is not just wrong, it absolutely demands justice!
Please come forward and claim your story you've told and demonstrate to all who want to work at the OK House and in government, that they too don't have to suffer in silence.
Mrs. Liz Leaming,
Based on what we have heard, we commend you for scolding the alleged scofflaw and for standing up for yourself. You have told others that Rep. Chris Kannady grabbed your butt and said demeaning things to you. That sort of sexual depredation is never to be tolerated.
We can look to Senator Bryce Marlatt's attempt on an Uber driver to find a parallel. Your husband Adam provided a compelling and specific description of what Kannady did to you. We are happy to hear the alleged incident was not more damaging, that you put him in his place, but it is absolutely disgusting nonetheless. We strongly encourage you to come forward and claim your story and see that justice is sought. Leaders in Oklahoma should always aim to be beyond reproach. Those that seek to be pillars in their community (especially those in governmental functions) should be proud to be held to a higher standard. And as a participant in Leadership Oklahoma you are included among those that are held to a higher standard. And if you don't come forward many will begin to wonder why you didn't and begin to ask if promises have been made and how you profit by refusing to do the right thing.
Below are Facebook screen shots between Liz Leaming's husband and the Mayor of Newkirk discussing the sexual assault. The blue is Mayor Hobbs, the grey is Adam Leaming:
Men like Kannady and McDugle don't get caught the first time they misbehave, so we know that there are many other victims out there. Both men appear to be picking their victims carefully, preying upon government workers, NGO contractors or employees, seeming to focus on those that stand to lose much if they come forward in our opinion.
We ask that other victims in state government, if they are out there, email the special Counsel at csmith@fellerssnider.com and reclaim their right to work in a harassment free environment. When you do email Ms. Smith be sure and copy soonerteaparty@gmail.com so that both she and House leadership knows that others know of the allegations so that they cannot be covered up. If you are coming forward and exposing the bad behavior then you are doing your part and can remain anonymous
House leadership's excuses were that no one has come forward publicly. Well that is because the victims are either government workers or have their snout in the trough. Neither of these victims have been publicly shamed by Kannady and McDugle's behavior, the only shame they will bear will be from not doing the right thing and putting a stop to these men's sexual depredations.