The disaster that we call the David Mclain administration continues to disgust both grass roots Party members and establishment types alike. This week we had a story break due to a possible mortgage fraud case involving the OK GOP State Treasurer Mike McCutchin and OK GOP Executive Director Tom Demont.
Last week we saw GOP Chairman Mclain getting caught lying about the state of their finances, pretending that the GOP wasn't broke, lying by omission in a press release stating that the Party had $20,000 in the bank and was not insolvent. Left out was the fact that the money was bailout money from the RNC, Republican National Committee.
We have already published the books showing how broke the GOP had become but that didn't stop Chairman Mclain and E.D. Tom Demont from offering $1250.00 per month in June to McCutchin for a job he was already volunteering to do for free. The letter came to light after Mclain had fired most of the staff and stories started filtering out including how this job offer letter was written. Not to worry said GOP Chairman David Mclain, the letter wasn't a legit job offer, it was written to help volunteer GOP Treasurer Mike McCutchin qualify for a home mortgage. The former accountant for the GOP, Diane Strube, called it “fraud”.
For his part, McCutchin claims he received no salary and was volunteering his time. What is known is that McCutchin had recently moved to the OKC area and was indeed changing homes at the time, moving from the Tulsa area to Moore Oklahoma.

Preparing false documents is a crime in Oklahoma and mortgage fraud is a felony. If McCutchin couldn't qualify for a home mortgage without falsifying his income then he is likely not to have the time to cover the GOP business. A police report was made about the incident and the letter was turned over to Oklahoma City Police Department.
Tax Evader GOP Chairman David Mclain?
I had noticed something when I went through the GOP General Ledger for April to October 2nd. No payroll liability accounts and no payroll tax payments had been made, ever.
It looks like David L. McLain wasn't withholding payroll taxes on the workers like Thomas Thomas DeMont, wasn't paying social security taxes, or federal income withholding, or the Medicaid tax. No workers comp (very cheap per year) and no unemployment taxes paid either.
They had a few workers that can be classified as independent contractors like the accountant, the rest were doing normal business activities and cannot be classified as independent contractors. Any businessman will know the classifications by heart and few would be so bold to risk tens of thousands in fines and penalties by paying people off the books like this.
The GOP will be responsible for any back taxes owed by the employee as it was their responsibility to follow the law as well as the employment taxes for that period. Plus the penalties for not filing or reporting.
The shame of GOP Chairman David L. McLain has sunk even lower to the title of tax cheat.
And remember how all this started. A unity platform was elected with a wide variety of stakeholders contributing, only to see one abolitionist group steal control.
Had we known that David David L. McLain was on the board of City Elders he would nave never been elected. Had David L. McLain simply resigned from the City Elder Board of Directors after it was found out he had split loyalty things could had worked out, but the only reason we found out he was on that board and beholden to them was when Mclain started wasting money and acting like he wasn't accountable to anyone even those that helped him win the seat.
Of course in all of this the two National Committeemen, Carolyn McLarty and Steve Curry are no where to be seen. They are responsible for working with the Chairman of the GOP on day to day operations and rather than realize that the GOP had been bankrupted by a spendthrift Chairman they preferred to try to shoot the messenger that went to the media after they refused to do anything about the spending.