Lying David McLain
The GOP Bank Statements
and Credit Card Statements Prove it.
If you haven't seen it, GOP Chairman David Mclain got called out for financial mismanagement last week by the Tulsa World. For good reasons, and not just for running the Party into bankruptcy.
In response, GOP Chairman David McLain put out the following press release on Wednesday October 16th :
“Regarding the news story released earlier today: I have in front of me, a complete spreadsheet of payables which clearly document the fact that at no time has our utility services been threatened.
As of today, I have documentation showing we have in excess of $20,000 in our account. Point being, Mr. Turner either deliberately provided false information OR did so out of ignorance of the facts. Either way, I am obliged to protect the integrity of the Oklahoma Republican Party and set the record straight.Also, at my election on April 6th of this year, I received 70% of the party’s confidence from ALL segments of the Republican Party. Not just one segment. ALL.The Central Committee has called for the immediate resignation of Mike Turner as the Vice Chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party and will be giving an official call to order of the State Committee this week.”
National Committeewoman Carolyn McLarty
Oh dear....evil Mike Turner must have done something bad..... or not.
First we are going to deconstruct Lying David's press release.
We don't have McLain's “complete” spreadsheet of payables but we do have a list from about two weeks earlier. All of these records came direct from GOP insiders and are the same records you will see in the news stories.

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National Committeeman, steve Curry |
The GOP General Fund bank balance was $68.14. They have two or three other bank accounts with around $100.00 to $150.00 in each, dormant accounts used for various things. Nearly all of the bills were two months past due. For most businesses and residents, that means a cut off notice has been sent. Rent past due, electric, internet, fundraising software payment, lawn care service, water and trash service, and the campaign software sidekick was two month's past due. The only bill that was fairly caught up was the natural gas bill, likely because it was summer and quite small money.
The GOP had $4830.00 in past due bills for September. For October it was $20,984.83 with the $16.268.91 credit card bill added.
The total dept was $25,724.8 plus upcoming payroll.
They had been paying a front office lady around $2000 per month, $3000 to a political crony of Mclain for the executive director spot (not authorized actually), $1250 per month for someone to play around on Facebook for them, and they started out paying someone $2500 a month for “communications”, later reduced to $1000 per month. That was nearly $9000 per month in salaries, reduced in the last few months to around $7500.
Then on October 1st, Mclain fired the bookkeeper that was filing the Ethics Commission reports and the FEC reports and doing the general bookkeeping. McLain kept reducing her pay, $2500 down to $1500, before firing the woman for giving the Vice Chairman a copy of the books.
A few days later Mclain fired the front desk lady. No money to pay here and it is said that he thought she was leaking information to his opponents, AKA most grassroots Republicans.
But....but....Mclain said: “ as of today, I have documentation showing we have in excess of $20,000 in our account.”

And that wasn't a complete lie, he did have $20,000 in the bank because it had been wired to the GOP's bank account by the Republican National Committee that very day. Right before that bailout money came in there was $3150.38 in the bank and as it was the fifteen of the month the day before, there were paychecks floating that would have been almost $3000.00 and from the financial history we know they pay payroll before anything else. The reality is that the GOP was near dead broke on the 16th of October before that $20,000 wire transfer from the RNC arrived. That would be a lie by ommission by Mclain.
Even with the $20,000 Mclain knew he was still $5000 in debt. Yet Mclain used the bailout money to hide their financial mismanagement.

On October 2nd the bank account showed $48.51 in the bank right after the accountant was paid for their work that month.
As you can see, Vice Chairman Mike Turner didn't lie and he didn't exaggerate. By October 1st after the slashed payroll had been paid for September, Mclain was dead broke again, $48.51 in the main bank account and a rising credit card debt.
As for the electric service in danger, look at the bills Mclain paid right after he got the $20,000 RNC bailout money, two months of electric bills, two months of internet bills, and the unpaid natural gas bill. Mclain had been living hand to mouth for so long he was desperate to avoid the power being turned off. And he lied about it because it makes him look like white trash and he knows it.
The other part of the Mclain press release was the claim that the central committee called for Mike Turner's resignation. Impressive, no? No, it isn't, the central committee is composed of four people, McLain, Turner, Carolyn McLarty, and Steve Curry. Their job by the way is the day to day operations and nothing more, in fact they are supposed to be held in check and given marching orders by the Executive Committee, a much larger group of thirty odd people. McLarty is a big supporter of the City Elders bunch and who knows why Steve Curry added his name to the other two. Point being, they have zero role in leadership decisions and no mandate to call for anyone's removal. Second point, they themselves ought to be answering questions why they sat on their hands and watched the slow train wreck into bankruptcy. Perhaps they ought to be removed as well?
Then on the Pat Campbell show, described as a train wreck by one Capitol insider. Mclain got on live radio and lied his rear end off . First he repeated the quasi lie about having $20,000 in the bank, repeated the lie about the electric service not being in danger of being cut off, then for good measure he blamed all his problems on “alt media”, code words for Sooner Tea Party and Sooner Politics Facebook group. He called us the “powers among us”.
Campbell brought Mclain back to the overdue bills and Mclain lied saying all the bills were paid, they weren't but the two electric bills were paid the same day the $20,000 RNC bailout money arrived. Then the radio host flat out said “$20,000 isn't Jack squat.” and noted that it would be gone in an instant on just one race.
Mclain tried to drag things back on safe ground, attacking the “alt media”, calling us profiteers claiming that the alt media had attacked all state chairmen including Randy Brogdon, a total lie of course. Both STP and Sooner Politics supported Brogdon through thick and thin.
Next Mclain bragged about winning with 70% of the convention vote, without mentioning that both STP and Sooner Politics were his biggest supporters and protectors till he turned on both groups to represent the City Elders brand of Republicans.
Next was the howler of the interview. Mclain stated that anyone can walk into the GOP office and look at the books, a neat trick as the office is almost always locked up these days, that they fired the bookkeeper for daring to share the books with the Vice Chairman, and that they are trying to remove the elected Vice Chairman for sharing the books with the media!
Pat Campbell brought up the $18,000 credit card debt. Actually it is at $19,400 as of today, and Pat reamed Mclain out over using a credit card instead of getting a loan and cheap interest rates. Mclain dodged and weaved, talking about building relationships and needing capital to raise money for the Party, how there was no list of donors for him to call, something that Pat called him out on but Mclain insisted was true. It wasn't true of course, the donor records are all on file and on the Ethics Commission reports filed back a decade or longer, every quarter, every donor.
By this point Mclain is stumbling badly. Mclain started making wild promises, thirty to forty five days till all the credit card debt is “leveraged out”. What is leveraged? That means covered by a loan....
Next is where Mclain really, really, started lying to Pat Campbell. Mclain said that all the credit card debt was for two trips to D.C. and North Carolina for RNC purposes, for the Enid Candidate College, and for building remodeling. Mclain was trying to get Pat off his ass, claiming the money was invested and not for the day to day operations. Which was a total lie, see the GOP credit card statements below:

The screen shot above is from the GOP May 2019 credit card statement. You see basic monthly expenses like the phone bill and Direct Mail Systems fundraising expenses.

The credit card statement above shows more monthly expenses being paid with the credit card like for newsletters, paying Greg Bacca the Communications Director, even a payment to Walmart for who knows what.

The credit card statement screen shot above shows the phone bill, another Walmart purchase, a rather expensive coffee shop, Best Buy, a bar b que restaurant, and another payment to Greg Bacca.

The credit card statement above shows website hosting costs, Pike Pass, Panera Bread, more fundraising costs, another Walmart purchase, another phone bill, Hobby Lobby, and and an expensive seafood meal in Oklahoma City.

The credit card statement above shows more monthly costs like Office Depot, Whole Foods (???), Pike Pass, more fundraising services, Ethics Commission filing costs, and more Mail Chimp newsletter emailing costs.

The credit card statement shows more fund raising, Pike Pass, Mail Chimp, fundraising, web hosting, and another phone bill.

The screen shot above is the back page of the September bank statement, showing how for nearly two weeks the GOP had around $2500 and no doubt they were holding that for a payroll due on the 1st of October, a payroll that would have been around $4500 had they not fired the two ladies.
Next up was the travel expenses. What Mclain didn't tell Campbell was that he took two other people to the two RNC events, an entourage, like the dude is a rapper or high government official. Mclain had the GOP pay for his wife's air fare and hotel stay, renting a second $300 to $400 a day room for Tom Demont!

The screen shot at the top is from the GOP General Ledger, showing some of the travel expenses. Shown on the bottom are the expenses for executive director Tom Demont, another $4204.42 in travel costs including $300 or $400 a night hotel rooms. That is $10,711.42 in travel costs, sending three people, Mclain, his wife Allee, and Tom Demont.
Mclain continued to stumble badly in the interview, he was nervous and stammering at times. So he went back to blaming the “alt media”, liberal terms for describing fictional enemies. He repeated the lie about both groups attacking Brogdon and called us the “enemies within”. Yet at no time did he dare utter either name. He stammered on about the central committee, not saying it was just two other people that agreed with him, in fact you wouldn't be wrong if most people assumed that it was a large independent committee.
Mclain claimed that Turner hadn't been involved, a complete and total lie, both STP and Sooner Politics had a long conference call with Mclain in June and smoothed over some problems and both groups thought that Mclain was going to keep his word and work with the Vice Chair instead of freezing him out and paying Tom Demont to replace the elected Vice Chairman. Mclain railed about Turner going to the media without admitting that Turner first went to Mclain, then next to the central committee, months earlier. In fact, that central committee had been given a promise that both Holly Gerard and Tom Demont were temporary and that both would be gone in two weeks. This was in August... September..... half of October.... and both are still there.
And a side story that has not been told yet. Vice Chairman Mike Turner had appointed STP leader Al Gerhart to one of his five Executive Committee slots after the election, at the time with Mclain's support as a pay back for helping both win the elections. Now the Executive Committee is largely powerless but it does have an advisory role and prevents the Chairman from running too wild and from appointing people to vacancies in county GOP groups without some supervision. Yet having someone that won't back down and has a huge audience is crucial for keeping things transparent. At the last convention there was some controversy after Pam Pollard attempted to force some last minute rule changes upon the Convention without the required multi day notice and advance copies so the counties could discuss the rule changes before voting on them. That got rubber stamped by the Executive Committee the night before the convention, so it was a perfect slot for the STP leader.
But Mclain drove a bargain when asked to get rid of his $3000 a month useless executive director Tom Demont and to remove Holley Gerard from the Victory 2020 campaign leadership because she was a known never Trumper. Mclain demanded that the STP leader be removed from the Executive Committee before a single meeting had been held. For no reason, for no cause, just do this or I keep the never Trumper and the $3000 a month useless mouth to feed. Later Mclain asked the leader of Sooner Politics to serve on the Budget Board only to strip the guy of that office a few days later. There you have Mclain throwing the two major reasons he was elected under the bus for no reason.
Well, there was a reason. The City Elder group and OCPAC had problems with both groups and wanted them gone and marginalized. Some say that Mclain had no choice, if the City Elders and OCPAC's Charlie Meadows came after him so Mclain had to throw both of the men that had ensured he won the election under the bus. In Mclain's Pat Campbell show rant he talks about others wanting to control the GOP, well they do, City Elders, OCPAC, and the rest of the radical abolitionists and dominion theologians.
When contacted after this went down, David Mclain refused to return calls or texts. That is when STP started searching and researching and found out that Mclain was a board member of the City Elders group. At that point STP and Sooner Politics had created a monster, a radical “christian” abolitionist had control over the GOP and was busy installing as many dominion theology leaders as possible into the system.
So for the third or fourth time in the interview on Pat Campbell's show, Mclain repeats his $20,000 in the bank account lie and called again for the Vice Chair's removal from office. Pat asked Mclain if Turner had called for his removal which elicited a prompt and enthusiastic “Yes!” followed a few seconds later by waffling and an eventual “I don't know.” Mclain is so used to lying it comes automatic but caution got the better of him on that exchange so he backed off the lie.
Mclain finishes up railing against the enemies within, promising to “expose them”. What follows was hilarious. Pat is saying, well, here is your chance. Name them now! Mclain responds along the line of you know who they are and Pat says “But I am not the Chair!” Mclain dares not mention the two group's name, probably because Pat might put one or both on the air the next morning to refute the lies.
Then in the afternoon Mclain really screwed up. He had promised Channel 9 to drop by on the way through OKC to Dallas and do an interview. Then called and said he was “too busy”. Now he had already dodged the Tulsa World, deferring all questions to the GOP lawyer. Not smart....
Unknown to Mclain both Mike Turner and the bookkeeper did interview and both calmly but carefully laid out the facts after showing the reporters the same spreadsheets and ledgers as you have seen tonight in this very newsletter. The bookkeeper flat out says, we were broke, he fired me because he couldn't pay me and we were two months late on all the bills including the electric bill.

Mclain didn't start off in a hole on his finances. There was zero credit card debt and over $18,000 in the GOP bank account right after the convention in April when Mclain took over. By the first of May Mclain hadn't put much of a dent in the bank account, over $16,000 left near the end of May.

By June 20th though Mclain was running low on cash. $2503.10 was in the bank account but Mclain owed Tom Demont a $3000 paycheck so Mclain floated a check, AKA a hot check, for $496.90 more than he had in the bank account. He had a deposit the same day and as it was the middle of the month it might have been that Mclain had to wait till he raised some money before paying Demont.

McLain floated another check on August 8th, $366.36 overdrawn at the time he paid a $600.00 bill for FEC compliance. Once again he had some bailout money, looks like a couple of donors had given enough to allow Mclain to pay the $600.00 bill.

One section of the GOP General Ledger is instructive. Lankford had bailed out the GOP a few days prior to this screen shot, $10,000 donated to the GOP on the 22nd of July when Mclain was down to $303.85 and you can tell they were scratching for dollars to stay afloat because the minuteman donations were pulled in very small quantities, way under $100, instead of allowing them to build up to six or eight hundred dollars before transferring the money. Only $1552.04 came in, nearly all of it in scheduled Minute Man donations that are monthly donations for $10.00 or so. The thousands of dollars in payroll continued while Mclain refused to call donors and raise money for day to day operations, his primary job by the way. You can see Mclain burn through Lankford's donation till $45.81 remained in the bank account. Luckily the accountant was paid before they were broke again.
And after all of this, we still haven't done the story on Mclain's state tax problems a few years back. We will get to it. Time wounds all heels.
What you can do is this, contact your State Representative and State Senator and your County GOP Chair and Vice Chair. Ask them to support the removal of a proven liar and a disaster of a GOP Chairman. If you are donating to the GOP, stop the automatic payments and hold them back until we get a new chairman. Even then, if you don't see them focusing on Congressional District 5 to get the Democrat replaced and if you don't see them supporting Trump continue to withhold your donations till the Party is functional again.